Thursday, 17 May 2012

Schutzhund Training with a German Shepherd Breeder - Family - Pets

A purebred puppy is a natural for Schutzhund training, a sport that focuses on the skills and traits in German shepherd dogs that make them such excellent companions and working dogs. Schutzhund training helps develop your German shepherd puppy's abilities in tracking and protection, and measures his endurance, willingness to work, mental stability, ability to scent, structural efficiency, courage and trainability - in short, all the most desired traits in German shepherd puppies. There are numerous Schutzhund clubs around the country, but some of the best trainers are those who also work as a German shepherd breeder and often have German shepherd puppies for sale.

One such trainer is Clayton Warichak, a shepherd breeder who offers Schutzhund training for German shepherds, as well as offering training for new owners to help them learn to handle and live happily with their new Shepherd puppies. Dog owners gather at Warichak's farm regularly to work together on basic skills training and enjoy the company of other dog people and their dogs.

Just as many dog associations often hold competitions in which specific breeds of dog are judged for their appearance and abilities, Schutzhund enthusiasts compete with each other at regular meets where the dogs and owners have the opportunity to show off both the handler's training ability and the dog's ability to perform the tasks and skills he has been taught. It's a sport enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, both individually and as families. In fact, the training sessions at Clayton Warichak's farm are billed as family outings and are often attended by entire families, generally with shepherd puppies bred by Warichak.

While other breeds of dog benefit from Schutzhund training and many compete, the trials were actually designed to demonstrate the appropriate working temperament and the abilities of German shepherd dogs. The first trials were held in 1901 in Germany, and have since spread throughout the world.

Schutzhund trials consist of three parts - tracking, obedience and protection. There are specific tasks and standards that the dog is expected to meet in each task, and each task is designed to test different traits and abilities. In the tracking test, for example, the dog must follow a track laid down by a person earlier, and find objects placed by the person who laid the track. It tests the German shepherd's ability to scent, as well as his endurance and trainability.

The obedience trial consists of a number of tasks for the dog to complete. They range from simple commands to heel, sit and lay to completing such complex tasks as retrieving objects over a six foot slanted wall. In the final phase of the trials, the protection trial, the dog demonstrates his abilities to find hidden people and objects, defend himself and protect his owner from attack.

Whether you're looking for shepherd puppies for sale or are interested in learning more about Schutzhund training for German shepherd dogs, your best resource is a Shepherd breeder like Clayton Warichak.

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