Friday, 30 September 2011

German Shepherd Dog Training

The one dog that has the potential to do just about anything is the German shepherd. A well trained, correctly bred German shepherd can turn into the kind of dog that you are looking for; a wonderful pet for the family, competitive obedience dog, or a trained attack dog, you name it and they can probably do it. All around working skills is what this breed of dog was designed for. German shepherd dog training will be the glue that holds the pieces together.

German Shepherd Dog Training

These great dogs are capable of learning at the early age of seven weeks old. As long as the commands are simple, the puppys brain is able to begin to absorb them at seven weeks old; an important note to remember is it will take awhile for the body to catch up. Teach your puppy games that he will enjoy for years to come.

Exercise will help your dog improve physically and mentally. Its fun to teach tricks and enjoyable to do. Your dog will become more self assured the more he learns. Your dog will learn new commands and signals that can used at a later time. Offer your dog treats while teaching tricks. As your puppy matures, doing some tricks for some praise will be very exciting for him.

German shepherd training is best done with positive methods. Training your dog without hurting them is the best way. Positive training uses positive reinforcements to reach the desired behavior. Training your dog using the positive method doesnt mean the dog gets to do whatever it wants to do. Acceptable behavior allows them to get their reward. Using positive training produces a dog that is happy and eager. Positive training lets your dog obey out of trust. Your dog and you will become a team.

Tips for Training Your German Shepherd

Leash Training

In the beginning, while walking your dog, they might want to carry the leash in their mouth. They can carry the leash for the first few times, but arent allowed to chew on it. While holding the leash in your left hand, keep the dog to your left side. The dog should always be trained with short lessons. It could take several lessons before the dog starts to figure out leash training.

T he Sit and The Down

Positive training using treats for teaching the sit. The treat is held in front of the dogs nose, and then lift it up and back. This helps the dog fold his legs under him. While youre using the treat to get him to sit, dont forget to say sit. When the dog sits give him his treat.

You start in the sit position, when teaching the down. Slowly move the treat down and forward in front of the dog. The dog will lower his front legs. Dont forget to say down, while lowering the treat andafter the dog lays down reward with the treat and lots of praise.

In Closing

Many German shepherd dogs have been ruined by incorrect training or lack of training. The experience that you have in training these dogs will be very exciting. Living with a well trained German shepherd dog is a trip of a life time.

German Shepherd Dog Training

Thursday, 29 September 2011

2009 German Shepherd Dog Sieger Show in Ulm: An impressive event but far too many dogs with poor temperaments

The 2009 German Shepherd Dog Sieger Show in Ulm: An impressive event but too many dogs withpoor temperaments.

By Dennis Fisher.

The annual German Shepherd Dog Sieger Show held in Germany every year is a spectacular event. The finest German Shepherds from Germany and also from many other countries are exhibited. The title Sieger is awarded to the top, adult male and the title Siegerin to the best female.

This event, that takes place annually in various cities Germany, is held in a huge sports stadium, often a soccer stadium. It attracts thousands of dedicated enthusiasts from all over the world - China, Australia, India, South Africa, Russia, and in fact every country of the world where the German Shepherd Dog is bred.

This year it was held in Ulm at the Donau Sport Stadium and it was it was extremely well organized affair.

I have been attending these Sieger Shows since the 1970s and this was one of the most enjoyable Sieger shows I have attended. One of the reasons was because the weatherin Ulm on this occasions was absolutely ideal. Another reason was because the hotel at which my wife and I stayed, the Maritim, is conveniently located within walking distance of the Show, making it very easy to attend every day.

Over the years I have seen a remarkable improvement in the quality of the dogs being exhibited. There is no doubt that top German Shepherd Dog show winners today are more strikingly handsome, athletic animals than they have ever been. They are so uniform in appearance that judges, for the most part, are only able to separate them by paying attention to minor faults in construction.

The Sieger this year, Vegas du Haut Mansard, a dog that also won the title last year, was a worthy winner. He is an absolute superb specimen. His spectacular, ground-covering gait and effortless movement impressed the huge, enthusiastic crowd.

An impressive feature of Vegas was his strong temperament that he demonstrated in the test of courage that all adult dogs are obliged to pass before being considered for high honors.

In this "test of courage" all the dogs exhibited at the Show, in the adult class are threatened, individually, with a stick by an "assailant", suitably protected with a padded arm and protective clothing. If the dogs show any hesitation or nervousness they fail and are placed in a very low position.

An unfortunate feature of this Sieger Show was that there was an unusually high number of dogs that failed this test.

The German Shepherd Dog, not so long ago, had a reputation of being a breed of dog, not only beautiful in appearance, but also an excellent guard dog with a very strong protective instinct.

Unfortunately however, in recent years many breeders appear to have concentrated too much on breeding a beautiful animal with a spectacular ground-covering gait and ne glected temperament.

Many German Shepherd Dogs today appear to have lost the natural, in-born, protective instinct that was once a highly regarded feature of the breed. There are far too many German Shepherd Dogs that are of no value as guard dogs.

A German Shepherd Dog with a strong, protective nature must not be confused with and over-aggressive animal. This type of temperament is frequently the result of timidity and nervousness, rather than bold, self-confidence.


Ideally, a German Shepherd Dog should be an extremely self-assured animal, a loyal companion, devoted to family members, excellent with children, approachable and tolerant of strangers, but with a natural ability to discriminate between friend and foe and an instinctive ability to immediately recognize danger when it appears.

With appropriate training a dog with this temperament can be easily trained to respond to dangers than threaten members of the family.

It is also an unfortunate fact that in recent years, quite a large number of dogs entered in the annual "Sieger" Shows in Germany, failed to pass the "test of courage" which is an important feature of the Sieger Show.

At the 2007 "Sieger" Show, there were no less than 47 whose performances in this "test of courage" was not of a very high standard.

Last year, in 2008, the figure was somewhat better as there were only 36 who failed. This does show some improvement. It is disappointing to note however, that many of these animals, who failed, came from the very best show winning bloodlines in Germany.

This year, in 2009, the situation was considerably worse. Of the 350 males entered in the Open class there were no less than 63 that failed the test of courage.


It is clear that if there is to be an improvement in the natural, inborn protective instinct of the German Shepherd Dog, breeders must pay more attention to breeding from animals with strong temperaments. They should concentrate on animals that have performed particularly well in the test of courage at Sieger shows and make use of these bloodlines.

Because of the limited scope of this article its not possible to go into detail about the bloodlines of the winning dogs and the dogs that failed the test of courage. If you would like to know more about these animals you are invited to visit my website

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Six Solutions To Block German Shepherd Biting Problems For Good

Fixing German shepherd biting issues is something that owners should be knowledgeable of and give their full attention. German shepherd dogs are dynamic and large-sized breeds, hence, their handlers must provide appropriate measures in protecting themselves while in close contact with these canines.

German shepherds are smart and versatile dogs. German shepherd biting issues need to be resolved as early as possible before it's too late. However, the entire process may take weeks or even months before the desired results are achieved since German shepherds cannot automatically learn house lessons.

While German Shepherd biting may occur naturally as part of growth and development, unfortunately, its source can also be German shepherd aggression. Fear, pain and strange sights may trigger him to do this particular behavior. On the flipside, there are several solutions to this alarming issue.

Six Solutions To Block German Shepherd Biting Problems For Good:

First solution: Obtain detailed information regarding German shepherd dogs before deciding to own one. Take note that each and ever dog breed has its own particulars and it is not safe to assume that one method is applicable to another kind. Therefore, you should have a pre-planned German shepherd training strategies to alleviate German shepherd biting issues right before you bring your new Shepherd puppy home.

This type of breed, however, is not suitable for novice raisers due to the high demands that come with it. They have certain mental and physical requirements to keep their body and mind always on the go.

Second solution: During the first days of the German shepherd's existence in this world, he is kept under his mother's custody, together with his siblings. It is through them that he primarily learns about a handful of things such as food hunting and self-defense. This is also the period of time when he first learns about the concept of socialization and German shepherd biting inhibition.

Owing to the fact that Shepherd dogs are social beings just like humans, they should also be provided interactive opportunities from time to time. At the age of ten weeks old, he is already receptive to new things and changes in the environment. A good German shepherd obedience training school is a perfect venue for him to communicate and mingle with a number of new canine friends.

Third solution: Let your German shepherd puppy stay in a place where he would feel comfortable and secured. Fear, which develops between 7 to 15 weeks of age, is the main cause why German shepherd biting happens, whether due to a sight of a strange person, animal, or any object that he perceives as a threat.

If you happen to have small pets around the house such as canaries and hamsters, it is best to introduce them to your Shepherd puppy early on to get him acclimated to them. This is also a way for him not to treat such animals as his prey.

When the German shepherd is fearful with other children riding bicycles, get him attuned to them. Allow him to watch them as they play but never let him go near them.

Fourth solution: Act as an Alpha dog. German shepherds need a leader to make them feel protected. In the wild, dogs come in packs with their top dog to guide them. Since you are now the leader in your home, your Shepherd puppy will look up to you as his protector from any harm, thus making him feel safe.

Moreover, having a leader to look after German shepherds help them to become tame, especially when anxiety attacks. You should give consist ent commands. If he starts to German shepherd chew or bite your hand, tell him to stop in a loud yet relaxed voice.

Fifth solution: Positive reinforcement is proven to be the most effective tool to motivate your German shepherd dogs to follow your directions. This is also true with most dog breeds. As soon as your German shepherd puppy quits German shepherd biting furniture or any object, shower him with praises and surprise him with his favorite food.

Rewards can be in the form of treats and non-material ways such as bringing him to a long afternoon walk and playing interactive games with him.

If you have tried all of the solutions above yet did not change the disturbing German shepherd biting behavior at all, seeking professional help from a veterinarian or an expert dog trainer is highly recommended.

Four Guaranteed Steps To Crack German Shepherd Aggression Problems

German shepherds are handsome dog breeds, but German shepherd aggression may come up with absence of correct German shepherd training. In fact, this can be a serious problem in many canines. As early as six weeks of age, they can become aggressive since this is a critical point in time in which they meet other dogs and strangers.

German shepherd aggression problems can be attributed to a lot of things and they should not be ignored nor tolerated. Nevertheless, despite their intimidating features, German shepherds are eager to learn and can be easily trained when they are in the right hands. The sooner the training is started, the greater the chance for them to become well mannered and great family dogs.

What triggers German shepherd aggression?

Genetics and heredity are known to be contributors of German shepherd aggression as well as with other breeds of canines. German shepherd dogs have a high tendency toward hostility. However, this does not apply at all times.

Some German shepherd dogs become destructive and intense due to past traumatic experiences. They may be abused by their previous trainers while they are still young. Any undesirable treatment and bad environment may aggravate their harshness to other dogs and people.

Lack of socialization is also a contributing factor for German shepherd aggression. Being sociable by nature, these canines interact with their mothers and siblings, their littermates, during their first two months. When they are separated from their families, they tend to develop aggressive behaviors and eventually become distrustful to new animals and human beings.

German shepherd dogs believe in the pack culture. They look for someone to become their Alpha dog. Once their owners miss to establish leadership during puppyhood years, these animals may do everything as they please because they are not directed appropriately.

Certain diseases or ailments may also contribute to German shepherd aggression. When they experience sickness, it may cause them discomfort, thereby turning them into violent canines. Therefore, routine check-up with a veterinarian is recommended.

Since German shepherd aggression can be dangerous and even life-threatening, here are five guaranteed steps to stop this problem now before it's too late:

Step one: German shepherd aggression can be avoided by German shepherd training your canine at a young age, whether through verbal commands, hand signals, or other methods. Younger German shepherd puppies are easier to train than the adult ones because they have the greater capacity to learn quickly.

Moreover, older German shepherd dogs tend to become heavier and their actions may be hard to control. Remember to treat the animal with gentleness and affection during the entire German shepherd training procedure to build their trust in you. Another thing, do not eliminate the Shepherd puppy from its litter mates until they reach the 8th week.

Step two: Become your German shepherd's leader while he is still young. One of the best ways to prevent German shepherd aggression issues is for you to set the rules and boundaries and be consistent at all times. Start with one-word commands like sit, stay and heel, and proceed to the more difficult level as he improves.

If your German shepherd is about to German shepherd bite or is German shepherd jumping on other people, say "No" to him firmly and let him sit and stay. If he complies, praise him madly and pat him on his head. Offer him treats so that he will link rewards with obeying your commands.

Step three: Allow the German shepherd puppy to interact with other canines and people. Make him get used to a new environment. German shepherd aggressive behaviors such as German shepherd biting, German shepherd nipping, German shepherd gnawing and German shepherd barking may be the animal's means of self-defense.

Walk the German shepherd frequently in public places and let him play with other dogs. Retain a regular feeding schedule. German shepherd obedience classes are also good venues for him to exercise his social skills.

Step four: Because German shepherd aggression may result from abusive treatment, any form of punishment such as yelling, hitting, slapping, paddling and others are discouraged. That is why trainers should have extra patience in dealing with this type of breed.

When your German shepherd displays faulty acts, saying "No" and "shhh" when he barks loudly without being violent are preferable ways to make him behave as you wish.

Eliminating German shepherd aggressive behaviors as early as possible can save both animal and human lives. Well behaved German shepherds make the owners at ease and feel safe everywhere they go. If German shepherd aggression concerns persist, consult a professional dog trainer immediately.

Top Five Secrets Why German Shepherd Works Now!

German shepherd clicker training is a modern technique for dog training that emphasizes on teaching German shepherds proper etiquette. In this method, trainers charge the clicker by repeatedly clicking followed by giving a treat at once. Through this, the German shepherd links the sound with a reward and encourages him to do well.

In German shepherd clicker training, the trainer uses the clicking device every time the German shepherd displays a positive attitude or obeys a command. Once he recognizes what a click means, it signals his readiness to learn new behaviors. This method of positive reinforcement may be used to train German shepherds basic tricks such as sit, heel, down, and stay.

German shepherd clicker training may not be the best option for some trainers because this process requires good timing. They must click at the exact moment that the behavior is seen. However, many still do this because it does not necessitate any physical force. So, it is ea sy to use in large doge breeds like German shepherds. . This article will reveal to you the five secrets why German shepherd clicker training works efficiently:

Secret one:

One major advantage of German shepherd clicker training is that it strengthens the dog-owner relationship as well as the communication with each other. German shepherd dogs that undergo this method are absolutely pain-free. Unlike any other discipline oriented training system that brings punishment when doing the wrong thing.

German shepherd puppies will try to experiment different things in the hope that they will find the behavior that brings a reward. They can behave well even without the use of any cruel training measures.

Secret two:

German shepherd clicker training is effective because German shepherd dogs are eager to please their owners. This means that they are willing to work on the training procedures. Also, they will enjoy the reward, praises and attention that are given to them during the training sessions.

Before the German shepherd clicker training is initiated, you must load your pocket with treats and prepare yourself with clicker. You should always be ready anywhere you and your German shepherd dog go. You must be able to click the clicker as quickly as possible so that the right action will be identified before rewarding it.

Secret three:

Positive reinforcement should always be present in German shepherd clicker training. This is a major factor in growing a good guard dog and house dog in the future. This also allows you to focus on the good behavior rather than the bad ones. You will be able to foster the preferred attitudes more rapidly than waiting for the negative ones to appear before correcting them.

German shepherd dogs that are well trained can sometimes become mischievous. When a treat is not being offered, they may do everything as they please. Because German shepherd clicker training does not focus on how to deal with misbehavior, you have to know how to deal with a bad conduct without undoing the positive training methods.

Secret four:

German shepherd dogs can learn complicated behavior patterns through German shepherd clicker training. Say for instance, if your want your canine to jump through a hoop, you may click even when he is just walking up to the hoop and then, give him a treat. Repeat this technique until the Shepherd dog will eventually be able to jump through a hoop.

A s the German shepherd dog learns a new trick to gain a reward, his attitude will be shaped in a positive manner and will strive to do better.

Secret five:

What is interesting about German shepherd clicker training is that it is fun, easy and cheap that even children can be great clicker trainers. Treats do not necessarily have to be costly. A piece of toast will do.

The clicker strategy is effective and dog-friendly. It does not involve harsh punishment. Aside from that, the German shepherd's mind will be stimulated and helps to avoid German shepherd aggression such as German shepherd biting and German shepherd jumping on other people.

With the right German shepherd clicker training methods, your German shepherd will certainly learn how to respond to hand signal and verbal cues in the long run. This is guaranteed safe not only for German shepherd dogs but to other canine breeds as well.

Interesting Facts about the German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd Dog is one of the most popular breeds in the world. It consistently rates among the most common household pets in the US and UK, predominantly due to its vast intelligence, loyalty and obedience. Below are some interesting facts about a popular, but often misunderstood breed.

Today, German Shepherd Dogs are used in numerous countries as police dogs. Due to their breeding, the German Shepherd enjoys working with humans and loves to be active. However, it is partly due to its work as a police dog that the breed has a fearsome reputation. Although they make splendid working dogs, they are equally suited to family life and can be wonderful companions.

As the name suggests, the German Shepherd Dog has its origins in Germany as a herding animal. However, until the 19th century, there was no standardization of dog breeds in Europe. An advocate of standardization, Max von Stephanitz, had very clear views about the physical form and character traits of the ideal working dog. By chance, he found the dog that matched his ideal, purchased it and used it as a breeding animal. Stephanitz founded the German Shepherd Dog Society and is credited with creating the breed.

Through a careful breeding program, Max von Stephanitzs first German Shepherd, Horand, produced numerous pups. This second generation was also selectively bred, leading to the birth of Beowulf, who is an ancestor of all subsequent German Shepherd Dogs.

Comparedwith most breeds of dog, the German Shepherd is a relatively modern addition. Established in 1899, the breed was not recognized by UK Kennel Clubs until 1908.

The breeds popularity exploded after the conclusion of the First World War. Returning soldiers spoke very highly of the breed, which led to a dramatic rise in the number of German Shepherd Dogs in the UK.

Ironically, after World War 1, an epidemic of anti-German sentiment led to the UK Kennel Club changing the name of the German Shepherd Dog. Shortly after the war, the breed was registered under the name Alsatian Wolf Hound. However, the name was soon shortened to Alsatian and adopted by many Kennel Clubs around the world. It was not until 1977 that the name German Shepherd Dog was restored.

The German Shepherd can be found in a variety of colors. The most common color combinations are tan and black or red and black. However, it is also possible to have all black, all white , blue, brindle, sable, liver and panda.

In some quarters, the all white German Shepherd is not deemed acceptable, because its color would not allow it to herd effectively or be seen in wintry conditions.

According to Kennel Club specifications, the German Shepherd Dog should have a long muzzle with a black nose, medium sized eyes that are brown in color and large erect ears. Other noticeable features of the German Shepherd Dog is the bushy tail, which should reach to the hock and the long neck, which is outstretched when the dog is excited.

Max von Stephanitz was very particular about which dogs he bred and was implicit that defects should be bred out quickly. Today, however, with a lack of breeding regulations, some terrible defects have crept into the breed. Subsequently, hip dysplasia, missing teeth and a number of other ailments can affect the German Shepherd Dog.

Despite their fearsome reputation, the evidence for aggression in G erman Shepherd Dogs is refuted by reputable source, including the American Veterinary Medical Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most owners find that the German Shepherd is docile, loyal and obedient. If properly trained, they are happy to share their home with other animals and although naturally wary of strangers, a German Shepherd is not viscous or aggressive by nature.

If youre looking for a loyal, devoted and loving family pet, you cant go far wrong with a German Shepherd. However, prospective owners are advised to research the breed and ensure that you can provide the right home for a dog.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Eight Top Tips For Training Germans Shepherd Dogs

You must start training your shepherd the first day you bring him home. The sooner he learns that you are in control, the better he'll behave.

German shepherds are smart and by their nature want to please. Spend time taking walks with him, training him and giving him lots of love. You get what you put in. If the two of you spend lots of time together, a bond will form that will last for life. Remember, he's your new best friend and deserves the time, attention and proper training.

Here are some of my top tips for training German shepherd dogs:

Tip One: Keep your German shepherd at a healthy weight.

Older German shepherds are prone to diabetes, arthritis, joint and dysplasia problems so it's important to give your dog lots of exercise and not let him get too fat.

One of the best tips for training German shepherd dogs is that leaner and fitter shepherd live longer and healthier lives. Too much weight and too little exercise is bad on their heart s and hips.

Don't spoil your dog with "people food" that's often too sweet, spicy or fatty for him to properly digest. A great tip for training German shepherd dogs is to only feed him dog bones and dog food. Find which brand he does best with and stick to it.

Too much weight on his joints can aggravate hip problems as he ages making it hard for him to walk, run and "do his business". Lean German shepherds live longer and are much happier dogs.

Tip Two: Another important tip for training German shepherd dogs is monitor your dog's health. Preventive medicine will save you money, time and aggravation.

Check him regularly for fleas and ticks. Brush his teeth. Keep him well groomed. Check his stools for stomach disorders. Monitor your dog for signs that he might not be feeling well. Heading health problems off at the pass will keep your best friend healthier and happier.

Tip Three: Brush your German shepherd several times a week. Don't just brush his surface fur. It's important to remove his undercoat every six months. Use a clean wire brush. Brush firmly but be careful not to hurt him. It's best to make brushing an experience that he looks forward to. It'll make it easier for you and more pleasant for him.

He'll feel much better and your house will have less dog hair so you'll breathe better too. Spend more time brushing your German shepherd and less time vacuuming.

Tip Four: German shepherds don't need many baths. When you do bath him, make sure not to get soap in his eyes. Dry him well and brush him out after his bath. Good grooming will make him feel better and prevent many skin allergies.

Tip Five: Trim his nails every two weeks. Do this to avoid joint and foot problems. He'll be happier when he takes walks with you when his feet, nails and pads are less sensitive to the jolting they take on long walks and runs. The better he feels, the more fun both of you will have taking long walks together. Just as you wouldn't take a long walk in dress shoes, keeping his nails trimmed reduces many problems that would otherwise arise.

Tip Six: Another great way to train German shepherd dogs is to always treat your best friend with love and respect. German shepherds are smart and want to please. The more love you give him...the more he'll love you.

Treat him like your best friend and he'll become one. Always think of things to make his life more healthy and enjoyable. The more time you spend together...the closer the two of you will become. Your German shepherd is your best friend. Always treat him with the love an d respect that you would give those you care most about...with love and respect.

Tip Seven: German shepherd love to be the leader of their pack (you). Spend lots of time together and give him lots of love. Keep him close by when you're home. He'll be happiest being close to you. The best place for your new best friend to sleep at night is on the floor in your bedroom. You're his Alpha Dog and he wants to be near you as much as possible.

Tip Eight: Take your German shepherd to dog training classes. He'll learn to socialize with other people and dogs. A dog that likes people is much less likely to have aggression problems. Both of you will learn basic commands at class. The more time you practice with your German shepherd at home the better. The best part of taking him to obedience school is the strong bond that will be created between you and your best friend.

If you work on these tips, your German shepherd will be obedient and become your new best friend. I t'll be time well spent. Your dog will live a long, healthy and happy life and you'll form a close bond that the two of you will enjoy for the rest of his life.

What do German Shepherd Dog judges look for when judging the breed?

What do German Shepherd Dog judges look for when judging the breed?

By Dennis Fisher.

As someone who has a been a specialist German shepherd Dog for many years, this is a question I have been asked many times especially by people who have only recently become interested in the breed.

What I have always found quite amusing is that they often hope to receive a very short answer of no more than ten sentences!

It is possible to give a brief answer that covers the main features of the breed. But in order to provide useful information for people, seriously interested in the breed, who would like to becoming involved in the Show scene, it will be necessary to go into much greater detail.

Although there issome variation in the methods used by different German Shepherd Judges, especially those living in different parts of the world, there isfar more uniformity now than there used to be some years ago.

Of course the individual preferences of judges and the emphasis they place on certain features will influence their final placings to some extent, but ,generally speaking, present-day German Shepherd Dog judges all over the world adop[t a very similar approach.

WhenGerman Shepherd Dog Judges, enter the show ring andare presented withthe entries,- even before the dogs are required to gait - there is one feature they immediately look. And that is symmetry, correct proportions and balance.

Ever since the first German Shepherd Dog bred by von Stephanitz in Germany and registered in 1899, the emphasis has always been onthe German Sheherd dog'sworking abilities

Because of this, the structure of the dog has been designed to provide the maximum efficiency of movement and the physical characteristics necessary to carry out the work for which it was intended.

This can only be achieved if the dog is well-proportioned and balanced. Only then canwill move in the most efficient manner.

This emphasis on themechancis of movementis a unique feature of the German Shepherd. No other breed attaches as much importance to this as the German Shepherd.

The breed standards of other breeds are largely based onaesthetic requirements and personal interpretation of what constitutes "beauty". The standard of the German Shepherd Dog however, is based, to a very large extent on the concept of "utility"

Because of this, when Judges are presented with a large number of dogs as they enter the Show ring, the most important feature they look for is for balanced proportions.

Even before the dogs are required to start moving and gaiting in the ring, the judges will take a quick glance over all the dogs and immediately form an opinionwith regard to their proportions

TheJudges will cast an eye over all the dogs, as they walk, and make an asessment andwith regard to the balance of their structure and their proportions. Do they posess the correct front angulation and rear angulation as laid down by the standard?

In some ways judging German Shepherd Dogs can be comparedto the judging process in a Mr. Universe or a Miss Universe contest. This may appear to be a ridiculous comparison. But there are definitelycertain similarities.

Even though there are going to be huge variations in the opinions of the Judges in a human contest because of individual preferences; because of national preferences and because there is no such things as written standards,the question of balance, proportions and symmetrynevertheless still play an important role.

To take an exaggeratedly simple example, in a Mr. Universe contest, if the contestant's legs are clearly not as well-developed as the rest of his body, the balance and the symmetry are not going to be as visually attractive and appealing as those of a well-proportioned, well-balanced, symmetrical, athletically built contestant.

This applies equally to a Miss Universe Contest.

In a German Shepherd Dog conformation show, the judge immediately looks for balanced proportions, even while the dogs are standing and certainly while walking.

What are balanced proportions in a German Shepherd Dog? There must be a harmony and balance between the front angulation and the hind angulation as laid down by the standard.

There is a sound practical, mechanical reasons for this not merely based on individual interpretations of aesthetic, but on mechanical considerations.

If the front angulation and the rear angulation of the dog approximates the written standard as nearly as possible., the animals is SHOULD be able to move with the maximum efficiency with the greatest economy of movement.

The word SHOULD has been highlighted for a reason.

Theoretically, the well-balanced dog that presents a beautiful well-balanced picture when standing, should be able to move easily and effortless. But this is not always the case.

Very often once the dog starts to move and gait - as is required by the Judge a softness in back becomes obvious; or the hocks are very loose, and as a result of loose ligaments, or there is insufficient front reach and lack of rear thrust because of weakness of ligaments; or simply lack of condition.

All specialist German Shepherd Dog Judges no matter in which part of the world they are judging - regard movement as the most important aspect in their judging. The dog that is correctly constructed from the point of view of angulation, that also moves with the greatest fluidity and balance, is going to be placed over others that do not able to move as well.

This is the general principles and this is the easiest feature for the novice to recognize. It is comparatively simple for even the novice to recognize a really top quality show specimen.

The dog will stand out and will quite clearly be better balanced that most of the others in the class.

Anyone who has ever attended an important German Shepherd Dog will be aware of this.

As an example, at the annual German National Show for Shepherds, the annual Sieger Show in 2008 and 2009, one dog Vegas du Haut Mansard, was co clearly superior in movement to the others in the Open classes, he was the obvious choice as Grand Championin both years and corned the "Sieger", on both occasions..

It's relatively easy, even for the novice, to recognize an almost faultless dog. Where the difficulty arises is in the judging of dogs that have faults which all dogs have even "Vegas"!

This is where there is a variation in the opinions of even the most experienced judges. This is where there are fairly wide differences in opinions, based on individual emphasis on different features.

Even though the standard lists faults very clearly; and some faults are so serious they are regarded as disqualifying faults, there are such a wide range of minor faults, there is no established ways of weighting the relative importance these faults.

These faults can range of faults such as slightly loose elbows, when the dog is viewed coming towards you; to slight looseness of hocks when the dogs moves away; slight softness of pasterns, ear carriage that is good but not 100% perfect, a croup that is slightly steep and not angled at 23 degrees which is the desired angle as laid down by the standard; a shoulder that is fairly well-angulated butwith an upper-arm that could be a little longer by not as perfect as one wish; an eye that is not quite as dark as it should be; a slight fading in colour.

It is difficult to establish to what degree the dog should be ;enalised because of these faults and whether the minor fault in one dog is as serious as the minor fault in another. How should thisinfluencethe finalplacing of these dogs? .

The Judge is called upon not only to notice these faults, but also to make an individual assessment of how important these minor faults are in comparison with the minor faults of other dogs in the class.

I can recall quite clearly an incident in which I was involved in which my judging was at variance with that of three experienced German judges. The reason for this was because my assessment of the fault shown by dog that I judged was different to theirs.

The incident happened, some years ago, when I was the only non-German invited to a judge a series of four Shows that took place over a long week-end. Three of the others Judges were well-known, highly regarded experienced German judges who judged the first three Shows. I had been invitged to judge the fourth Show.

In the open bitch class that I judge, there was a very beautiful, well-balanced top quality bitch that immediately took my eye. Although she was somewhat over-angulated with a very long stifle, she was quite clearly an excellent animal.

In side gait she was outstanding, with very good forward reach and excellent hind thrust. But when I move the animals away from me I noticed the hocks were so loose, she actually crossed over.

My marshalling steward, who happened to be an all-breed judge, was in the ring with me while I judged. I was very amused at the comment he made as the animal was asked to move way from me. "Goodness, if her hocks were flints she would catch alight!

I knew that the three German judges, who had judged the bitch on previous days, had placed her first. But in all honesty I couldn't bring myself to do so, and I placed her fourth. a relatively good position because it was a very large.

In my opinion, if utility and working ability was to be an important fact in judging, a bitch who moved in this way would tire easily and could not be expected to continue working with the maximum degree of efficiency as an animal with more sound movement.

The German Judges obviously, did not regard the fault as seriously as I had and paid more attention to her pther excellent qualities.

The breeder and owner was obviously very unhappy with my decisions: But years later I felt I was vindicated. Almost every one of this bitch's progeny exhibited this same serious fault of very loose, unsound hocks.

Although there are general principles which all specialist German Shepherd Dogs will adhere to, there are abound to be instances where personal preferences are going to play a part. Especially when it comes to the assessment of faults.

Obviously, the assessment of faults should not be on top of ones agenda in the judging process, and one should not place undue importance to this aspect, but they are factors that should not be ignored.

The questions of a dog's condition is also an important aspect of judging. In many instances an animal that is clearly of absolute top quality does not do as well as expected because towards the end of the extended gaiting the animal flagged and did not display the enthusiasm and drive one would like to see.

This is an aspect of Judging that a number of judged frequently make use of when they are unsure how to place animals.. They insist on continuous gaiting until one anima displays less enthusiasm than the others and this justifies their decision.

One final point with regard to Judging the German Shepherd.

Although it is of the greatest importance to know every feature of the standard, there is nothing that can replace the experienced Judge's ability to use his or her "eye" to assess the quality of the animal This is something that can only come with experience.

The Standard is open to a wide range of different interpretations. If one has to read the written standard that was accepted as the official standard of the German Shepherd Dog many years ago, and compare the written standard as it appears to day, one will notice very little changes.

But if one has to make a point of looking at the top quality winning dogs today and compare them with the top winning dogs of say twenty or thirty years ago, the difference is striking.
But the judging was done according to vitually the same standard!

Obvious it is not the standard itself that is of primary importance but one's interpretation of the standard.

As an exercise make a point of looking at photographs of the German Siegers of recent years, and compare them with photographs of the German Siegers of twenty and thirty years ago,. The difference is striking. This is made even more remarkable when one consider that the written standard was virtually the same as it is today.

You'll find photographs of all the Siegers in recent years and photographs of past Siegerson my website.

Make a point of having a look at these photographs. You'll be amazed at the differences. of . You'll find photographs of the recent top winning dogsand also photographs of the "Siegers" going back to the beginning of the breed.

You'll find these photographs on this website: and also a wide variety of other articles about the German Shepherd Dog that you'll find of interest.

Top Five Expert Pointers In Training German Shepherd Dogs

Training German shepherd dogs, sometimes called Alsatians, entails the trainer's dedication and patience aside from hard work. This breed of canine is among the most robust and active ones. They crave for German shepherd training because they demand for something to occupy their minds and to keep them going.

Now, is training German shepherd dogs difficult? The answer is no. It really does not have to be difficult as long as you are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills. Otherwise, it may take you longer to accomplish the tasks. However, with every successful German shepherd training comes a good guard dog, a reliable police investigation dog, and most importantly, a loving pet to his human family.

To guide you in training German shepherd dogs, here are five simple pointers you should know.

Pointer one: Early onset of training German shepherd dogs

The first thing you have to consider in training German shepherd puppies is to set up some rules a nd plan strategies even before you decide to own the animal. There is a greater chance of a successful training when started as soon as it reaches home.

This means that adequate information on how to deal with and care for this dog breed is a must! Remember that a German shepherd puppy brought up in a good home is much easier to train than in an uncaring background.

Pointer two: Act as a top dog!

Establish yourself as a leader while training German shepherd dogs. This type of canines are strong willed, pack dogs. In the forest, they follow an Alpha dog that leads them on their way. At home, they consider their human family as their masters.

Be consistent and firm with your commands. Your Shepherd dog must have a clear understanding on what you want him to do. Teach him in an area where there are no distractions to keep him focused at all times.

German shepherds are less likely to accept constantly changing rules since this will just confuse them. If you do not assert yourself as your Shepherd's boss, he will do everything on his own way.

Pointer three: Social training German shepherd dogs

Early socialization should also be integrated when training German shepherd puppies. During puppyhood, take your German shepherd for a walk in different places to allow him opportunities to meet new people. This way, he will be able to differentiate what is a threat and what is not.

As an owner, you would want your German shepherd dog to behave well in public, since he can be distrustful to strangers. Therefore, it is vital to expose him to a new environment, new people, and new animal friends. His in teraction will help mold his personality. However, teach him not to jump on others in excitement.

Pointer four: Obedience training German shepherd dogs

German shepherd obedience training includes basic lessons on how to sit, stay, run, and fetch. As soon as he turns four months old, you may take your Shepherd puppy to obedience training school and make sure that it is reputable to ensure that you do not waste any time and effort. This is a perfect venue for him to be dealt with professional dog trainers and to mingle with a large number of canines and humans.

Once he completes his German shepherd obedience training module, he is, then, ready to attend in guard dog classes once in a while. In this institution, he will be instructed guarding techniques and sooner, he will have the ability to protect your home from harm.

Pointer five: Leash training German shepherd dogs

German shepherd dogs can gain huge pounds as they grow up. Hence, German shephe rd leash training is an effective way to control their behavior considering their heavy mass. This method teaches your German shepherd puppy to walk well while on a leash.

Choose the right collar for your Shepherd puppy. It should not be too tight to avoid strangulation nor too loose so he cannot easily escape. While walking, make sure that you are ahead of him all the time so he would recognize you as his leader.

With proper knowledge and commitment, training German shepherd dogs is not hard at all owing to the fact that they have outstanding intelligence and they are able to learn throughout their entire life.

German Shepherd Dog Characteristics

Other Names of The German Shepherd Dog: Alsatian, Deutscher Schaferhund, GSD.

German Shepherd Dog Temperament

The German Shepherd dog is amongst the most intelligent of dogs and its versatility and excellence in performing all manner of activities has secured its eternal position in the hall of fame when it comes to policing duties, search and rescue, military functions such as bomb sniffing and even as sight-seeing dogs for people who are blind or those with impaired eyesight. The German Shepherd is a quick study and due to their innate high intelligence are very easy to train.

These dogs are active, alert and like many other animals of a high intelligence and active nature the German Shepherd needs to be constantly challenged and stimulated both physically and mentally to avoid becoming a nuisance. That said, this dog breed makes a great companion and is both brave and loyal. Th ough some dogs tend to be somewhat aloof and wary by and large this dog breed makes for a great family pet and they generally get on well with children. Occasionally certain dogs may become a tad domineering with children which may manifest in the form of the German Shepherd trying to herd them about; in keeping with its breeding pedigree.

German Shepherd dogs have excellent watchdog ability and are typically wary of both strangers and other dogs. Early socialization is a must if your dog is going to be around other animals. As far as climate tolerance is concerned these dogs adapt fairly well to moderate cold as well as moderate heat, though extremes in either direction dont go down well.

German Shepherd Dog Grooming & Exercise Requirements

The German Shepherd boasts a high energy level and thus this dog breed requires plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Its grooming requirements however are not quite as demanding and its coat only requires brushing once or twice a week. The German Shepherd is a moderate to heavy shedder and thus is perhaps not the best choice of dog for allergy sufferers.

German Shepherd Dog Appearance

The body of the German Shepherd dog is typically longer than it is tall and in the modern variant when the animal is standing the body slopes downwards as though the dog is poised to spring off of its hind legs. This was not always the case, the early variant of the German Shepherd dog having a squarer body and less slanting haunches. The tail is usually bushy and hangs with a slight curve.

This dog breed boasts an athletic build and erect ears atop a head with a pointed snout which enhances the alert appearance of the dog. Coat color may vary and includes the following: black, black and tan and sable. From a show dog perspective white-coated dogs are not allowed although of recent there is a movement for such specimens to be represented in their own sub-category.

This dog breed has a double coat with a thick outer coat comprised of close lying medium-length hair that may be straight or slightly wavy.

Weight: Males: 75 100 pounds

Females: 60 80 pounds

Height: Males: 24 26 inches

Females: 22 24 inches

German Shepherd Dog Health Issues/Life Expectancy

This dog breed on average has a lifespan of 10 12 years. Due to rather intense in breeding over the years the German Shepherd dog suffers from a number of genetic disorders which include the following:

Major Concerns:


Elbow Dysplasia

Minor Concerns:



Degenerative Myelopathy

Cauda Equina

Skin Allergies

Hot Spots




Gastric Torsion

Perianal Fistulas



German Shepherd dogs are also extremely susceptible to a potentially fatal systemic infection from the fungus Aspergillus.

German Shepherd Dog History

The modern German Shepherd dog is the end result of a concerted effort in the late 19th century to breed the perfect German sheep herding dog. Up until that time each district boasted its own distinct herding dog. To achieve the perfect herding dog various dog breeds from the north were crossbred with those from the central district ultimately resulting with the forbearer of the modern German Shepherd.

The goal of the German Shepherd dog breeding program was to produce a dog that could watch out for and control straying sheep from the rest of the flock without spooking the entire flock. Thus unlike cattle herding dogs it was undesirable for the German Shepherd dog to exhibit leg nipping and neither could it control its wards by barking at them because either one of those attributes would more than likely cause the entire flock to panic!

In essence the German Shepherd dog breeding program had to come up with an extremely intelligent, versatile, swift and independent thinking breed of dog that executed its duties in a precise, swift, calm and steady manner.

Between 1899 and 1901 a specialist breed club was established and was originally headquartered in Stuttgart before moving to Munich and then finally ending up in Berlin. This club was known as Der Verein Fur Schaferhunde (SV for short), and this organizations primary goal and purpose was to oversee the continued positive development of the German Shepherd dog breed.

Within a decade of its breeding the German Shepherd dog had soon become one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Its rising star in popularity was slightly marred by the occurrence of the two world wars, when it was considered prudent in both Britain and France to refer to the dog breed as either an Alsatian or simple the Shepherd Dog to avoid the inevitable backlash at the time associated with the word German incorporated in the dog breeds name.

More about the dog

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Use These Tips to Stop Puppy Barking

In advance of finding a pet dog of any kind it truly is crucial to recognize that any training you are going to need to undertake will require some time and patience. It's unlikely that any of the behaviors you want to show your puppy will happen right away. Having the proper frame of mind and facts, though, you will be in a position to stop puppy barking effectively.

Hopefully well before you selected your puppy you investigated its breed. So as to deal with a barking puppy you need to initially understand why he's barking, and his particular breed may establish this and therefore give you guidance in stopping it. For example, guard dogs (such as German Shepherds, Dobermans, and Rottweilers) will bark in the event they view a threat. Hunting dogs (such as Beagles and Bloodhounds) may bark at the scent of prey. Comprehending exactly why he's barking will be the primary factor to assisting him to control it.

When puppies bark they have a motive for it . Barking is communicating for a puppy. Besides the particular breed behaviors listed previously, he may in addition be informing you he's bored to death, lonely, hungry or thirsty, needs to get out, wants your interest, is threatened, or possibly requires exercise. The 2 major reasons for increased dog barking are shortage of exercise and getting left on it's own, respectively. One of the simplest ways to stop puppy barking would be to take very good care of him. Any time he is fed, played with, talked to, taken outdoors frequently, and treasured, he'll bark much less in general.
With that said, there are conditions when the dog barking can require some extra support. This is exactly when appropriate puppy training can be very valuable. The primary rule in any and all dog instruction is that you happen to be the master. Dogs are pack animals and desire to know who the leader is. Your puppy is going to think it is him right up until you educate him differently, and you need to. One way to accomplish this when it comes to barking is basically to ignore him while he barks. You glance at him so he knows you hear him, and then turn away and disregard him. He'll find out that you're in charge and that you simply will not give him interest when he barks. Because your focus is what he desires most, he should stop.

An additional training recommendation is to securely hold his muzzle closed and state calmly, "quiet". You can select whichever term you choose, but be consistent and say it every time you prevent him from barking. Ultimately you re ally should be able to simply put your hand up and say the essential phrase and he'll understand. Generally make use of visual and spoken instructions while training your puppy; it really is how dogs learn the best.

As a way to effectively stop puppy barking, you must never shout at him. He will interpret this as you actually barking and imagine that the noise is acceptable. In addition, be patient and dependable. It often will take a certain amount of time to educate a puppy in virtually any behavior, but well worth it when the wanted outcome is accomplished. Happy owners make happy puppies.

Tips before Buying a Dog from a Maryland Dog Trainer

Many people buy or adopt dogs for several reasons. Some would like to make them as pets and companion. Other people buy them to be their watch dog, guard dog, sporting, as a toy and lastly to be their herding dog. Considering that there are various reasons why people want to take care of a dog, the responsibilities of having one must be clear to the owner. This is extremely valuable because the responsibility of having a dog does not stop in giving them their basic needs. One must also be aware of their sociological needs such as playing and having fun; health related duties like bringing them to their vet for medication and other health related issues.

In addition to the aforementioned responsibilities, the owner is also held liable for their training. Once we know the full obligation of having a dog in our home, then we can say that we are prepared to adopt one. For those people who doesn't have any idea, there are a lot of books in the library that deals with dogs, dog training, dog feeding, responsibilities of the dog owner and many other topics which are deemed necessary for the owner to know. If you find this method unhelpful, you can search online, and you will be given too many options. Another way is to get the assistance of a Maryland dog trainer. Maryland dog training services are highly qualified in this aspect.
Aside from that, we can also ask a friend or someone close to us like a family member who has a dog for such a long time. They can even tell you stories about how grateful or awful it is to have a dog based on their experiences. Before we try to buy one, we must also consider the breed before we buy a dog. This is very important because we might regret it in the future and they might just end up becoming an astray animal. Dog training as we know is vital to the dog-owner relationship. Basic dog training techniques are taught at home however, for some special reasons, we need help from Annapolis training service because ding so needs commitment, time, effort as well as patience. Baltimore dog training service is good at this job.

Columbia dog training service does not only provide basic training, but they also specialize in behavior modification. Dogs do not respond just like a human does. However, they have feelings that they clearly show by body reactions such as wagging their tails, licking, howling, barking and many more. Annapolis dog trainers use positive as well as negative reinforcements in teaching or training a dog. Positive reinforcements include praises, kind words and rewards or incentive while on the other hand, a negative reinforcement simply means giving them strategic punishment for their bad behavior.

Maryland dog trainers manage to train different kinds of dogs and it includes; terrier, bulldog, Maltese, poodle, Dalmatian, spaniel, Foxhound, collie, retriever, Shih Tzu, German shepherd, beagle, chow, spitz, Chihuahua, pug, Havanese, pinscher, and Great Dane. Annapolis dog training has the most effective training modules available in the industry. A dog is easily trained if they are still at their young age. They have the ability to be quick and respond well, not to mention it is an advantage to the owner to have them trained early.

Training a dog is vital and not an easy thing to do. Those who p rovide dog training services must have a certification or a degree of some course because sometimes their job gets too risky. Behavioral dog problems cannot be handled by the owner but a certified professional just like a Baltimore dog trainer. Some dogs tend to bark excessively, bite people they see, aloof to humans, destroy furniture, chew children's socks and other worse scenarios.

If we know that our dog is under these situations, we must ask the help of a professional to do the job. A credible dog training company provides training modules that are proven safe, effective and humane at the same time. The best dog training service is the one that offers 100% guarantee and care for the dog they are training.

Eight Tips for Pet Insurance for Dogs

1. The main reason for a cheap dog policy is it is very cheap since it covers less. Let's get that out of the way from the beginning. For example, some money-saving policies intended to cover a dog during the first 10 years of his life. This age limit may well be hidden in the fine print. The insurer knows that there are health problems with older animals. Vet bills are inevitable and costly, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic or severe. Very low premiums charged to pet insurance that ends when a dog is 10 years old (or less for certain races) simply reflects that the policy is not in force when the majority of "end of life" claims occur.

2. Veterinary fees, how much to insure? Most people probably think the 2.500 pounds to cover veterinary fees is more than enough. Unfortunately, this is often insufficient, and it is certainly more likely to be in more than 10 years, when the claims are almost inevitable. A significant number now are limited to 4.000 pounds has been taken as a reference point for this guide.

3. Some providers keep your premiums low, but to offset this by increasing dramatically over the dog's veterinary fees as the insured ages. Often, this also takes the form of a percentage contribution to the cost of treatment - usually 20%, but some are higher. This would mean a 2,000 bill be split with the veterinary policyholder paying 400 a claim in addition to your policy excess, say another 90. In this case, the insurance company only paid 1.510. For retirees or others on fixed incomes, the 490 pounds he would soon have to find would be a disaster. Thus, some buyers prefer to pay more premiums for a policy that does not change and always has the same excess over the life of your animal.

4. As premiums rise, the policy terms and conditions may change as the insured animal is older. The franchise has already been mentioned. Standard monthly payment policies generally exclude any condition for which a claim has already been done. Eczema is a good example of a condition that can affect a dog for many years, covered only life would still enable the policyholder to continue claiming for him after his next renewal of the policy, following initial demand. Most good pet providers offer a choice of life cover. All around 35% more loads for this than standard monthly coverage.

5. Premiums rise reflecting the increased cost of credit as well as the increased likelihood of a claim occurring. Veterinary fees have increased well above the inflation rate simply reflects the wide range of treatments available. The quality of the offer may be comparable to a private hospital with prices to match. Moreover, as a dog gets older, premiums will rise.

6. Be aware of on-line discounts and special premiums low for puppies. These discounts apply only during the first year of insurance and will be full price next year and subsequent years. To check the true value, we recommend several online dating, this identifies any provider try to attract companies front-load discounts. The cheapest is not always the best value over time, so spent a few minutes comparing prices, it can be very useful.

7. Pay for the brand. Many brands, especially supermarkets and banks offer pet insurance, but their coverage is outsourced to specialist suppliers. The brand will have a significant percentage, as they spend heavily on marketing the product. Provide access to a large number of loyal customers and charge for the privilege.

8. Beware of race-specific restrictions, known problems for certain breeds such as the displacement of the hip with German shepherds and the short life of many larger dogs will be reflected in the political conditions. Subscribers will be more specific from the outset with respect to these restrictions, it is crucial to understand. Fundamentally, insurance is only offered to cover unexpected expenses and payments not inevitable inherent disorders. In addition, most policies do not cover teeth or gum disease, so never let a dog develop a sweet tooth.

Tips on How to Stop a Barking Dog

In this article I will give you some of the reasons a dog will bark and what you can do to prevent it.

The main reason your dog will bark relentlessly at nothing in particular is due to the fact that it is suffering from pent up, nervous energy. Ask yourself whether you dog is really getting all the exercise it needs. One and a half hours is a good amount of time for most breeds. If the barking is coupled with a look of restlessness or even more aggressive than usual behaviour it is almost certain more exercise is required.

Barking is used as a way of expression and therefore you should not always look down on your dog just because it is barking, after all they too have to communicate. Dogs can’t talk like their owners so it us up to us to interpret their mood and body language to ascertain how they are trying to communicate with us at this time.

Dogs bark for a lot of reasons, it really depends on what breed you are dealing with. German Shepherds and other guarding breeds were bred to utilise barking as a tool. Sporting breeds such as Beagles will use their bark to announce that the prey is close by. Some others just like the sound of their own voice i.e. toy breeds.
Moving breeds aside, most dogs will bark because of boredom, something is wrong, a toilet requirement, loneliness or its just playtime please!! In these instances it is not right to try and prevent your dog from barking but you should try and translate what they are trying to communicate to you.

Other times barking can be really tiresome and just not on. Be aware of times when your dog is just using their bark as a means to manipulate you. Mutual respect needs to be present within your relationship but you have to make it clear that all things are not equal. You are the boss, they are your dog. As long as you can gain respect from your dog then they will be a lot happier, manageable and trainable.

If you give in to your dog’s demands when they bark for your time and attention then your dog is being taught by you that this is the method to use when they want your attention or something from you. Don’t be afraid to ignore your dog and make sure they understand from your body language that this is not the way to go if they want something.

A top tip to eradicate barking for attention is to turn your back on your dog and not to look at them, not even to tell them ‘No!’. They will soon come to realise that if this is what is going to happen every time then their not going to do it. However, you must stay consistent, this goes for any type of training you and your dog embark on.

If the barking persists hold your dog’s collar and gently hold its muzzle. This prevents the barking and shows who the authority figure is in the relationship. Your dog won’t like it at first but persistence and consistency will end in reward.

Dogs are social animals and therefore if you are leaving them on their own for long periods of time expect them to become anxious, on edge, frustrated and be prepared for a lot of barking.

Nuisance Barking - Five Tips To Stop A Barking Dog

If you're like most people, the sound of a barking dog will drive you nuts. Did you know that incessant loud barking is one of the most annoying and stressful noises for humans? If your dog engages in excessive barking, here are five tips that can help stop a barking dog.

Choose Your Dog Breed Carefully To Avoid Problem Barking

The working breeds of dogs, including cattle dogs, border collies, and German shepherds, need jobs to do, or they'll get bored and frustrated. And boredom and frustration in dogs leads to barking problems. Before you adopt a dog, do your homework so you can find the best dog for your situation.

If you live on a farm and need help herding animals, a border collie may be a great help. The same dog can cause untold problems in a suburban yard. Choose your new pet carefully.

Excessive Barking Is A Way To Use Energy

Dogs are high maintenance animals. This is something e lse to consider before you adopt one. Did you know that dogs require around an hour and a half of exercise a day to use up their energy? Dogs who are cooped up inside or tied up in the yard all day by themselves are more prone to problem barking. This behavior uses up pent-up energy.
If you don't have enough time to walk your dog every day, you may need to hire someone to do it.

Nuisance Barking Is A Cry For Attention

Dogs are very social animals. In the wild, they live in packs. It's an unnatural situation for a dog to be alone for long periods of time. Loud barking is how your dog asks for attention.

Spend lots of time with your dog. Take him on errands with you in the car. Who hasn't seen a dog, joyfully hanging his head out a car window, sniffing the wind, and smiling? Play with him, talk with him. Make him a part of your life, and he'll reward you many times over with his devotion.

Make Sure You're The Alpha Dog

Dogs in the wild bark to alert the pack of strangers or danger. The pack leader then deals with the situation if necessary. You should do the same. When your dog barks, check to see what he's barking at. Then tell him, "that's enough." He should defer to you as the alpha dog. If he doesn't, take him by the collar and shake him gently, again saying "that's enough" more firmly. You need to establish yourself as the leader so your dog will listen to you.

Avoid Reinforcing Problem Barking

Believe it or not, yelling at your dog doesn't solve barking problems. Your dog is getting your attention, so he'll keep barking in order to get it, especially if that's the only time you pay attention to him.

It's very easy to inadvertently train your dog to do the wrong things. Avoid dog behavior problems by learning how to communicate with your dog effectively. A good dog training course that includes a consultation with a professional dog trainer may be the answer to your nuisance barking problems.

The Correct Method of Walking Your German Shepherd

German Shepherds should be trained for appropriate behavior when out walking with you. The sooner the training begins the better, this helps to correct or pick up on any bad habits or eliminate them from forming. They need to understand your level of authority and know exactly where they should be at all times when you venture out, by your side. Take advantage of their natural instincts in following you, you inadvertently become their mother figure. To teach them the correct methods you'll need a collar and leash. You may need to introduce these items by putting them on their neck for a few moments. Do this regularly so they get accustomed to the feel of them. Teach your German Shepherd to walk on you left hand side and walk around. If they move away from you call them back by your side and reward with a treat. Even practices walking with them at your hip to avoid zig-zaging in front of you, as they improve allow them to move ahead of you. This approach also sets up the found ation when teaching them to heel if you so choose to later. Continue to work with them either inside or in the backyard until they are comfortable on the leash. Repetition is the key, when it comes to dog training and positive reinforcement by rewarding correct behavior with a treat. Reprimanding them only confuses them. Socialize them from a young age to avoid any aggression towards other dogs or animals when out walking. Once you've established comfort-ability walking around at home you can venture out the yard. Try to avoid distractions like other dogs deposits such as poo, vomit or piddle. Direct them to a dog free area or one with plenty of people and vehicles that of a safe distance away. This gives them a chance to explore, see and hear new things. If they pause, let them, they are probably thinking of something new and its all part of the experience for them. If they happened to be startled allow them to hide behind you and wait till they are ready to come back to th e front. Remember to praise your German Shepherd allow the way too. With most German Shepherds, it takes time, patience and repetition in order to achieve a task such as walking appropriately when venturing out. Early socialization will also balance their temperament on these outings. With a bit of dog training you'll find going out with you pet a pleasurable and relaxing experience you'll both enjoy.

The Basics of German Shepherd Aggression

German shepherd aggression can be caused by many things. This aggression could be caused by a dominance related issue between you and the dog, or it might be a trigger that was never properly dealt with from puppyhood for example, an attack from some other dog. Whatever might be causing your german shepherd's aggression, you need to address it as soon as possible.

Dog aggression can start as young as 6 weeks of age, which is a very important time in puppy development where the dog should be socialized and given propergerman shepherd obedience training. This period of socialization lasts until the dog turns 14 weeks of age and can extend even further.

You should not ever take puppies away from their litters prior to 8 weeks old. Never use harsh discipline with the puppy between 8 and 10 weeks and make sure the dog is very gently treated in that time. Hitting, yelling or other harsh punishments at a young age can breed german shepherd aggression over time. A dog needs to have been properly socialized with people and other dogs by the time he reached 14 weeks to avoid any future aggression issues.

Actual aggression can be triggered by any number of factors. Heredity and genetic material, for example, are factors as certain breeds are just more aggressive but that isn't necessarily a given rule. Some dogs if they have not been spayed or neutered can also be naturally more aggressive.

When it comes right down to it though, the main factor in german shepherd aggression is the environment they are raised in. A dog that has poor living conditions, harsh masters, no socialization, or that has been frightened or attacked by another dog is far more likely to be aggressive as it ages.

Another factor in aggression is the need dogs have to establish pack orders. Biting, posturing, and other aggressive tendencies are often the result of a dog testing for dominance. You must absolutely create your role as a dominant leader when the dog is young and continue that position through the dog's lifespan so it cannot take over your household.

Your dog may show aggressive behavior after 14 months, when it is sexually mature. In this case you should deal with the problem right away. First, make sure you have established yourself as the pack leader. Don't reward your dog for aggressive behavior, even if it is scared (especially in this case).

Perhaps your dog is defensive-aggressive, in which case they might attack in fear. Dogs like this typically have not been socialized right. Absolutely keep them away from small children, and attend training and behavior sessions that will help the dog adjust to new environments.

German shepherd aggression is a huge problem that many owners have, but it can always be controlled even if the dog is older. If the time comes where your dog's aggression becomes violent, you may need to hire a professional to intervene so no one gets hurt, and your dog is not held responsible for what is just natural to it.

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Every person doggy is really a distinctive personality. Those who have produced a new pup to their household can explain to you, and in many cases the actual dog breeds which are consistent in look has decided to make you aware that they may be unusal. The most frequent color to the German Shepherds can be dark along with brown. Your reproduce can be chosen in african american along with reddish, dark-colored as well as sterling silver, african american as well as lotion, strong dark-colored, grey, white-colored, lean meats, as well as glowing blue.

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A great white-colored colouring is really a disqualifying characteristic inside a GSD for any breed of dog display wedding ring. White-colored German Shepherds is only able to remain competitive within overall performance coaching activities.
Dark and also crimson along with african american along with brown young dogs are generally given birth to practically strong african american, using colouring being released the initial few numerous years of their particular existence. The actual dreary, as well as sable, GSDs tend to be created just about all bronze, yet inside very first days dark-colored showing begins to are available in along with is constantly on the to the first couple of a lot of his or her lifestyle. Fundamentally the wolf-like pigmentation. The particular watered down shades, hard working liver, azure, along with bright, are viewed non-desirable because they're genetically watered down shades.
Short-Haired, Long-haired * Buy a Vacuum

The particular German Shepherd can also be referred to as Alsatian. At night coloring variances, this kind of breed of dog might be split up straight into long-haired as well as short-haired pet dogs. Eat distinction between the particular long-ha ired and also short-haired will be as estimated, the particular long-haired provides more time curly hair with their cover. Your variances will not conclusion generally there.

This specific reproduce is extremely protecting, which is essential for a holder to comprehend his or her behaviors to become protecting also to supply learning buy that will their own German Shepherd understands to pay attention as well as pay attention to his / her operator. With out education, anyone threat your own GSD coming from staying also protecting in opposition to other people, that may bring about ambitious actions.

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Blended types are acknowledged to are more tough in opposition to innate illnesses, in cases like this, cool dysplasia or even skin ailment. Generally speaking, puppies involving blended type lineage usually are tougher towards medical issues.

Treating Osteoarthritis in German Shepherds

For most doggie fans, there is certainly 1 particular breed of dog which holds your heart and soul and does not let it go. For an estimated fifty thousand pet owners within the United states of america, that particular breed of dog is the robust, smart and agile German Shepherd.

The German Shepherd is the 3rd preferred dog breed within the United States. Popular for their functioning capacity, German Shepherds are usually connected with law enforcement and also army functions in addition to search and recovery. They've also been used as functioning guide canines for the impaired and handicapped and also, as their particular titles attest, shepherding.

Inspite of this particular hard-working popularity, German Shepherds are also generally known as caring and faithful dogs. They react good to dog obedience training, get friendly quickly together with other dogs and assist as pleasant pets for the whole household, particularly kids.

Regrettably, this hard-wo rking and also reliable canine is actually vunerable to various bone and also joint complications. Most of these complications include things like osteochrondritis dissecans (OCD), panosteitis and also hip and elbow dysplasia. Almost all 3 are genetically related and can't be healed, however panosteitis, which impacts young dogs, is generally outgrown within a month or perhaps 2. The sole alternative for dogs troubled by OCD and dysplasia is usually discomfort management.

German Shepherds are usually distinctly vulnerable to OCD. This problem is recognized by bone in fact falling apart underneath cartilage, mainly in the ankles, elbows and shoulder blades. The problem occurs while in the 1st year or so of existence and young puppies whose father and mother experienced the problem will certainly go through it too.

Hip dysplasia is, probably, the very best recognized joint trouble in medium and also big pet dogs, and it is linked to German Shepherds. Basically explained, dysplasia arises whenever a bone will not match properly inside the joint socket. Dysplasia speeds the standard wear around the cartilage guarding the bone, resulting in unpleasant bone-on-bone contact. Dysplasia is genetic and the solely measure breeders may take right now is selective mating.

The problem might appear dreadful for a canine being affected by one of these 3 frequent illnesses, however there exists hope - specially for OCD, dysplasia and also freque nt dog osteoarthritis.

Organic supplements having glucosamine plus chondroitin can be impressive in remediating joint complications in dogs, specially arthritis which usually impacts numerous pet dogs of most breeds. These 2 compounds work as the building foundations for cartilage. In a very balanced dog, glucosamine and chondroitin are generally quickly synthesized and employed to repair cartilage. In an dog having degenerative joint illnesses, the body probably won't be able to draw on these kinds of precious resources. This is when supplements come in.

Since the supplements market place is not really controlled, products and solutions are all around. Natural powder, tablet, pill, fluid - which to pick? Do your research online first!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Separation Anxiety in German Shepherds

A problem often exhibited by German Shepherds is that of separation anxiety. It can be defined as an anxiety disorder, where your dog panics when separated or isolated from you. When you leave to go somewhere, your dog becomes anxious, nervous, and lonely.

When you are away, your German Shepherd wonders where you are, and why you have left. Not being there to look after you can be terribly upsetting to your German Shepherd.

Leave a favourite toy

To help alleviate separation anxiety in german shepherds, you may also want to consider leaving a best-loved toy with your dog, or perhaps a hard rubber toy coated with peanut butter. That will keep her engaged for a while. Your dog will soon come to relate your departure with something positive. A busy dog also has less time to become anxious, and less time to bark all day as well.
See to it that she does not have that "alone" feeling

Before you go, see that the t.v. or radio is left on, in order to give your dog the feeling that there are others near by. Further, provide her with a view of the outside world, by leaving the curtains open.

Change up the routine

Changing up your customary routine can also work well to reduce the amount of separation anxiety in your German Shepherd. When you depart, say nothing. When you arrive back home, say nothing. It is also important to alter the things that you do before you leave. Your dog can connect the phrases and activities with your imminent departure, which will activate anxiety. Make it seem like your leaving is not a huge production. Your German Shepherd is an intelligent animal, who will soon get the impression that when you do depart, you will indeed be back.

Don't coddle her too much

To stop sep aration anxiety in German Shepherds, it is also vital to bear in mind that you do not act with too much sympathy when she is crying. As hard as that sounds, actually trying to calm and comfort your dog in such circumstances can do more harm than good, as you are actually substantiating her worries.

Doggie Daycare

Rather than having your dog being distressed all day at home, and risk the chance of dog peeing in the house, she can enjoy merriment with her friends all day. She will be so spent when you bring her home, that you might just get some sleep as well!


If your dog has a really grievous case of separation anxiety, you should consider looking elsewhere for appropriate treatment. If this occurs, seeing a veterinarian who can assist you with treating your dog for separation anxiety is something you should seriously consider.

German Shepherd Teaching is Relatively Distinctive

The greatest technique would be to get him employed to a compact crate for him to use and get him out repeatedly so that above a time period he understands to finish his jobs outdoors the household.

With all the puppies it is a practice to chew and bite things. You can expect to find socks and hankies to go lacking. They are likely to bite nearly anything and all while they are developing their teeth. To prevent this routine it is much better to get them a soft bone or a ball which is meant for chewing.

One thing that you have received to be cautious is not to exhibit him your angry feelings. But if you retain smiling he will understand that you are joyful. If you say ouch, then he will more than a period have an understanding of that you are in pain.

Slowly and gradually introduce him to the outside world and get him applied to the exterior atmosphere as properly as people today. More than a period of time of time you will discover that he is aware of how to behave with your guests, buddies and is able to accompany you everywhere in the motor vehicle.

As German Shepherds are extremely emotionally sensitive animals, it is quite crucial to guarantee that they think satisfied and protected always. They can easily get depressed and place on a unfortunate experience if you are not behaving nicely with them. Make certain you deal with them effectively and reward them for superior behavior if they can. Providing them a snack or one thing can assistance them understand when they are executing what you want them to do.

They enjoy quiet and becoming out in the open sun. So it is usually good to let him relaxation in the patio during day time and bath in the little one pool throughout summers.

My friends and family and I have shared our house with two German Shepherds. Sadly one particular was taken from us earlier this 12 months due to outdated age. But for the duration of his time with us we can honestly argue that he was the finest dog any household could have had the enjoyment of investing time with. We have been definitely blessed to have this sort of a great friend and friends and family member.

Although he is dearly missed we felt it significant to continue to have a German Shepherd presence in our residence and we brought a further puppy into our loved ones. Our new dog has eased the pain of our reduction and produced us recognize what really impressive canines they are.

If you are like us then you know that these canines are one particular of the most loyal, intelligent, and protective breeds of puppy there is. They are terrific additions to any friends and family and will bring absolutely nothing but a long time of steadfast companionship for their proprietors. There is very little more essential than the bond among the this breed and his people. Training is a really vital component of owning an individual of these great canines.

Possessing a properly behaved and obedient German Shepherd is a definitely satisfying encounter. Teaching your dog properly will carry out the very best in you and your canine and will make a bond that will previous a life time.

How to Take Care of your German Shepherd Coat

Despite its double layered coat, the German Shepherd does not require a lot of grooming. The outer coat of the German Shepherd is coarse with a medium-length. The undercoat, on the other hand, is soft and dense. This inner level is responsible for keeping the dog warm during the winter months and protected from the sunshine during the summer.

One principal to adhere to when making sure your German Shepherd is well taken care of is to ascertain that he is getting the right diet and nutrients. The German Shepherd gets its strength from meat and you should ensure that the meals he gets is high in vitamins and protein. The dog requires a high-protein, high-fat diet. Chicken, lamb or beef are excellent choices. If you decide to make your own dog food, be sure that it has the right balance and all of the components the dog needs to stay as healthy as possible.

Vegetables are harder for dogs to digest. Rather than the rounded or curved stomachs we see in humans, dogs actually have s straight stomach. This can result in them having issues with their digestion of vegetables. Wheat, corn and other plant-like materials can be tough for the animal and they should only make up a small portion of the dog's overall digestive diet. Once you are sure that the dog is getting an excellent diet, you can move on to the grooming needs.
It is generally recommended that you brush your dog's hair at least twice a week. You want to be sure that the oil in the fur is evenly distributed to prevent matting and tangles. You can also be sure to remove the dead skin cells and loose hair clogging the coat. A standard metal brush or slicker will work well if it is used properly. You must take care not to cause a lesion or scrape the dog's skin while brushing.

When you start to brush, take the brush in the same direction as the coat hair. Using a variety of brushes with different size brush heads will help to ensure you reach all parts of the dog.

Depending on the dog's typical routine, you will have to bath your dog more or less once a month. The frequency of baths will be dependent on the location of you home and your dogs favorite pastime. For instance, if your dog should love the great outdoors, it is almost certain he will necessitate a bath more often compared to dogs that prefer to stay in the house. If the dog is an indoor dog, taking a bath every few months will be sufficient.

If you stroke your dog and dust you can see dust waft up, that's a clear signal it's time for a bath. In addition, if he is starting to smell odorous, a bath will be a solution to that and make him far more appealing during your bonding periods. If the coat is oily, it can be a signal that it is time for a bath.

Proper shampoo can be important to the dog's coat hygiene. German Shepherds can be very sensitive to wheat and other allergic reactions, so the right shampoo can be important. Oatmeal shampoo, for example, can provide soothing relief to your animal, but they can also allow material to build up on its coat faster, causing you to bathe it more frequently. An aloe shampoo might be a good solution if you are not worried about fleas. In any case, with constant grooming, your German Shepherd is sure to look well-groomed all the time.

Simple Ways to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy

Every single year, hundreds of thousands of dog owners around the country must learn how to isolate their dogs in a crate when they leave the house so they can reduce anxiety, destructive behaviour and barking. In addition, it is a vital tool when you are trying to housebreak a new german shepherd puppy and it can simplify your life greatly than if you end up with your dog sleeping in the bed or on your couch.

Whether you're learning how to crate train a german shepherd or just determining if it is safe for your dog, know that most dogs love their crates. This is because in the wold, dogs seek out small and safe locations they can burrow into for warmth and safety. A crate performs that wonderfully, giving them a safe space that is theirs alone.

Dogs that have wide open spaces often have trouble differentiating their "home" from it, and will grow anxious trying to control and patrol the entire space. Ideally, you will crate train your german shepherd as a puppy. Full grown dogs get anxious about crate training because they haven't lived in that small space before.

A puppy will also be a bit upset but adapts much quicker, and if the puppy never has the option to sleep with you in your bed, it will likely not have anything to be upset about.

It is best to place the crate in the family room where a lot of people will be. At night, you should put the crate in your bedroom to give them a safe presence nearby. Eventually, after a month or so, you should be able to leave them in one place, but for now, be close to keep them calm and safe.

The three things you need to put in the crate with the puppy are water, a toy to chew on, and enough room to sleep comfortably. The crate should be only big enough for him to sleep in. If he can walk around in it, he may make a mess in it.

The main thing is that the german shepherd has room to turn around in its crate so it can be comfortable.

When learning how to crate train a dog, make sure you don't pull the dog out of the crate if he gets upset. This is because he'll learn you will pay him attention if he makes a fuss, so he'll only be more inclined to do so. Make sure you only take the puppy out of the crate when he has been quiet for at least 5 minutes. At that point you should lavish him with attention and perhaps a treat so he knows he has been good.

In the beginning you should try to leave the german shepherd puppy in his crate for short periods of time, maybe an hour or two at most. Eventually as the german shepherd puppy grows, you can increase this time so it is a full night of sleep or equal to your entire workday.

If you learn how to crate train a german shepherd properly, you will never again have to worry about your dog getting too loud, anxious, or destructive when you leave the house. On top of that, german shepherd puppies adapt much quicker and that means less stress on everyone in the household.

How To Control Your German Shepherd Biting Dilemma

Learn the Basics of Your German Shepherd Biting Problems and How You Can Manage This

German Shepherds are a great pet to have but do become very demanding at times and can even start to bite. Dealing with your German Shepherd biting is an essential skill to have whether or not your pet actually bites.

A better idea would be to teach your pet not to bite while he is still a puppy. Puppines are likely to be very playful and do not take small nips and bites as they play around. Teach them from day one that biting or nipping is behavior that is absolutely not acceptable and in no way will it be tolerated.

The way to do this is to tap his chin upwards and say 'no biting!' Next, offer a body part you know he nips at playfully once in a while. When he begins to nip at it, tap underneath his chin once again and say 'no biting'!'

Do this until he gets the idea. Regardless of the degree of German Shepherd biting your pet has, German Shepherds are highly tra inable and this is the reason they are often used as police dogs or Seeing Eye dogs.

You may wonder what the causes are for German Shepherd biting. You may be concerned about this especially if your dog never had a biting problem before.

If your pet has begun to bite everything including your sleepers, shoes, tree barks, legs of your furniture or even yourself, you need to pay consideration to this unexpected change of behavior which can show either boredom or anxiety.

German Shepherd biting may also be caused by his being protective of you in the presence of strangers. Your pet might snap and snarl at unfamiliar persons to show that he is protecting you and is afraid that if he does not do this, you could possibly be hurt.

German Shepherds are type of dog which has a lot of power. If this energy is not used up or utilized in any way, and you leave your dog for hours with nothing to do in your apartment, your dog may express his extreme boredom by biting.

Aside from biting, symptoms of an unhappy shepherd include whining, anxiety and significant chewing of your belongings, especially those which have your strong scent on them. How do you deal with this? What you need to do is make time in your schedule and take your pet on a run for an hour daily. This will enable your pup to get the sufficient exercise he needs in order to be in great condition, physically and mentally.

You will see the difference and behavioral improvement of your pet if he continously take him out for exercise every day. Not only will your dog most likely stop biting, he will also cease most of the other undesirable behavior he has been exhibiting.

In some intances, the problems many dog owners face are eliminated once they start to take their dog for a walk.

This maybe the answer you have been looking for which will stop once and for all your German Shepherd biting.