Tuesday, 22 May 2012

German Shepherd Plush & History - Shopping - Gifts

One of the world's most beloved dog breeds is the German Shepherd and German Shepherd plush are equally as popular. Like the breed they replicate, German Shepherd plush are hard to resist - their soft, plush fur make them ideal for lots of hugs.

The grace, strength and intelligence of the German Shepherd dog has ensured that it remains one of the most popular breeds, much valued as a guard dog, and for military and police work. This excellent working dog is the outcome of a breeding program started only at the very end of the last century. It began in 1899 when a sheep herding dog named Hector, was discovered by Calvary Officer Rittmeister von Stephanitz. Hector was akin to ancient herding breeds that were once native to northern Germany. The dog was renamed and eventually was officially registered with the German Shepherd Dog Club of Germany. As a result of Hector's 'discovery,' he became the foundation for all German Shepherd's that followed. Then in 1911 the American Kennel Club recognized the breed.

After World War II, An American, Dorothy Harrison Eustis started a program to have German Shepherd's to assist the blind. The very first seeing-eye dog in America was a female Shepherd named Buddy. Afterwards, a guide dog school was established in Tennessee in 1929 by Buddy's companion Morris Frank.

German Shepherd's are easily recognizable; they're almost always black and tan in color (and sometimes all black, or sable) and have tall straight ears, dark eyes and a long full tail. German Shepherd plush are replicated to look exactly like the real thing and they can be purchased in any number of sizes. While the breed itself is large - males can weigh up to 88 pounds or more - some German Shepherd plush are made small enough to fit in a hand, making them a perfect choice for tiny fingers. For those with a penchant for something bigger, German Shepherd plush are also made in both sitting and/or lying positions. Either way, next to the real thing, any child would be very pleased with a German Shepherd plush animal as part of their plush toy collection.

German Shepherds are both dependable and intelligent. They are also beautiful, gentle and highly intelligent. They are hard to resist, if not for simply how smart they are. So if you can't get aGerman Shepherd puppy, why not get the next best thing, a German Shepherd plush dog?

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