Dachshund puppies attract a wider variety of owners with their comical personalities. They can be known as the clowns of the family. Loyalty is key when understanding this type of breed and makes it a great family pet. Lots of attention and games are demanded by all varieties of dachshund puppies.
These little dogs are known for their short legs and long bodies. Dachshund puppies are very lovable animals but do require care when handling. Their backs are very sensitive and can sustain injury. As a general rule you will want to limit these dogs from jumping onto and off of high objects. These type of limits may seem over board but when considering dachshund puppies as an addition to your family must be taken into account. Your pups back will need to last him a long time as they have been known to have life spans of up to and sometimes longer than twenty years. Dachshund puppies will be around for a long time so this simple fact is something you will want to think about as their life span is literally twice as long as well known breeds.
Many consider these dogs to be one of the most perfectly bread hunting dogs. Obviously the size of the game you are hunting needs to be with in the dachshund puppies realm for this to be an appropriate title. The main focus of this little hunters fury were once the mighty badger. The name alone, dachshund, literally means 'badger hunter.' If you think about it, dachshund puppies were built for such a tall order. When a badger wakes up from his nap in that confined burrow of his, he is faced with a long snout that is equipped with many long sharp teeth. In the smallness of a burrow or tunnel the over sized ears give the dog the appearance of being larger than they really are. They are backed up with that long narrow sturdy back. The dachshunds foundation is the short powerful hind legs that make him quite formidable in tight spots. Finally, the dachshund has a long tail that enable their owners to reach down that burrow and pull out the dog if that badger sounds like he is get ting the best of him.
Training dachshunds can be a task and formal obedience training is always plus. The effects of having a trained dog handler work with your dogs can lay a great foundation. You must be sure to keep close attention to the way the dog training handles your dog so that you are able to apply these same techniques outside of class. Be consistent in applying the proper technique and you'll have a much happier dog. Dachshund puppies do require exercise and should be taken on daily walks. A leash is always recommended as they are hunting dogs and can be known to chase and can quickly be out of reach. Dachshund puppies make great companions and will need plenty of companionship and attention. Some trainers think that a lack of attention can lead to loneliness and excessive barking. No one likes a dog that will not keep quiet and your neighbors will certainly appreciate it.
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