Having a German shepherd chasing constantly on vehicles, animals, and human beings can be very embarrassing, annoying, and worse, frustrating. You are an owner and you are faced with this particular problem again and again and again. Do not blame yourself and think of ways to stop, or at least minimize this, instead, before it's too late.
While performing ways to alleviate German shepherd chasing concerns, there is one thing you must observe all the time- think like a dog! Therefore, as an owner, you must be equipped with sufficient knowledge about the dog breed and you must enter into his mindset. This way, you will be able to understand the behavioral traits associated with German shepherds.
First, we must look at the reasons behind the German shepherd chasing habit.
German shepherd anxiety
German shepherd chasing aggressively may be brought about by German shepherd anxiety. However, when everything does not seem to work anymore, seek professional help immediately. When they see joggers, bikers, cats, vehicles, and other moving objects, they would either run away or bark to make them go away since they are perceived to be threats.
Your German shepherd may also look at strange things as preys, that is why he would keep on German shepherd chasing at them
Variation sentence 1.
Playful nature
Any type of dogs, not only German shepherds, do chase a lot. On some occasion, your Shepherd puppy may perceive strangers as probable playmates. Hence, they would be inclined to join in the game of running or hiding. Then, German shepherd chasing follows.
Since German shepherds are, by nature, playful and athletic, German shepherd chasing is not always intended to harm others. However, whatever the reason may be, it is important to control this action to ensure everybody's safety.
Being aware of the possible causes of Germans shepherd chasing issues, then, let us now proceed with three methods to stop it. Remember to provide positive reinforcement for every successful job.
Get your German shepherd's attention
While training German shepherd to stop German shepherd chasing, make sure that he is free from distractions so he could focus his attention on you. Make sure he understands at his own pace what you are trying to tell him.
Call your German shepherd with his name so he would get comfortable with your companion. If he does a good job, offer him his favorite food or a chew toy. It may take some time to get the necessary connection with the animal, but keep on practicing until the goal is achieved.
German shepherd obedience training
Set yourself as a leader to your German shepherd puppy so he would have someone to guide him along the way. When you take him out for a walk, instruct him to sit calmly by your side, especially when there are passersby or anything unfamiliar that is approaching him. Do not forget to reward him for a job well done.
If you are consistent at all times, your German shepherd dog will get used to being well-behaved in public. In the coming days, you can go outside of the house anytime without worrying that German shepherd chasing cars and cyclists will occur.
At four months old, your German shepherd dog is ready for German shepherd obedience classes where he could learn useful lessons and will provide him opportunities to interact with other canines and people.
German shepherd leash training
The leash is one tool that can help you control your German shepherd's rebellious actions, particularly German shepherd c hasing. You too can make use of a simple, perfect-fitting collar, but see to that it is not harsh to the Shepherd puppy.
As soon as he reaches ten weeks of age, leash training your German shepherd can be initiated. Every time your German shepherd is about to chase a bicycle or a person, hold his leash tightly, stop and say "No" to him sternly. If he realizes that you are not pleased with his action and stops, lavish him with praises and give him loads of treats.
Solving the German shepherd chasing habit does not happen over night. Be patient enough and in due time, you will see the fruits of your toil. However, when everything does not seem to work anymore, seek for professional help immediately.