Saturday, 31 March 2012

Exercises For Different Dog Breeds - Family - Pets

Dogs of different breeds behave differently and have different physical characteristics. It is therefore advised that different breeds of dogs should get different exercise routines so that they do not get over exhausted or obese. Selecting the right exercise regime for your dog depending on the breed is therefore essential.

Breeds and their exercisesBased on the different classes of breeds, a set of exercises can be determined.

1. Terriers- This class of dog includes breeds such as the Jack Russell Terrier, Irish Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Welsh Terrier and the famous American Pit Bull Terrier. They are highly intelligent and full of energy and can thus manage mind and body games such as obstacle courses and Frisbee. Chasing games are also good for this class of dogs.

2. Companion Dogs/ Toy Dogs- These are generally dogs, which are bred for companionship rather than utility such as Chihuahua, Pug, English bulldog and Shih Tzu. They require only minimal exercises such as walking. However, some breeds, which are also for companionship like the Dalmations and the Yorkshire terriers, need walks that are more vigorous.

3. Hounds- The hounds can be sub classified into two more subtypes: the scent hounds (which are bred to search on the basis of scent e.g. Harrier, Coonhound and Dachshund) and the sight hounds (which are bred to search on the basis of sight e.g. Greyhound, Irish wolfhound and Basenji). They have tendency to switch between work and play and therefore are recommended for walks, runs and hikes.

4. Guardian Dogs- These include breeds like the Bullmastiff, Great Dane, Great Pyrenee, Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler. These are strong dogs that can be quite active, however behaviorally they tend to start taking the play quite seriously, which could be problematic. It is therefore recommended that these dogs should be given exercise in the form of runs and obstacle courses but within limits.

5. Northern Dogs- This class includes dogs from breeds like the Chinook, Siberian husky, Malamute and Chow Chow. They are highly active and should be exercised a lot with hiking, runs, games (like sledding) to keep them active.

6. Gun/ Sporting Dogs- This class includes breeds like the Irish Settler, Labrador Retriever, English Cocker Spaniel and the Standard Poodle. Being bred for sports and hunting, these dogs have a lot of stamina and require a lot of exercise. Long walks, hiking and running activities are good. In addition, games like fetch can be played to keep the activity up.

7. Herding Dogs- Breeds, which come under this class, include the English Sheepdog, Welsh Corgi, Collie, Border Collie, German Shepherd, and the Schnauzer. These breeds generally have a moderate to high energy level and are therefore suited to a variety of exercises. Almost any games and sports are good for the dogs, especially runs, walks and challenging hikes.

Thus, depending on which class of breed your dog falls into, you should select an appropriate exercise regime for it. You must also determine the personality of your dog to best choose games and activities, which it can do for its wellbeing.

South Dakota: Dog Breed Ban Pierces the Heart of the Heartland - Family - Pets

"Breed specific laws are not based in science. [Laws] banning breeds will not make you safer, and the illusion that they will do so is dangerous to humans and unfair to dogs."Dr. Karen Overall

I'll admit to having more than a bit of trouble writing this story. It kept morphing itself into a full book chapter, not a tight little web article. 'Just the facts mam.' Brevity has never been my forte and a breed ban in my own back yard - the State of South Dakota, definitely provided me enough ammo for a thousand satires. But, here you have it.

The whispers are true. Leola, South Dakota has indeed, tragically, passed Breed Specific Legislation, banning certain 'types' of dogs in their town. A summary of the details are as follows:

* The breeds involved are pit bulls, bull mastiffs, Rottweilers, Doberman pinchers, German shepherds, and any mixes of those breeds.

* Dogs of those breeds already registered to town residents are "grandfathered" in and not subject to the ban.

* According to with Mayor Dean Schock, whom I interviewed for this story, if there is a question of lineage in suspected mixed breed 'offenders,' a genetic test will be conducted (one step up on a few big cities out there).

* After the town council originally passed the ban a local person adopted a Rottweiler puppy, and had the law put before voters. The town's citizens supported the legislation by a vote of 103 - 27.

* On a more progressive note, Leola does require all dogs to be spay / neutered unless a breeding license is obtained, so puppies will not be born to the banned breeds.

Those of us working with shelter dogs understand, or have access to information on, the innumerable flaws dealing with breed bans. We know the science does not play out. We know this seemingly 'easy out' ultimately causes more harm than good. So, I will not dive into that here. I will, however, briefly touch on some other points.

There was no preemptive incident, such as a dog attack, that spurred the town into reactionary legislation. Leola's residents were simply worried that with children, joggers, and bicyclists around town a breed ban was needed to insure safety. The town folks requested the ban. Like most who understand the flaws and heartbreak of breed bans my blood was boiling at the legislation's passing, but upon hearing of citizens actually asking government to take away individual freedoms my blood ran cold.

I immediately wanted to hire a helicopter and drop leaflets over the community. They would say, "Ban Chains, Not Breeds!", "Fence in Your Yards, Not Your Liberties" or "Bad Owners Make Aggressive Dogs!" Lucky for Leola the high cost of gas kept me grounded. Grrr!

Readers may have noted the extremely odd presence of German shepards on the list of banned breeds in Leola. According to Mayor Schock a friend of his, who once worked with police dogs in Aberdeen, SD, had heard of an incident in where someone adopted a retired police dog and there was an attack. This third-party, partial account, of a one in a million shot, leading to outlawing an entire breed is the ultimate testimonial as to what happens once these dangerous, flood gates are opened. If I mentioned my own dog's "issues" with the Mayor, would poodle mixes be next on the hit list?

That shot fired, I have to say, Mayor Schock was a very accommodating victim of my interview styles. He was gracious, well-spoken, and intelligent (German Shepard thing not withstanding). He requested a copy of this story be sent on to him and I fully intend to honor his request - including links to the article responses on the Best Friends Network. Let us not hate the town of Leola. Let us hate the lack of education on the subject of dog behavior and dog breeds that is the ultimate cause of Breed Specific Legislation. (That and a touch of human sloth.)

Preaching, tirades, and name calling will not help the dogs of my state. And, the dogs need your help! Practice kindness and education towards the Mayor, and through him educate Leola. Provide helpful links and share your knowledge. For other towns in South Dakota have contact Mayor Schock wanting copies of the Breed Specific Legislation for their own use. Impending regional tragedy has been unleashed. If we can't convince citizens of the Heartland to protect their treasured freedoms, how can we win against big government?

A Final Thought:

To the people of Leola: Love Dogs! Hate Dogs! It makes no difference. This is also about responsibility, basic freedom, and setting a dangerous precedent for government and law enforcement, which will be open to all forms of abuse. Hold people to their obligations to raise animals that are not prone to aggression in the first place. (No chains, no cruelty, spay / neuter...) Hold all levels of government to the highest standards when protecting rights of individual Americans. Once police can enter our homes and kill our pets on suspicion of a lineage, there are few lines the government will not be able to justify crossing. Don't let fear erode your Freedom. Find a better way!

City of Leola602 3rd StLeola, SD 57456

A Final Final Thought:

A study by the Centers for Disease Control, "Which Dogs Bite?" found that chained dogs are 2.8 times more likely to bite. The dogs most likely to bite are male, unneutered, and chained. Neither 'unneutered' or 'chained' is a breed. They are human failings. Any dog can become aggressive if the owner is irresponsible.

Okay, so it's still too long. At least this article had half the satire and 30% fewer calories than my ordinary chapters.

Shiba inu and Akita Inu Dogs - Good Bad and Ugly? - Family - Pets

Shiba Inu and Akitas have a resemblance to each other. They have the same stature, color and share a lot of their characteristics. Far from a young breed, the modern Shiba Inu is the continuation of a tradition of more than one thousand years.This exhibits the prominent trait of strong independence as well as high intellect. This doesn't mean they are not loyal. It is quite the opposite. Shiba Inu's might possibly be a more loyal companion than other breeds. The problem is their loyalty is not that easy to get. It needs to be taken from the Shiba Inu with a strong hand and a firm no. While positive reinforcement works well, you still must show them who's boss, similar to the Akita.

In contrast to the Akita, properly bred Shiba Inus are generally only between 14 to 17 inches tall at the shoulder. Its weight will be around 23 lbs. for grown-ups.The Akita is another breed that originated in ancient Japan. Throughout the dog breeds in the world, the Akita is among the oldest, according to genetics. These are the second oldest breeds in Japan, the oldest being the Shiba Inu.The Akita has a long and eventful history. It has gone through several wars and at a point was at the brink of extinction. The orignal purpose for the breed was to hunt everything from deer to larger game such as Black bears. This is how they became so ferocious. Prior to World War I, Japanese Samurais would stage dog fights with these animals in order to keep their bloodlust from becoming dormant during times of peace. In time this ceased because of the fact that the emperor banned dog fighting in Japan because he wanted to stop animal cruelty.

After the war, Akitas and other dogs were killed excessively to make coats. The remaining Akitas were bred with German Shepherds that the conquering Americans had. Luckily a few pure bred Akitas survived this decade. After this decade the love affair with Akitas was renewed and now they are considered national monuments in Japan.

Akita breeders' dogs are known to have an undesirable temperament and reputation of hard headedness. If their temperament is left unchecked the Akita can be aggressive and destructive at times. This accentuates how important early training is. Akita owners should begin training their pups while young. This is where a responsible Akita breeder can do wonders for their dogs. If you are considering buying one of these dogs, keep in mind that it is imperative that you be able to give them the time and attention that they require.

A fiercely loyal breed, the Akita will protect its family and territory at any cost. Once it has bonded with his master and his family, the Akita will go up to the point of protecting you and your family once it has sensed that there is impending danger ahead, and it will protect you with his very own life.The Akita and the Shiba Inu are equally excellent breeds. Shiba Inu and Akita breeders must be certain that the dogs will be well cared for no matter where they are adopted.

Homeowners Insurance - Dog Bites and Insurance Liability Coverage - Insurance

Four out of ten American households include at least one dog as a pet, according to the 2007-2008 National Pet Owner's Survey published by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association. With an average of nearly two dogs per household, the total dog population of the United States now stands at 74.8 million. The vast majority of dogs are well behaved, but each year more than 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). That amounts to about 1.5 percent of the population being bitten by a dog each year.

Some 800,000 of the bites are severe enough to warrant medical attention. In fact, dog bites are the second most common reason for emergency room visits (behind softball and baseball injuries), accounting for 386,000 visits a year. Sadly, the median age of a dog bite victim in a emergency rooms is just 15. In fact, the highest incidence of dog bites is among boys aged 5 to 9 years, (60.7 per 10,000 persons). Because of their lesser height, children are more likely than adults to be bitten in the face and neck. Fully 73 percent of children treated in emergency rooms are bitten above the shoulders, versus 30 percent of adults. According to the CDC, an average of 16 people die from dog bites annually, or 0.0002 percent of the total number of victims of dog bites.

Pet owners can be held liable for damages caused by dogs they own bite or otherwise harm individuals. Various state laws govern dog bites. Typically, the litigant must show negligence on the part of the dog owner. Negligence can be shown when a dog has bitten before or exhibited behavior indicating it would be likely to bite. Some states have one-bite laws, which make the owner liable without showing negligence. The California statute, for example, reads in part:

The owner of any dog is liable for the damages suffered by any person who is bitten by the dog while in a public place or lawfully in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness.

Exceptions occur when the person bitten has taunted the dog, has attacked or physically abused the dog, or was committing a crime against the owner of the dog. People who handle dogs as part of their profession, such as veterinarians, typically are exempted from dog bite laws.

Traditionally, homeowners insurance offered liability coverage for dog bites. The trend in recent years, however, has been to limit coverage for dog bite liability. Some policies exclude coverage for breeds known for aggressive behavior, such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Saint Bernard, Great Dane, and Doberman Pinscher. Others exclude dog bite liability altogether.

As with other homeowner insurance matters, be sure to read your policy carefully. If you have a dog, make sure you are covered for dog bite liability. If you are not sure, speak with your insurance agent. If you are not covered under a standard policy, find out if you can take out a rider to ensure coverage. Dogs are wonderful pets, but they can be unpredictable, especially around strangers. It only takes an instant, instinctual reaction on the part of your dog to put you in court, defending yourself against a liability claim.

Learn How to Train Your Working Dogs through Working Dog Videos - Business

Have you ever heard of the phrase "working like a dog?" This is true, in such a way that dogs are very industrious workers. Canines are capable of working different kinds of jobs similar to what we do. Among the most common tasks of working dogs are making lonely individuals happy and looking after kids and families. There are also some special breeds of canines that are tasked to assist policemen. The perfect examples for these breeds are the Doberman and German shepherd. On the other hand, some dogs work as guides for the blind people. Since working dogs don't get paid like us, we treat them with utmost care and love.

Other than canines that assist the police and blind individuals, farm dogs are also working dogs. They are the original working dogs. They are endowed with the innate instinct of herding sheep and watching over livestock. The breeds that are appropriate for this kind of job are the Border collie, Welsh Collie, Queensland Heeler, and Australian Kelpie. If you want to know how to train your dog to round up your cattle or sheep, you can watch working dog videos. These videos contain important tips and steps on training canines.

While there are farm dogs, there are also guard dogs. They are working dogs that are trained and hired to stop or attack intruders. These canines are mostly employed in homes, buildings, and fenced properties. The breeds that are suitable for this task are the American Bulldog, German shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman. Even if your dog knows how to bark, it does not mean that it is a guard dog. It is simply considered a watch dog, barking mainly to warn its owners.

Police dogs are working dogs that are specifically trained to assist the police in different fields or areas. There are canines that are trained to enforce public order, chasing or detaining suspects. Sniffer dogs look out for illicit substances like explosives or drugs. The Customs employ these trained canines to smell out illegal importation of plants or wildlife. Sniffer dogs are mostly beagles. Cadaver canines are working dogs that are taught to detect the smell of bodies that are decomposing. There are also tracking dogs that search for missing individuals or find suspects. Bloodhounds are perfect tracking canines.

If you want to train your dog within a certain field, you can view working dog videos. These videos will show you how to teach your canine to carry out the tasks that it is supposed to do. One website that provides working dog videos is Working Dog Videos. Other than videos, you can also watch pictures of canines on the website. You can join groups, and become a member of organizations that specialize in the training of working dogs.

You can also upload working dog videos over at the website. Or else, you can share videos of working dogs. You can make your videos available to the public, allowing you to share videos with every user that logs on to the site. You can also do this privately, sharing working dog videos only with the members of the website. If you own a training kennel, you can promote this by uploading videos of your working dogs.

Finding Suitable Girl Dog Names Requires Thought - Family - Pets

Putting a little thought into choosing suitable girl dog names when making a decision as to what you should call your female dog is more important than you might think. Have you ever heard an owner call his/her dog and think to yourself, "What a foolish name?" Too many times owners rush into naming the dog and then regret it later when the dog grows to adulthood and has a childish name. Even though the pure white German Shepherd or Husky puppy may look like a snowball when it is a puppy, think about how it will look when it become bigger. Will the name "Snowball" still be appropriate?

Puppies are often given as gifts to children at Christmas and for birthdays. Instead of choosing a name right away, wait a few days or even a week to see if you can determine any facets of the dog's personality that would lead to a name. Even though your children will be anxious to name the dog, encourage them to wait and think carefully about the name they choose. However, you also have to consider the fact that as the puppy grows up, its personality will change and she may not display this personality trait as an adult.

Choosing a name for female dog has to be gender specific. This means it should be a girl's name. Although something generic will work as well, when you have a girl's name then everyone will know what gender it is. Thinks about the size of the dog - not the size it is as a puppy, but the size it will be when fully grown. Lady is a popular name, as are Chloe and Maggie. Other regal names for a female dog include Queen, Duchess or Princess.

Since you will be using the dog's name numerous times in the future, it should be a name you like and one that is easy to say. The shorter the better is one rule of thumb some experts recommend in choosing names for dogs. You could follow the example of Native Americans and choose a name that is closely associated with the dog's nature. To do this find a quiet spot outdoors. Close your eyes and meditate for a while. When you open your eyes, what is the first thing you see? This could well be the name of your dog - Daisy, Butterfly, Blue Sky. Of course, it wouldn't be a good idea to name the dog after the first thing you see if that happens to be a lawn mower.

You also have to think of your own personality when choosing a girl's name for your dog. The name is reflective of you and your taste. Color names are good for dogs, so you could think of your favorite color. The names of flowers are also suitable.

As soon as you decide on a name, start using it whenever you speak to the dog. This will help the puppy to get used to the name and she will come whenever you call. It may take a few days for this to happen, but she will learn her name.

How to Choose Unique Boy Dog Names - Family - Pets

It is important to choose the right one of the many boy dog names for your male dog. You and your dog are going to be companions for many years so the name should reflect your relationship as well as the dog's personality. Some of the factors that you need to take into consideration when making this choice include:- The name should be easy to say and consist of only one or two consonants.- Male dog names usually contain hard consonants such as k, t and d because they are easier for the dog to hear.- It should be a name the dog won't confuse with words associated with commands, such as Come, Sit or Stay.- The name should be one that you won't be embarrassed using in public.

Other factors that you can take into consideration include the breed of the dog. Look at the type of coat the dog has and the size it will be when fully grown. A huge Newfoundland dog, for example, should not have the name Fluffy. Consider the origin of the breed as well. You can choose a German dog name for a German Shepherd or an Irish name for an Irish setter. You might want to consider the purpose for which you have the dog. If hunting is one of your interests and you intend to take the dog with you, then you can choose a name applicable to this kind of activity.

It really helps if you love the name you choose because you will be using it quite often. To avoid any confusion for the dog, make sure that everyone in the family agrees on the name. if you have one name for the dog and someone else decides to use another one because of a disagreement, this will only result in confusion for the dog.

There are numerous names for male dogs online on many sites. You can choose from names of historical figures or names of dogs that appear in movies and TV programs as well as popular and common names. It may take you some time to browse through the various names, but the result will be worth it when you find one that matches your dog perfectly. Some of the most commonly used names for male dogs of all breeds in the US are:

1. Jake2. Max3. Buddy4. Bailey5. Sam6. Rocky7. Buster8. Casey9. Cody10. Duke11. Charlie12. Jack13. Harley14. Rusty15. Toby16. Murphy17. Shelby18. Sparky19. Barney20. Winston

You will also find lists of the most popular names in just about every country of the world. Some of them will be the same, but there are differences. For example, the popular names for dogs in Australia include Oscar, Monty and Zack as well as those mentioned in the US list. In the UK, some of the names include Pip, Piper and Spot. Napoleon and Bonaparte are two of the most commonly used names for large boy dogs in France.

Dog Bark Motion Detector -- Good Dog! - Family

Here's how a Dog Bark Motion Detector saved a house from being burglarized while the owners were away for the weekend. I hope it will make you 'sit up' and get your attention.

Pete and Sally were newlyweds and decided to go to the mountains for the weekend. This was their first time away from home since their honeymoon.

Bill, their neighbor, was older and liked giving them advice.

"Did you lock all your windows and the back door? Did you put your lights on a timer? Is your garage locked? Did you tell the police that you're going away?"

"Yes", said Pete "and thanks for your advice. We think we have everything under control."

When Pete and Sally returned on Sunday night, there was Bill waiting for them.

"Did you know that your house was almost robbed?" cried Bill. "Why, a burglar got right up to your front door but was scared away by your dog."

"Woke the whole neighborhood up! No burglar in his right mind would have tried to break in after all that racket."

"I didn't even know that you had a dog, especially a big one like that. Why didn't you ask me to check on him -- give him water and food? And, where does he even do his business?"

Bill continued, "What kind of a dog is he? I bet it's a German Shepherd or even a Rottie. Whatever he is, his bark says he's big! Can I see him?"

Pete smiled and took Bill in to see Bruiser, his dog. As they approached the front door, Bruiser began to bark very loudly. Bill was cautious going in and braced himself to be greeted by a very large dog.

Instead Pete introduced Bill to Bruiser -- his Dog Bark Motion Detector!

"Well I'll be darned, it's an Electronic Dog" said Bill. "He sounded so real. I was even scared to come in with you. No wonder the burglar took off."

"Let me show you how it works" said Pete..

All you have to do is plug it into any electrical outlet and he's ready to guard your house 24/7. And, you don't have to feed him. Maybe you could even give him a name.

Bruiser, the Dog Bark Motion Detector, saved a house from being burglarized. Think of how it could be used in your home, office or warehouse to keep you from becoming a crime statistic.

Protect your home today and Don't Be the Next Victim!

Larry Zolna is a writer for the website Feel Safe and Secure and has written numerous articles about Home Security Products, Self Defense Products and Hidden Wireless Cameras. For more information the Dog Bark Motion Detector, please visit /dog_bark_motion_detector.html and Don't Be the Next Victim!

What Different Breeds of Dogs Have to Offer - Family - Pets

As you may already be fully aware, there are more than one hundred different types of dogs that are recognized by the American Kennel Club. Each dog is recognized by its breed. If you are contemplating buying a purebred dog to add to your family, it is important that you know a little about the breed and care that is required for its healthy upkeep.

Here is a brief description of some of the popular purebred dogs available. You will be able to get a quick idea of how to properly care for them and the type of home they will require for a long happy life.

Labradors are a very popular breed among families with children. They can be found in brown, black or yellow coats. They are great family dogs and very fast learners. It is common for them to also be working dogs. They work with the blind and even disabled people. They are also known for being retrievers, as they love to fetch and hold things in their mouths. They are excellent dogs for waterfowl hunting and other water sports because their fur is water repellant.

German shepherds are a dog that is unbelievably willing to please and highly intelligent. They were originally used in the earlier days to assist farmers in herding their livestock. They are excellent at guarding your home or garage and great family pets. They are fast learners and retain information wonderfully. You can often find a German shepherd on police forces around the globe. They are also trained to assist in the every day tasks of disabled individuals and even work in airports looking for drugs and bombs.

Boxers are another great animal to introduce as your new family pet. They are beautiful and very energetic. They are eager to please their master, and love to be playful. Boxers are one of the few breeds that are not considered to be adults until they have reached three years of age. They have strong personalities and seem to learn at quite a fast pace. However, it is very important that you begin training a boxer at an early age. You also need to be persistent at your training a boxer.

Rotweillers are another popular breed, that can be traced back to the ancient ages. They were used as guard dogs in the Roman Empire. They were to guard and protect the cattle because they are extremely powerful and smart. Many police forces also have used these dogs as part of their force. They are very large dogs and with proper discipline and training they can make great family pets as well as guard dogs. They are nowhither breed that loves to please, they are always alert of their surroundings and have a lot of energy.

These mentioned dog breeds are common and popular. They are fairly easy breeds to find almost anywhere. Purchasing a dog is a life long commitment. You should be sure that you are financially stable enough to maintain the proper health for the breed as well as give it the needed exercise. You will need to go to the vet on a regular basis to be sure your dog is healthy.

Friday, 30 March 2012

How to Pick Out a Dog That Can Be Easily Trained - Family - Pets

When you're shopping for a new dog you of course will be expecting for a doggie that will be a good comrade, but you most probably will require one that can be disciplined and schooled tricks. As you're attempting to train a dog whether it is a Deutsch Drahthaar or a Toy Fox Terrier or a Llewellyn Setter or a Lagotto Romagnolo or a Slovakian Hound that can be obedience disciplined rather easily, it will make your work less complicated when you're paper training it and teaching it simple personal manner.

Although a dog that's obstinate can pose some additional work in educating, they can be trained by an individual who's experienced in dog handing. Nevertheless, if you're just getting rolling with dog educating, you'll get cracking a lot quicker if you discover one that can be coached easily. When searching for this character of dog, there are a few things that you should look to in personality, breed and age.


Just about all people will assure you that a less agitated dog is a whale of a lot more easygoing to train. While it's probably somewhat simpler to hold this type of dog's attention, a high-spirited, hyper dog can also be easy to train if you've some patience. The key is to lay your hands on a dog that will adhere with you. When you attach with a dog and that dog will follow you anyplace because it thinks about you as a more significant member of its family unit, it will enthusiastically execute anything for you. A dog that enjoys its owner is really simple to coach, irrespective of whether it's hyperactive or quiet, submissive or dominant.

A submissive dog will usually demonstrate fewer hard knocks* in conditioning than a dominant one will. To check and see if your companion is submissive, look him or her in the eyes. If your dog looks away 1st, that will let you know of its submission. With lapdogs and puppies, it roles over so that its stomach is bared to you. A submissive dog will just lie down and let you to turn them over. A dominant dog will protest you, attempting to turn them over immediately.


Your selection of breeds is immense - Curly Coated Retriever and Serbian Mountain Hound to name a couple.

Different breeds are well acknowledged for their trainability. Labs and Retrievers are rightly popular since they're so easy to train. Nevertheless, the bully breeds are very intelligent animals and will convert to your dearest friend. This includes American bulldogs, pit bulls and English bulldogs. Corgis, Australian shepherds, German shepherds and Dobermans are dogs that are generally easy to train. Terriers and notorious for being hard to train, but they can be schooled and they'll acquire new accomplishments fast, particularly if you make it worth their time such as giving them a treat. Mixed breed dogs can likewise make exceptional pets that are easy to train.


The old saying is that you can not teach an old dog a new trick and most people think that fully grown dogs cannot be trained, but that is plainly not true. Quite a multitude of full-grown dogs learn even quicker than pups. Adult dogs many times have a better attention span than pups and they're more adjudicated. Adult dogs can make outstanding pets and can demonstrate to be very easy to train which is a good case to support rescues.

As you pick out a dog, look to one that falls into place with you. Whenever you discover a dog that you'll bond with, it will make your coaching so much more easygoing.

Dealing With Separation Anxiety From Your Dog - Family - Pets

Separation anxiety is a condition that you might not be expecting to have to deal with when you first acquire your new dog.

However, it is a condition that is very common and it is defined as a state of intense panic brought about by your dog being separated from you for a period of time. This could be when you are just popping out to the shops or maybe leaving your dog for a longer period of time, such as when you go to work.

You see the problem is that dogs are social animals, they are not used to being on their own for extended periods of time. If you think back to earlier times dogs were essentially pack animals and as such were always accompanied by dogs from their own pack.

In modern times, dogs that cannot cope with being alone are very prone to developing separation anxiety. In addition, some breeds are more prone to anxiety than others. You should note that German Shepherds, Airedales, Weimaraners and Springer Spaniels can be very insecure dogs so if you are planning to be away from home for long periods maybe you should reconsider if you have decided to opt for one of these breeds.

It is also common to find dogs that are quite insecure if they have come from unsettling backgrounds. An example would be a dog that has been housed in a shelter for a period of time especially if it has suffered some sort of trauma that led it there in the first place. The dog may be thinking that in leaving it alone you may be about to give it a similar traumatic experience.

In addition, if your puppy has been taken from its litter too early, usually before eight weeks and if it has not been closely looked after and cared for, it may translate this into a traumatic episode which can also lead to separation anxiety.

Ideas For Coping With Separation Anxiety

A good rule is to correlate how long you are going to be away for to the length of walk you give your dog immediately before you leave the house.

What you want to aim for is to make your dog really tired so that it helps to take its mind off of your absence. You should start at say half an hour for an absence of say three hours and work up from there.

Secondly try to distract your dog from its boredom by providing it with something tasty but long lasting to chew whilst you are out. How about a nice tasty marrowbone? Bake one in the oven for around twenty minutes before you leave to ensure it is hard and less messy and it should provide a good smokescreen for when you leave as your dog will be quite pre-occupied.

If at all possible try to leave your dog somewhere where it will have a view of the outside world. Even if your dog cannot go outside seeing what is going on is almost as good.

Hopefully this article has given you a few ideas on how to get started in dealing with separation anxiety to comfort your pet.

Large Dog Clothes Are Too Cute - Family - Pets

Large dog clothes can be just as enjoyable and cute as dressing up tiny dogs. They are so sweet when they are in clothing. Don't let your big dog be left out of the loop because he is large. You definitely have to test your dog's personality to see if they will let you put clothes on them. This is true for big and tiny dogs. If they will allow you to dress them up, do it! It can be comforting to them like getting a big hug. When thinking about dressing your dog up, don't just think t shirts for making a statement. Although, they are undeniably adorable! Clothes have a purpose for dogs as well.When taking your large dog out for a walk in not so great weather, do you wear a coat or raincoat? Do you wear eye protection? Dogs get chilled just like people do. think about a doggy raincoat or coat. They need protection from bad weather just like tiny dogs and us. Dog Sunglasses are an item that many people don't even know are available. Dog's eyes need covered as well! If you are sporting a pair of sunglasses, let your dog wear some too. Remember that sunglasses protect from uv-rays and the elements.When first trying to dress your large dog up if he doesn't seem to like it, do not give upright away. Sometimes dogs require time toadjust to it. A clever method to get them used to their new dog clothing is to give them a treat or distract them by taking them for a walk right away. Many dogs are really into clothes. A friend of mine recently ordered a diva dog t shirt and a raincoat for her German Shepherd. She sent me pictures and said how her dog, Mopsu, loves clothes! How cute to envision a huge German Shepherd dressed up in a pink t-shirt. When a dog does enjoy clothes it is a great feeling to know your dog is happy.When you own a big dog, both of you will appreciate the cool doggy duds available for big dogs. You can express your dog's personality through their clothing. You can also express your other side through how you dress up your dog. Large dog clothes can be difficult to locate. definitely follow measuring directions and sizing by dog type recommendations because all dog clothing manufacturers size their clothes differently. When choosing clothes based on breed, be certain to consider your dog's size is comparable to the average size dog of that same breed. When dressing your dog up for function or fun, make sure to locate a store that has a clothing section suited for your large dog. If they will wear it, let them!

A Look into Common Dog Names - Family - Pets

If you have just become a dog owner, either through buying your dog or being given a dog as a gift from someone, you would have to think a name for your pet. There are actually a lot of dog names to choose from. There is no rule in choosing dog names but there are usual techniques that pet owners employ when deciding on which dog names to use.

There are people who choose to give classical dog names to their pets such as the known dog names: Buddy, Spike, Sam, Max, etc. A lot of people also prefer dog names that are "positive." After all, if you name your dog as "Killer" then people might fear going near your dog based on the negative name given. It is therefore best to choose dog names that would present your dogs into a positive light.

Some dog names are also said to be inspired by food. Examples of names that you could give your dogs that denote food are the following: Pepper, Peanut, Cookie, Cinnamon, Candy, and a lot more. You will find that the examples are foods that are either sweet or spicy and definitely not pertaining to vegetables or meat products.

Choose appropriate names and never use names that would poke fun at your dogs. If you have a toy dog, then it would not be wise to name your dog "Ogre" right? If you have a German Shepherd then never name your pet "Baby." You may ask the opinion of your friends and family about which names would be best for your dogs.

When choosing dog names, it is better to select names that only have two syllables or less. In this way, you will find it easier in training your dogs. You wouldn't want to train your dogs with a name with so many syllables as this will be exhausting and will leave your throat dry. "Sit, Nikky!" is better than " Sit, Hippocrates!" You may choose multi-syllabic dog names but then you should come up with a nickname that is shorter (one or two syllables) especially during your dog's training days.

Lastly, it is best to select dog names that would suit your pets. Choose names that are perfect for the breed of your dogs as well as their personalities. If you would want your dog to be the show type one, choose a name that would really set them apart from the other dogs in the competition.

Choosing a right dog - Tips and Things to Consider - Family - Pets

As we see healthy and lovely dogs around, it really seemed so exciting and so much fun getting in-love to have one. It was really nice feelings to have a loyal companion and friend that's always there to cheer you up. But before you decide what kind of dog want to be with, it is always better to be well-prepared and make best decisions to ensure a good quality of life for you and your pet. There are thousands and millions of dogs suffering and being euthanized around and it is really hearth-breaking, so instead of becoming part of a problem, let us be a part of solution. Be responsible enough and equip ourselves with good information and education. A dog is a part of the family for a dozen or more years; the commitment to feed, shelter, and nurture a family friend for that amount of time should be based on rigorous analysis of an appropriate breed for the family circumstances.

Here are some points to consider when choosing a dog that's perfect for you. First is the size, a large dog is not suitable for an apartment, for elderly owners, or for mild-mannered women because of their strength and incredible energy and exercise need. Large, agile dogs adapt well to apartment or condo living as long as they get a daily walk, and some are gentle enough that anyone with a firm voice and manner can easily handle them, they are good for house with children. Small dogs may be unsuitable for families with active children or elderly or infirm relatives who could trip over a small, bouncy critter. Some dogs are lethargic and others are very energetic and needs enough exercise a day to let these energy settle down. Those who fail to give enough exercise for very energetic dog, dogs tend to bored and divert it on unnecessary behavior like being too destructive, aggressive and many other behavior problems. Active families would be happier with a pet that can jog, hike, and play ball, and more sedate folks would most likely prefer a quieter animal. Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and Corgis are not jogging companions, and Airedales, German Shepherds, and Border Collies are not typical couch potatoes, they love to walking and usually likes to perform agilities around. All dogs need some exercise to stay healthy. Most adult dogs will not exercise themselves, so time for walks and other activities is important. Some breeds are fairly easy to train, and some are quite difficult. If you lack time and patience to deal with a dog that is difficult to train, then an older dog from a rescue service may fit your bill as well as a pup of a breed that is traditionally easier to train. Intelligence is not necessarily an indicator of trainability; smart dogs often have their own agenda and require firmness of purpose on the part of their owners. Smart dogs bored easily, specially on activities that are repeated, have some different routines and activit ies to do, or a higher level of training like on agility training class where they can show what really they got. As a rule, terriers, hounds, and northern dogs are tough to train because of their intelligence and independent natures, and sporting and herding dogs are easier to train. The sharpest-working obedience breeds are Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies, German Shepherds, and Shetland Sheepdogs, breeds that developed to closely with humans.

Dog barks, they range from a lovely small bark of a puppy into annoying barks that are so embarrassing and might turn into hating neighborhood, too much barking can lead to noise laws or even pet limit laws. Terriers and scent hounds use their voices to broadcast their progress in chasing prey animals. Shelties and Collies bark to tell the sheep to git back to the barn. Canaan Dogs bark to alert their families to potential intruders. Barking dogs do not endear owners to their neighbors in apartments, condominiums, and close-knit suburbs. Dogs bark if they are too bored so ensure you have enough time and ability to train, walk and have playtime with your pet. There are some special collars available to deter barking dogs and some training methods that can help in some cases, but if potential owners take the noise factor into consideration, problems are more likely to be minimized. Owner's capabilities and commitment always have a dog with good behavior and temperament. Bree d and group temperament can be described, but there is latitude within that description for individuality. Thus Akitas are declared to be tough animals, loyal, aloof, dominant, aggressive to other animals, and often challenging. However, many Akitas are sweet and cuddly, love small critters, will climb in laps if allowed, and are anything but aloof and dominant. Terriers are scrappy, yappy, tough, and independent, but Airedale Terriers bond very closely to their humans and are somewhat protective. Hounds follow their eyes or noses and are often oblivious to human presence, but Dachshunds bond closely with their families and Greyhounds and Whippets are sweet, gentle pets.

Meticulous housekeepers and folks with little or no time for grooming will be happier with dogs that don't accessorize the living room with dog-hair dust bunnies a couple of times a year. Double-coated dogs may also have longer, stiffer guard hairs that can penetrate bare feet like splinters. Long-coated and double-coated dogs shed, shed, and shed some more, leaving tufts of hair to float about the house and land everywhere. Dogs with oily outer coats can develop a doggy odor that can be unpleasant, dogs with heavy coats may suffer in southern climes, and dogs with short coats may shiver in the north. Brushing is needed to remove the dead hair from wire-coated terriers, poodles, and poodle relatives, and professional grooming is necessary to maintain texture and color in wirehaired terriers. These breeds are generally better than heavily shedding breeds for owners with allergies. Your environment, dogs can be destructive to gardens, lawns, and landscape plantings. Common p roblems such as urinating on lawns or shrubs, roll in flowers, chomp on vegetables and branches, dig holes, and generally cause havoc unless they are restrained from doing so. Sturdy fences will keep dogs from entering gardens if they are tall enough so dog owners use underground radio fences or wireless fences.

On health, have good knowledge on what to feed for your dog. Ask or look for some comments or testimonials about certain dog food before giving it to your dog. Dogs in the wild naturally eat raw food, it was natural, healthy and cheap so consider them, ask your vet about it. A good vet will say about dog raw food, if they always recommend those process food then look for a new vet that could suggest. Although purebred dogs are sometimes denigrated as harboring all sorts of genetic abnormalities and mixed breed dogs are sometimes claimed to be healthier than their purebred cousins, the truth is that all dog have the same range of health problems. Some of these problems are genetic, some result from exposure to disease or parasites, and some are the result of non-inherited birth defects or injuries. Joint problems, including hip and elbow dysplasia and loose kneecaps; eye problems; cancers; skin diseases; heart and other organ diseases; and more affect canines of every size and background. Some dogs have additional problems caused by short muzzles, long backs, giant or diminutive size, or other physical features. When you finally decide on what kind of breed, research everything about this breed. Make sure you get the dog on the right place, visit first rescue or shelter house where then can study if the dog will be perfect for your lifestyle. Also make sure you are getting the dog on true responsible breeder, they should have all the papers and required shots, etc.

Two Popular Approcaches to Dog Training - Family - Pets

Are you interested in a Career in Dog Training, or would like to become a Dog Trainer?Do you want to train your pet? Then, as you become a dog trainer, you have to choose between 2 equally efficient methods to dog teaching: classical and operant conditioning.Classical conditioning is a matter of connection. Fundamentally, you will be asked to introduce motivators to your dog, to train him to response in a certain way when he encounters certain motivators. For example, ringing a bell right before feeding him food will make him anticipate food whenever he hears a bell ring. Providing him a dog treat every time he turns over on the floor will in the long run make him roll on the floor when shown a dog treat.Classical conditioning is thought to be the superior of the 2 methods in dog teaching.However, operant conditioning is a very close substitute.Operant conditioning includes the presentation of negative or constructive corroborations all the way through the program of dog t raining. Positive corroborations are rewards you will provide for your pet whenever he does something good. The idea is to train your pet to keep on doing these actions so that he can receive his rewards. Negative corroborations are reprimands inflicted upon the pet whenever he does something poor.Some dog trainers would say that constructive corroborations should be preferred over negative corroborations. Who would wish to see his pet suffer, after all?However, some dog breeds respond better to negative corroborations rather than constructive corroborations. English bulldogs, pugs and spitzes, for example, are more amenable to education when reprimanded for their errors.Negative corroborations, on the other hand, can be disastrous for specific dog breeds. A German Shepherd, once reprimanded, may bear a grudge towards his trainer for life. A Shih Tzu can cut his liking for a trainer who brings in unconstructive corroborations for the duration his training. The same goes for a Pomeranian.Inexperienced at dog training or the Career in Dog Training?It is advisable to take the classical conditioning course first because it is undemanding to do.To become a Dog Trainer, or the pursuit of a Career in Dog Training, requires serious consideration.To learn more about a career in dog training or how to become a dog trainer, click on Dog Training Career.OR Become a Dog Trainer

Dogs can't eat everything - Especially Walnuts - Family - Pets

I've had dogs in my life since I was very young, our family dogs were huge cannines, usually breeds such as German Shepherds, Great Danes, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Pyrenees, etc., and feeding them wasn't really a big deal, they seemed to eat just about anything edible, processed commercial dog food and table scraps, they never had a health problem associated with their foods, and I never saw any of them vomit.

I now own a medium sized mixed shepherd breed that used to vomit regularly, not every day, but about twice a week. I was baffled, and I would take him to the vets office at least once a month, but the vet couldn't find anything wrong with him. I got very frustrated, so I did some research of my own.

In my research I found that dogs have sensitive tummy's too, it's amazing to me because I'd never known a dog to have a sensitive tummy.

But I found out there are certain foods that dogs should absolutely not have because they can make your dog sick or at worst, kill your dog.

1. Chocolate is NEVER to be given, even in small amounts.

2. Grapes/raisins/currants is a big no-no,

3. Nuts (every kind especially walnuts) are also bad.

All of the above foods are only a few of the toxic foods you should never feed your dog. I won't bore you with the scientific causes, just know not to feed it to your dog.

I'm into holistics and I was shocked to learn that nuts of any kind, especially walnuts were bad for my dog,and that's what was making him vomit. I immediately stopped feeding him nuts and started him on an all raw natural, whole foods diet that included only raw meats and vegetables. This diet eliminated the toxins and poisons that had built up in his system because of the walnuts I was feeding him.

It took about 10 days for him to purge his system of the toxins, and I felt so guilty feeding him the walnuts I don't buy walnuts for myself anymore, I don't keep walnuts in the house!

He's absolutely fine now and he hasn't vomited in about a year. I'm so glad I did some research about this because dogs can't eat everything - especially walnuts.

A Tip From the Essex Police Dog Unit - The History of Barking in Essex - Family - Pets

Hear that barking in Essex? The history of the Essex Police Dog Unit is a colorful one, and proves a point that I have been making in other articles: you will get greater results with your dog when you use love and kindness than when you are strict and unyielding to their individuality.

The Essex unit started in 1953 with only two dogs: a Doberman named Remoh, and a German Shepherd named Senta. The Essex Dog Unit made their first arrest in 1955, sharing a single van.

Today the Essex Dog Unit is a growing wing of the police service with 42 dogs and a fleet of vehicles to get them around. The Unite rarely performs exhibitions any more. But back in the fifties, when it was just Remoh and Senta, the Essex dog Unit was renowned for their competition skills with both dogs finishing in the top ten in the Associated Sheep, Police and Army Dog Society trials.

Presently, the dogs are enrolled in a highly regimented training program, stay at a kennel, and do not take part in public exhibitions of their talent. When the Unit first started, the dogs lived at the home of their handlers. It was this personal touch that enabled these dogs to be champions.

It's kind of like a study that was done on rats, where they found that the rats who received "tactile physical stimulation" lived longer and more happily than the rats that were merely supplied with nourishment. "Tactile physical stimulation" is a fancy scientific term meaning love, cuddling, playing, tickling, and other forms of physical affection. Love is just as vital of a necessity as nourishment in living a long and happy life.

It is important to teach your dog that you are the master and reinforce the point often. But better to be a loving and compassionate master than a cold task master. That's the lesson we should take from the history of barking in Essex.

The perfect dog: The perfect dog for - Family

The perfect dog: The perfect dog hunt

Hello this article is all about the perfect dog. The truth is though that there is no such thing as the perfect dog because a dog can have many different purposes. However there is a perfect dog for every purpose a dog can have. In this article I will try and give all the purposes I can think of and the perfect dog for each one.

Here is the perfect example and probably the most common. A family dog- there can be a perfect dog that would be perfect for one family but not for another because of the circumstances like if there where small children in the family a doberman or rottweiler may not be a perfect dog but the golden labrador puppy is always a favourite.

Taking this example the perfect dog for the perfect family is probably going to be the labrador or golden retriever because of its cuteness and temperament after all the family dog is suppose to be adorable. Then there is Lassie who has been named the perfect dog on a lot of occassions but I will come back to her.

Another example of a family perfect dog could be the husky it looks awesome and gets on very well with small children however one downside to this is that it requires a lot of exercise and a slightly more experienced owner. It would be one of the perfect dog s for the guy or girl who likes to exercise and lives in a well secured area with a lot of other dogs.

As I said earlier dogs have different purposes, another purpose besides the cute family pet is for services such as the police. Police can use dogs to sniff out drugs or as a form of defence so these dogs must be the perfect dog s for this otherwise they will be considered useless. So the services have found the perfect dog and use the german shepherd because of its intelligence, fearlessness, loyalty, activeness and their willingness to have a purpose.

I said above about lassie the collie being considered the perfect dog. Again the collie is the perfect dog provided its purpose is being fulfilled. It is very extremely energetic and agile with great stamina, able to run all day without tiring, even over very rough or steep ground. They are intelligent, and are instinctively highly motivated to work. These characteristics generally make working strains unsuitable as pets because few owners are able to give them the mental and physical challenges they need and, if not well fulfilled, they may become unhappy and badly behaved.

Thats just a bit of info on the perfect dog and that there isn't really such thing as "the" perfect dog. However there is a perfect dog for each individual person or family.

Thats all on the perfect dog. If your dog is badly behaved Debbie is an expert I highly recommend found here /

copyright the perfect dog connor 08

The smartest dog: the smartest dog breeds - Family

Here is a list of what the smartest dog s apparently are in my opinion I think its wrong and a disgrace that the siberian husky isn't in the top ten smartest dog s. I own one and it is incredibly smart and independent. so I will just list what the top 3 smartest dog s are then name what the other 7 are.

Here we go a list of the top ten smartest dog s. Number 3 is the german shepherd and I would say this is about right. The german shepherds is one of the smartest dog s because of its ability to learn, its loyalty, courageous, very strong protective instinct and most importantly the fact that it is willing to have a purpose otherwise it isn't happy. The german shepherd serves the police and other services as great working dogs.

In at number two of the smartest dog breeds is the poodle. The poodle is highly intelligent and one of the easiest breeds to train.They are very sensitive and pleasant. They rank high in all dog sports including herding and can be trained to hunt because of all this the poodle is ranked number two in the smartest dog breeds in the world.

The finale in at number one spot of the smartest dog breeds is the...Border collie. Like many of the smartest dog breeds the border collie wants to have a purpose otherwise it won't be happy. Border collies set the highest standards in dog sports and especially sheep herding. They require a lot of exercise otherwise they will just get destructive.

Those are just the top 3 smartest dog breeds here is the names of the other 7 dogs in the top ten smartest dog breeds. In no particular order.. golden retriever, doberman pinscher, shetland sheepdog, labrador retriever, papillon, rottweiler and the australian cattle dog.

I think thats all on the smartest dog. Again I am really surprised the siberian husky isn't up there. It is a very independent working dog breed that was required to safely guide its mushers across snow and ice without risking their lives. It knows not to pull across thin ice etc and can live on its own. I think it should be at number 4 of the smartest dog breeds but thats my opinion but then again the top 10 was someonelses.

smartest dog breeds copyright connor mcbroom08

if you are having trouble with your dog Debbie is a training expert I highly recommend at /. To about siberian huskies

Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Belgian Malinois Dog Breed - Family

The Belgian Malinois closely resembles the German Shepherd breed, although they are usually a little smaller. They tend to be 60 to 65 pounds and 22 to 26 inches in height. You will find the Belgian Malinois is a shorthaired dog, which is typically fawn or mahogany in color. They also have black tipped ears and face. They have a long tail that is usually hanging down. Their body is sleek and muscular. You will find the Belgian Malinois has short hair that is often coarse to the touch with a denser undercoat that is slightly longer in length. They tend to be average shedders.

When you adopt a Belgian Malinois you want to make sure you know everything about them in order to make sure you provide the proper care. For grooming needs the Belgian Malinois needs to have daily brushings to remove the dead or loose hair. Since the hair is short they don't require clipping or an extreme brushing because it will not get matted or tangled. You should only give the Belgian Malinois' baths when it is absolutely necessary. They can suffer from skin irritations if bathed too often. You will find the shedding is usually seasonal so they may shed a little more at certain times of the year. On a daily basis you should check their feet, nails, teeth, ears, and eyes to make sure they have not injured themselves.

The Belgian Malinois is in the herding breeding group. This means they typically display dominant behavior and can be protective as well as very muscular. You will find they are defensive of their property. This also makes them great as guard dogs for any home. Typically behavioral characteristics you will find in the Belgian Malinois include alertness, agility, and a lot of energy. You will find their high intelligence makes training rather easy. They do need to have socialization and obedience training as puppies to provide the best behavior. You need to assert who is master and help them get along with children and other animals. They are best around larger animals that are not as passive. You also need to have respectful children as the dogs demand respect and gentle care. The Belgian Malinois is a pleasing dog for any owner and loves to have jobs.

For training you will find they are easily trained because of the intelligence and their working ability. They love to have tasks that work them both physically and mentally during the training. Remember that you need to be consistent and yet firm during the training to get the best results. You may want to seek a professional trainer to help you with some ideas regarding training. You will find also that they need a lot of space. They are medium sized dogs so they need to have daily exercise for at least an hour. It is best to have a home with a medium or large backyard; however if you do live in an apartment they will be okay, as long as you provide more exercise during the day. They are very active and being cooped up while you are at work can be stressful. It is best to have a job where you can go home for lunch and offer them some exercise and play.

The Belgian Malinois does best with a lot of exercise, room, and loving owners. They are eager to please anyone and do require some training. It is important that they are feed on a routine as well as exercised with routine to provide healthy living conditions.

Acral Lick Granuloma - A Problem For Many Dogs - Family - Pets

Dogs often develop hot spots where they lick and chew constantly. A hot spot like this on the front paw near the wrist or the outside rear leg can turn into an Acral (relating to limbs ) Lick Granuloma. The spot becomes red, irritated and an open sore. The licking and chewing becomes a compulsive behavior.

Over time, the area get larger and the tissue becomes thick. It may ooze or bleed and becomes a open scarred sore. It can affect the dogs leg down to the base layer of skin, and under a microscope, its possible to find broken hair follicles, bacteria and damaged or inflamed capillaries.

Any dog can develop a lick granuloma, however, certain breeds are more prone. Dobermans, Rottweilers, Weimaraners, German Shepherds, Labs and Golden Retrievers seem most likely to develop the condition. So, what causes a lick granuloma? There is not any one specific cause to explain every case, however, veterinary dermatologists agree on several things. Boredom is believed to be one reason a dog will develop a lick granuloma. Licking and chewing is just something to do to pass the time. Another cause can be allergic dermatitis that causes and inflammation and itching. An injury or a splinter or thorn in the paw can trigger licking and chewing. The problem is, the dog just cannot leave it alone, so it does not heal.

There are several options for treatment of a lick granuloma. One of the newest treatments is laser surgery. The laser vaporizes the infected tissue and seals the nerve endings. You may think wrapping the paw and using a lampshade collar would allow the sore to heal, but the dog will just start licking above the bandage and cause a new sore. Other methods of treatment have been tried, such as cortisone injections and even anti-anxiety medication. These drugs were believed to help curb the compulsive need to lick.

It seems the best result is achieved with a long term course of antibiotics. The dog should be on the medication for as long as 6 months. Treatment with an antibiotic and cortisone cream, in conjunction with the medicine will help.

It is important for your dog to be fed a high quality, meat based diet for optimal health. An all natural pet vitamin will provide the needed Omega Fatty Acids to maintain healthy skin and coat for your dog.

Joseph M. Sabol is a world class Doberman breeder. Please go to or to for further information

Article Source: /?expert=Joseph_M_Sabol

What Makes a Great Rescue Dog? - Family - Pets

Rescue dogs are frequently used to aid in finding missing people, whether in avalanche areas or in the forest, since they have such a fine sense of smell. Just one dog can do the work of nearly two dozen rescue workers, by covering the same amount of ground in a fraction of the time and far more thoroughly. But how are these dogs chosen and what type of dog training do they go through?

The Selection Process

Most rescue dogs are chosen as puppies. The first selection is usually done around 2 months of age, but the puppies will be weeded out to select the best candidates again at one year, once they`ve matured a bit. While there are some specific breeds (German Shepherd, bloodhounds, etc.) that work better for this type of training, they still need to meet certain standards.

The qualities looked for in these puppies include the following:

Strong "prey" drive, the ability to hunt something for extended periods of time, which is useful when searching for lost hikers for several hours.

A calm temperament. Excitable or nervous dogs rarely do well in the field and are not selected for training.

Dog obedience. If a dog isn`t interested in following commands, it won`t be possible to control him in the field, which is essential for tracking.

Puppy training begins once the dog has proven to fulfill all the requirements.

Training a Rescue Dog

The first step in training a young dog to track people is to lay the foundation. This basic puppy training is actually very similar to what any working dog would need to learn and once the puppy has mastered the basic skills, he is ready for more specialized training.

The foundation training includes socialization, desensitizing the dog to external distractions, dog obedience classes and barking on demand, among other things. These dogs also learn to follow hand signals, rather than simply voice commands. This makes it easier to direct a dog that is too far from its trainer to receive voice commands and also allows for silent work when needed.

Once the dog is adept at these skills, it`s time for more advanced dog training that will prepare him for the real world of scents. One of the first things a puppy learns is to track by air, following a scent carried on the wind or simply lingering in the air. This is very important for areas that don`t hold a scent, such as river beds. The dog is also trained to track scents left on the ground.

To help train these dogs, they are often taken on courses where a person has laid a trail on purpose. The dog is given an object or item of clothing with the person`s scent and is allowed to smell it before casting for the scent in a specific area. In these cases, the person laying the trail will purposely cross roads, walk through water and double back, so the dog can learn to distinguish the true trail. Distractions are also provided, including other animals and people walking across the trail.

Since rescue work often requires the collection of evidence, particularly in the case of death, rescue dog training includes learning to point out objects dropped by the person they are tracking and to handle any evidence with care. The most common method of alerting their masters to the fact that they have found something of value is to bark.

These dogs participate in specialized rescue dog training and in most areas, are required to pass a tracking and ability test in order to become a certified rescue dog. They then need to be recertified every couple of years or so, depending on the area. They provide a very valuable service and are instrumental in the recovery of missing people every year.

Adorn your Lovely Dog with Beautiful and Trendy Dog Jewellery - Shopping - Jewelry

Dog fanatics doll up their pets with scarves and ribbons and jewellery articles to make them more pretty and lovable. Many dog owners use fancy collars studded with gemstones and charms. Dog owners consider their pets as their kids and dress them up like little babies. A variety of jewellery articles are made for pets and pet owners love to buy those trendy and beautiful pieces to adorn their dogs and cats. Designer pet jewellery provides enchanting articles in bright colors and for different breeds and sizes of dogs. Beautiful and fabulous trinkets are used in dog jewellery. Dog lovers like to have matching jewellery for themselves and their pets. They love to adorn their pets with bracelets, collars, rings, ear rings, necklaces, pins and other fascinating articles. These ornaments make the dogs more charming and attractive. People go for dog party jewellery, casual jewellery, designer jewellery and handcrafted jewellery to pamper their pet. Dog Bracelets are worn around the paw. A bracelet for the dog can be just a row of beads or a simple band. A simple braided jute string can make lovely and unique bracelets for the paws. Dog necklaces are just like human necklaces. Different metals like; silver, gold, brass and aluminum are used to make these lovely necklaces. Necklaces can be a simple chain with charms hanging in it or it can be 2 or 3 chains with different beads and crystals making it colorful and flashy. The beads used in it can be of different shapes like; hearts, round, bone shape, flower shape, stars, bunny, and daisies. Hair pins, clips, barrettes, tiaras and even bands are also in fashion. These pins and clips come in a variety of designs and colors with different gorgeous stones such as rhinestone, glow ones, star shaped, heart shaped, bows, butterfly, poodle face, smiley face, dog bone, angel, single stone and other endless choices and designs. Designer dog ornaments are also very popular and the famous designers that are makin g pet jewels include; Gucci, Burberry and Louis Vuitton.

Buying /categories/Dog-Jewellery/">Dog Jewellery may happen to be as tough as buying human jewels. To make it easy just follow some simple tips while buying your pets jewellery. Always measure your dogs neck size for buying a collar or chain. For measuring the size, keep two fingers beneath the tape while measuring its neck when measuring. Your dog may need some time to get used to the jewellery. If your dog is wearing jewellery for the first time then dont leave the dog alone with the jewels on. Buy the jewellery according to your dog's behavior, attitude and appearance. Some dogs might be allergic to certain materials so first you have to get knowledge about your dogs health. Dachshund, Golden Retriever, Beagle, German Shepherd and the Chinese Shar Pei are prone to skin diseases and might suffer breathing problem or skin infection by wearing heavy Jewellery. Jewellery should be bought according to the breed, size and the age of your pet. Dog Jewellery is the hottest tren d and many designers are now making a variety of jewels for dogs. Diamond is also used for making beautiful and elegant dog jewels to make them look pretty and trendy.

Active Lifestyle For Active Dogs - Family - Pets

Dogs, by nature, are born to be active. So if you're the type of person who prefers to sit and watch TV alot, having a dog might not be the right decision. A dog is more likely to feel depressed if he is matched with an owner who has a different lifestyle, creating discord in the relationship.

If you bring a dog into your home, there are activity levels that you should think about first in order to keep your dog fit physically and emotionally. Having a dog that needs walking twice a day might spur lazy adults to get the kind of physical exercise that they need. However, lazy individuals are not prone to change their habits enough to make a good match between them and active dogs. It's the dog that will suffer as the lazy owner slacks off on walking and the dog fails to get what he needs in consistent outdoor time.

The amount of activity a dog needs is not the same as exercise. Every dog needs time to walk, run, play and relax each day. Go to a dog park or walk your dog on a leash in the neighborhood. Having a fenced backyard allows your dog to romp and play without a lead. For many older adults, it's not as easy to get around as it used to be so choosing a dog that requires less daily activity is best. Individuals that enjoy being outside and actively include their dogs are more likely to have healthier, happy dogs.

Larger dogs tend to be more physically active. Many larger dogs have heritages that include being working or hunting dogs. Their innate desire is to be active. Dogs which are born for movement and agility may include the Doberman, Springer Spaniel, Irish Setter, German Shepherd and Greyhound. It is natural for them to require movement and exercise everyday. Not all large dogs require a high level of physical activity. Size can fool you. Breeds such as the St. Bernard and Bull Mastiff fit this category even though they may well weigh more than their keeper.

Small dogs can comfortably live in small spaces. These dogs may include the Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Poodles and Pekinese who don't need as much outdoor activity since their nervous temperaments cause them to be high in activity around the house. Granted, their physical activity may be running in all directions around the room, jumping on your guests or on you, but they do settle down when their energy wanes. Then it's time to recharge by crawling back on your lap or on one of their plush pet beds.

There's much to know before getting a dog. So take the time to evaluate your living space, personality, and personal activity level so you can come up with the best dog match compatible to you.

Osteochondritis Dissecans: Dog Bones Disorder - Family - Pets

In any joint in the body, two bones come together and movement is allowed between them, there is an exceptionally smooth area of cartilage covers in surface of each bone which acts as a cushion and protects the underlying bone. If anything disrupts this smooth cartilage surface, movement of the joint becomes painful, this is called Osteochondritis Dissecans. OCD usually affects shoulder, ankle, elbow and knee joints, and primarily seen in human, horse and dog. In dogs, OCD mainly strikes large dog breeds, and is fairly common in Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Saint Bernards. Not all big breeds are vulnerable: OCD is less likely to affect Doberman Pinschers, Collies, and Siberian Huskies.

This disorder seems to be spontaneous and not so easy to predict. OCD often cause of rapid bone developments and usually found in puppies between ages four to eight months of age. OCD also occassionally found in older dogs and small dog breeds, and the male dogs are more often affected almost five times than female dogs. OCD can be hereditary from any or both parents who had the condition. Other common cause of OCD are; too much stress on dogs young bones also, restricted blood flow to the cartilage, overweight problems, trauma, developed cracks on growing bones and weight bearing bones, or poor diet and nutrition. Proper petsafe is needed to ensure good health and wellness of dogs.

Every time this dog would move the joint or bear weight on it, the flap would irritate the underlying tissue and create pain and discomfort. That's why a dog limps with this condition. Injury to the surface cartilage may lead to the separation of the cartilage from the bone or cause a decrease in blood supply that leads to cartilage flap formation. Common signs of OCD are; limping dog leg, favoring one paw or leg while walking or even when lying down, swelling at the shoulder or, more rarely, the elbows and knees, pain and discomfort when trying to extend a swollen joint.

Osteochondritis Dissecans can be treated, one treatment method called "conservative treatment" requires the dog to be confined to pens or dog crates for number of weeks where activity and jumping will be kept to a minimum. After four to ten weeks of confinement there is about a sixty percent chance that the cartilage defect on the humeral head will heal and the dog will return to normal activity. The most direct approach and the one that returns the pup to normal activity the soonest is the surgical approach. In surgery the veterinarian makes an incision over the shoulder and accesses the shoulder joint. Opening the joint space the surgeon inspects for any loose cartilage pieces and rotates the humerus to expose the back side of the head of the humerus where the defect comes into view. For growing puppies, it has been recommended that animals that are susceptible to the disease be fed a diet that is lower in protein and fat, or that they are fed in a limited manner to allo w steady even growth during the first year of life. This theory may have merits, but more specific studies need to be done before any general recommendations can be made. Some people believe that an overweight growing dog will be more likely to develop OCD, but there isn't much evidence yet. Protect a young pup's limbs from unnecessary physical impact, such as repeated jumps off a deck or out of a car. Proper diet certainly play a role, choose healthy, natural and balanced puppy diet that promote healthy bone growth and may reduce your dog's odds of getting OCD.

Diabetes mellitus in dogs is not breed specific - Family - Pets

Sugar diabetes is a common word among masses for diabetes mellitus. It is a group of diseases resulting in high sugar levels of blood due to disordered metabolism. Diabetes is a chronic endocrine disorder and can result due to hereditary, dietary and environmental factors. The main hormone controlling blood glucose level of the body is insulin and is secreted by beta cells of pancreas. Insulin is responsible for preventing excessive production of glucose by liver and storing that extra glucose in body cells for future use. Diabetes is actually a syndrome that results due to defects in insulin secretion or action that is either insulin is secreted in fewer amounts or there may be genetic changes in structure of insulin due to which it is playing its role properly. Diabetes can be type I or type II. Type I is due to decreased production of insulin and type II is due to disordered effects. Acute symptoms of diabetes include polyuria that is excessive urination, polydipsia tha t is excessive water consumption, polyphagia that is increased appetite, weight loss due to breakdown of fats and proteins to make glucose, vision lost, and lethargy.Diabetes in dogs is also a similar condition where in dogs show increased urine production, frequent urination, weight loss, vomiting, blurred vision, tends to be lethargic, weak and dehydrated and show loss of appetite but are very thirsty always. If diabetes is not diagnosed and treated in a timely fashion then it can lead to coma. Diabetes is not breed specific and can occur to any dog breeds but there are a few breeds that are ore prone to diabetes like Poodles, German Shepherds, Keeshonds, golden retrievers and miniature pinschers. Six to nine year old dogs are more vulnerable to diabetes. The highest prevalence of diabetes is in overweight dogs. The best treatment for dogs available is insulin doses. Giving proper and appropriate doses of insulin injections to dogs and maintaining a balanced diet can overc ome diabetes. The most important thing to care while giving insulin is time and quantity. We have to be very punctual in giving insulin. Apart of insulin and diet, exercise is very important to keep the dog healthy. Maintenance and care is very important for diabetic dogs and they should be evaluated and consulted by veterinarian after every two-four months even if blood glucose level is tested at home by urine strips.

Common symptoms of Wobblers Disease in dogs - Family - Pets

Wobblers disease is a serious group of medical conditions of malformation of cervical vertebrae in neck and spinal column that results into weakness and a change in gait. It is a syndrome also known as spondylolithesis. This disease is also known by other names like cervical spondylomyelopathy, cervical vertebral malformation and cervical vertebral instability. Wobblers disease results into spinal cord compression, inter-vertebral disc protrusion, malformation of vertebrae, articular facets and ligaments. This disease is most commonly noticed in dogs and horses.Wobblers disease in dogs is usually found in larger breeds like great Danes, Borzoi, Basset Hound, German shepherd, St. Bernard, Boxer, Dalmatian, Samoyed, Bullmastiff, Old English sheepdog, Chow chow, golden retriever, Labrador retriever, fox terrier, beagle, Weimaraner, Rhodesian, Ridgeback and Dobermanns. The most common breed affected by Wobbler disease is Great Danes. The main reason for wobbler disease is unkn own but there are different theories that stand for explaining Wobbler disease like stenosis that is narrowing of vertebral canal is a common cause of wobbler disease ultimately causing degeneration of dorsal articular facets and thickening of ligaments and joint capsules. Genetic inheritance is also a major factor of this disease. It has been seen that the disease develops easily in over fed large dog breeds that grow rapidly. It is a gradually progressing disease that is with time the degeneration and thickening progresses.Common symptoms of this include ataxia that is in coordination, weakness, neck pain, downward flexed neck, and herniation, exaggerated and stiff gait. The hind legs are first affected and become weak after which the front legs develop the similar symptoms gradually. Diagnosis of Wobbler disease can be done by X-ray analysis, CT scan, myelography and magnetic resonance imaging. These different analyses depict different conditions like X-Ray show narrow di sk spaces and malignant vertebrae. Myelogram shows stenosis and MRI reveals spinal cord compression. Veterinarians advise different therapies on the basis of state of condition. The different therapies used are administration of corticosteroids that is anti-inflammatory therapy, cage rest for dogs or surgical procedures. Surgery is the most common used way to treat Wobbler disease as it alleviates the compression of spinal cord and provides stability to the vertebral column. There are different surgeries performed like ventral slot technique, ventral stabilization and dorsal decompression. Apart of surgery, electro-acupuncture also provides relief and techniques like minimizing movement of neck by use of neck brace and confinement that is cage rest also helps.

How Dog Food May Affect Your Pet's Health - Family - Pets

After starting a business focused on healthy dog products (Distinctive Dog), a new world opened up regarding the state of dog nutrition and what manufacturers do not tell consumers.

There is much debate when it comes to dog food, treats and pet nutrition. In the wild, dogs inherently hunted and consumed animals and plants. Their digestive systems were designed to break down raw meat while the enzymes present in the meat aided the digestion process.

Today, most domesticated dogs eat processed kibble containing primarily grains and refined protein sources. Once the meat source is removed, the remaining ingredients are mostly unnatural for the pet. Wheat, barley, rice, corn and oats are all man-raised crops that a dog would never eat in the wild. So how have dogs adapted to a diet consisting mostly of grains and processed protein sources?

To begin with, dogs are highly allergy prone animals. Wheat, corn, soy and barley are common culprits of allergies in dogs. The most interesting factor here is that most of these substances are not contained in the dog's natural food chain.

Corn is an inferior protein source and some experts contend that the dog's liver must work overtime to extract useable protein, which in the process produces excess nitrates. These nitrates place extra strain on the liver and as some veterinarians will say, is one cause of premature aging.

Wheat, soy, barley and white rice have very little nutritional value and are used by manufacturers to squeeze more profit out of their products. As a fun experiment, place your dog's dry food in water for about 10 minutes. If it swells dramatically, it probably contains high amounts of these grains.

There are a variety of theories on the affects of processed dog food and dog treats on our pets. Veterinarian John B. Symes writes and speaks on the affects of gluten, casin from cow's milk, corn and soy on otherwise healthy dogs. He is a "recovered" celiac and believes these substances are blocking nutrient absorption during the dog's digestion process.

Many of these ingredients are used as filler in commercial dog food and when mixed with water, create a sticky substance. Symes points out that the dog's digestive tract is not designed to break down these materials and the resulting partially-digested sticky material coats the intestines, blocking absorption of essential nutrients.

"Imagine that a German shepherd puppy begins eating a wheat, barley, corn, or soy-based diet from the moment it is weaned. If inadequate levels of calcium and vitamin C are absorbed, what are the chances that its hips, elbows, spine, and other cartilaginous structures are going to form properly? I would say "Not good". Most people familiar with dogs know that this breed has a reputation for horrible hip dysplasia. But, they also have serious allergies and other immune-related disorders. This, of course, is no coincidence. Once it is understood that the allergies form in the area of the gut that is being damaged or coated by the 'glue', it is easy to see why the trouble breeds like the German Shepherd, Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu, and others have their 'genetic' tendencies such as allergic skin and ear problems, orthopedic abnormalities, intervertebral disc ruptures, and cancers," contends Symes.

Another way dog food and treat manufacturers cut costs is through the protein sources. Most dog foods contain protein sources labeled as "meal", "digest" or "by-product". These ingredients contain meat sources that are deemed unsuitable for human consumption. Rendering plants process dead animal and other matter for animal feed, and yes pet food. With virtually no government regulation, these often contaminated protein sources pass as our dog's dinner.

One regulation on the books was written in the National Research Council's 1974 publication, The Nutrient Requirement of Dogs. It states that all mammals (except humans) are legally allowable "meat" for rendering as long as they are not decayed. Some states have passed an additional standard excluding dying, dead, disabled, or diseased tissues.

Deborah Lynn Dadd in her book The Nontoxic Home and Office: Protecting Yourself and Your Family form Everyday Toxins and Hazards states, "Each year about 116,000 mammals and nearly 15 million birds are condemned before slaughter. After killing, another 325,000 carcasses are discarded and more than 5.5 million major parts are cut away because they are determined to be diseased. Shockingly, 140,000 tons of poultry is condemned annually, mainly from cancer. The diseased animals that cannot be sold are processed into animal feed."

Now, there is no way to substantiate the claims but I do know that there is no real way to truly know what these ingredients actually contain. In addition, the food is processed at extremely high temperatures during the rendering process which kills much of the nutritional value that may have been present.

When we begin to examine our dog's diet, one only wonders why dogs are prone to allergies and health issues. William D. Cusick, author of Canine Nutrition & Choosing the Best Food for Your Dog states that nations with generations of dogs raised on commercial pet food have experienced canine longevity decreases up to 50 percent. In addition they have recorded increases in cancers, reproductive complications and other health issues. Hypothesized reasons include environmental pollution, pesticides, vaccinations, urbanization, fluoridated water and commercial pet food.

Cusick furthers his point by stating that in identical environments, humans have increased life expectancy while dogs have decreased. Moreover, in countries where commercial dog food is unavailable these decreases have not been documented. This point cannot be overstated. It points to the dire need for structured research to substantiate the empirical evidence and governmental regulation within the pet food industry.

Today there is no way to concretely determine the health consequences of commercial dog food and grain based diets. As a result of these concerns, many people choose to feed their dogs a Bones and Raw Food diet (BARF). These holistic diets provide a diet closest to what dogs eat in the wild. Our pet's stomachs are designed to process raw meat and they receive live enzymes not present in cooked food.

Another option is home cooked meals. This can be a tricky option because some human food can be toxic for our pets. A good book on the subject is Home-Prepared Dog & Cat Diets: the Healthful Alternative by Dr. Donald Strombeck. Dog nutrition is different than human nutrition, so I recommend you check with your veterinarian before considering either a BARF or home-prepared diet.

At the very minimum, read and understand pet food labels and ingredients. Ingredient labels are listed in order of quantity. Locate products with minimal levels of wheat or wheat by-products, corn, soy or barley. These are fillers that can adversely affect your dog's digestive system and if your dog is allergic, they can cause itchy and flakey skin, dull coat and hair loss. These grains should never be listed as the primary ingredient in your dog's food. Also, understand protein sources and ensure that the protein sources you are providing your pet are high quality and not from rendered sources.

As a general rule of thumb, do not look for quality pet food at your local grocery store or pet store chain. Specialty pet stores often have greater expertise and can help you find the right food for your pet. If you are looking for healthy dog treats, many companies including Distinctive Dog Treats offer home baked dog treats free from wheat gluten, soy, corn and other harmful ingredients.

Lastly, consider supplementing your dog's diet with enzymes and probiotics. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help in digestion and the absorption of nutrients. They prevent harmful bacteria from growing and causing problems including gas, diarrhea and vomiting. Enzymes help complement probiotics during the digestion process. Adding an enzyme-probiotic mix to your dog's diet can improve digestion, create better hair coats and increase immune function.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Collie - Is This the Perfect Dog For You? - Family - Pets

Do you know how the Collie got its name? The word has its beginning way back in the early days of the English language. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word col meaning black. Col or colley was a name that was also used for the sheep of Scotland many hundreds of years ago. These sheep were coal black. The dogs that watched over them were called colley dogs. Later these sheep dogs were simply called Collies, and the name has remained in the language.

Queen Victoria had much to do with making the Collie popular in her native England. During one of her visits to Balmoral Castle in Scotland in the 1860's, she saw some Collies working with sheep. She was so impressed with their intelligence that she decided to take a pair back to Windsor with her. The Queen was so attached to her Collies that they went with her wherever she went. But one time, on a royal visit to France, she didn't take one of her dogs. She missed her pet so much that a member of her court had to go back to England to bring the collie to France to be with her mistress.

In England, the royal family sets the style. If a queen wears a certain kind of hat, her subjects notice the style and try to get the same kind. If a duke knots his tie a certain way, before long most of the men are copying him. The same is true with dogs. When Queen Victoria favored the Collie, she unwittingly made the breed one of the most popular in England in a very short time.

In America, the movies and TV set the styles. Back in the 1920s a German Shepherd named Rin-Tin-Tin was the hero of thousands of children - and grownups too. All through the 1920s the German Shepherd was the most popular dog in the country. In the 1950s, a Collie named Lassie did for her breed what Rin-Tin-Tin did for his. When we saw Lassie on the screen, we realized that Collies were not only good sheep dogs, but they were good companions for youngsters. Their intelligence and love for children make them excellent pets.

Learn more by visiting Dog Obedience Training to stop your dog's behavior problems. Thanks to this powerful insider information, over 60,000 dog owners worldwide have been successful with their dog training and solved their dog behavior problems. To view dog pictures and learn more about dog breeds, selection, care, and much more, stop by Lots About Dogs.

What You Shouldn't Miss About Dog Bloat - Family - Pets

It is unfortunate that many people, even dog owners are still nave about dog bloat. Perhaps many thought that this ailment is only experienced by human beings. However, it is a lucky thing for those dog owners who have saved their dogs life because they are well-versed of this ailment. Maybe they have read from dog health guide about how to deal and overcome this type of ailment in dogs. If you are not familiar with canine bloat or gastric dilation-volvulus(GDV), then you should know that this is actually a life-threatening condition which commonly happens to large, deep-chest dog breeds.

Examples of these breeds are German Shepherds, Great Danes, Greyhounds, and any type of Setter. However, if you own a small dog breed, do not be too relieved. Canine bloat can actually occur to any breed of dog. Dog bloat occurs when air, fluid or foam accumulates abnormally in the stomach of a dog causing it to expand. There are instances when the dogs stomach twists. This case is considered to be gastric dilation-volvulus which only about 50% of the dogs survive. GDV is a more serious case than dilation of the stomach only. Causes of dog stomach bloat were not yet determined that is why you have to be keen at determining the symptoms of dog diseases like this one.

Be watchful when your dogs stomach seems to expand beyond normal. Usually, dogs that suffer this ailment will have several attempts to unsuccessful vomiting. They will also be seen drooling and having abdominal discomfort. Oftentimes, the dog is restless when it's experiencing bloat. Situation like this would require you to bring your pet to the veterinarian the soonest time possible. Only a veterinarian can provide a remedy to canine bloat. Do not try treating this type of disease at home. On the other hand, there is always a prevention of dog bloats. Veterinarians are recommending that you feed a dog multiple small meals in a day.

It is discouraged to feed the dog one large meal in a day. Also, you should also avoid giving the dog an exercise within two hours after eating. Smaller dog breeds are equally susceptible to dog bloat with improper way of feeding. If you visit a veterinarian regularly, you may ask further on what to do when a dog is suffering from bloat. As a responsible dog owner and pet lover, you must know the dangers of dog diseases such as dog bloat. If your dogs breed belongs to the list of breeds that are prone to canine bloat, then you have to be well-aware of the situation.

You may ask your veterinarian on what to do the moment you see the aforementioned symptoms in your pet. Just remember the famous quote, What you dont know, can kill you. So, apply this saying to this situation. Your lack of knowledge may just lead to your pets sorry demise. Keep yourself informed about bloat in dogs in order for you to reduce the risk of developing this devastating fate.