Friday, 30 March 2012

The perfect dog: The perfect dog for - Family

The perfect dog: The perfect dog hunt

Hello this article is all about the perfect dog. The truth is though that there is no such thing as the perfect dog because a dog can have many different purposes. However there is a perfect dog for every purpose a dog can have. In this article I will try and give all the purposes I can think of and the perfect dog for each one.

Here is the perfect example and probably the most common. A family dog- there can be a perfect dog that would be perfect for one family but not for another because of the circumstances like if there where small children in the family a doberman or rottweiler may not be a perfect dog but the golden labrador puppy is always a favourite.

Taking this example the perfect dog for the perfect family is probably going to be the labrador or golden retriever because of its cuteness and temperament after all the family dog is suppose to be adorable. Then there is Lassie who has been named the perfect dog on a lot of occassions but I will come back to her.

Another example of a family perfect dog could be the husky it looks awesome and gets on very well with small children however one downside to this is that it requires a lot of exercise and a slightly more experienced owner. It would be one of the perfect dog s for the guy or girl who likes to exercise and lives in a well secured area with a lot of other dogs.

As I said earlier dogs have different purposes, another purpose besides the cute family pet is for services such as the police. Police can use dogs to sniff out drugs or as a form of defence so these dogs must be the perfect dog s for this otherwise they will be considered useless. So the services have found the perfect dog and use the german shepherd because of its intelligence, fearlessness, loyalty, activeness and their willingness to have a purpose.

I said above about lassie the collie being considered the perfect dog. Again the collie is the perfect dog provided its purpose is being fulfilled. It is very extremely energetic and agile with great stamina, able to run all day without tiring, even over very rough or steep ground. They are intelligent, and are instinctively highly motivated to work. These characteristics generally make working strains unsuitable as pets because few owners are able to give them the mental and physical challenges they need and, if not well fulfilled, they may become unhappy and badly behaved.

Thats just a bit of info on the perfect dog and that there isn't really such thing as "the" perfect dog. However there is a perfect dog for each individual person or family.

Thats all on the perfect dog. If your dog is badly behaved Debbie is an expert I highly recommend found here /

copyright the perfect dog connor 08

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