Sunday, 11 September 2011

Separation Anxiety in German Shepherds

A problem often exhibited by German Shepherds is that of separation anxiety. It can be defined as an anxiety disorder, where your dog panics when separated or isolated from you. When you leave to go somewhere, your dog becomes anxious, nervous, and lonely.

When you are away, your German Shepherd wonders where you are, and why you have left. Not being there to look after you can be terribly upsetting to your German Shepherd.

Leave a favourite toy

To help alleviate separation anxiety in german shepherds, you may also want to consider leaving a best-loved toy with your dog, or perhaps a hard rubber toy coated with peanut butter. That will keep her engaged for a while. Your dog will soon come to relate your departure with something positive. A busy dog also has less time to become anxious, and less time to bark all day as well.
See to it that she does not have that "alone" feeling

Before you go, see that the t.v. or radio is left on, in order to give your dog the feeling that there are others near by. Further, provide her with a view of the outside world, by leaving the curtains open.

Change up the routine

Changing up your customary routine can also work well to reduce the amount of separation anxiety in your German Shepherd. When you depart, say nothing. When you arrive back home, say nothing. It is also important to alter the things that you do before you leave. Your dog can connect the phrases and activities with your imminent departure, which will activate anxiety. Make it seem like your leaving is not a huge production. Your German Shepherd is an intelligent animal, who will soon get the impression that when you do depart, you will indeed be back.

Don't coddle her too much

To stop sep aration anxiety in German Shepherds, it is also vital to bear in mind that you do not act with too much sympathy when she is crying. As hard as that sounds, actually trying to calm and comfort your dog in such circumstances can do more harm than good, as you are actually substantiating her worries.

Doggie Daycare

Rather than having your dog being distressed all day at home, and risk the chance of dog peeing in the house, she can enjoy merriment with her friends all day. She will be so spent when you bring her home, that you might just get some sleep as well!


If your dog has a really grievous case of separation anxiety, you should consider looking elsewhere for appropriate treatment. If this occurs, seeing a veterinarian who can assist you with treating your dog for separation anxiety is something you should seriously consider.

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