Thursday, 29 March 2012

Diabetes mellitus in dogs is not breed specific - Family - Pets

Sugar diabetes is a common word among masses for diabetes mellitus. It is a group of diseases resulting in high sugar levels of blood due to disordered metabolism. Diabetes is a chronic endocrine disorder and can result due to hereditary, dietary and environmental factors. The main hormone controlling blood glucose level of the body is insulin and is secreted by beta cells of pancreas. Insulin is responsible for preventing excessive production of glucose by liver and storing that extra glucose in body cells for future use. Diabetes is actually a syndrome that results due to defects in insulin secretion or action that is either insulin is secreted in fewer amounts or there may be genetic changes in structure of insulin due to which it is playing its role properly. Diabetes can be type I or type II. Type I is due to decreased production of insulin and type II is due to disordered effects. Acute symptoms of diabetes include polyuria that is excessive urination, polydipsia tha t is excessive water consumption, polyphagia that is increased appetite, weight loss due to breakdown of fats and proteins to make glucose, vision lost, and lethargy.Diabetes in dogs is also a similar condition where in dogs show increased urine production, frequent urination, weight loss, vomiting, blurred vision, tends to be lethargic, weak and dehydrated and show loss of appetite but are very thirsty always. If diabetes is not diagnosed and treated in a timely fashion then it can lead to coma. Diabetes is not breed specific and can occur to any dog breeds but there are a few breeds that are ore prone to diabetes like Poodles, German Shepherds, Keeshonds, golden retrievers and miniature pinschers. Six to nine year old dogs are more vulnerable to diabetes. The highest prevalence of diabetes is in overweight dogs. The best treatment for dogs available is insulin doses. Giving proper and appropriate doses of insulin injections to dogs and maintaining a balanced diet can overc ome diabetes. The most important thing to care while giving insulin is time and quantity. We have to be very punctual in giving insulin. Apart of insulin and diet, exercise is very important to keep the dog healthy. Maintenance and care is very important for diabetic dogs and they should be evaluated and consulted by veterinarian after every two-four months even if blood glucose level is tested at home by urine strips.

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