While there are lots of recommendations out there for which dogs are the best for watch dog work, guard dog work, and as family pets, some of the top canine characteristics for scaring off burglars are more psychological than physical- for the burglar! Due to media, modern culture, and general human instinct, there are some animal traits that are just plain scarier to most of us, and which can really boost home security in the face of a burglar. Most dogs for home protection only need to function as a home alarm system, and their looks can do the rest. Here are some ways to get inside the burglar's fearful mind by choosing your dog wisely.
Breed. While dogs obviously come in a variety of breeds, many equally as effective with guard dog work in a residential setting as others, the real power behind choosing a recognized guard dog breed is showing the burglar you mean business. While some unrecognizable breeds like the Brazilian Fila may be far more ferocious, breeds like the Doberman, Rottweiler or German Shepherd are more recognizable at home security minded beasts. This intimidation factor alone scares most intruders off for good.
Color. While the color of an animal bares no actual relevance on its effectiveness as a guard dog or watch dog, psychologically it can make a difference in the mind of a burglar. Dogs that are dark in color, especially black dogs, are seen as far more fearsome than dogs which are lighter in color. While the burglar that runs across the Dodo Argentino, a fully white furred, born killing machine, without fear will get what's coming to him, considering color applies more to breeds that come in a range of tones. For example, a Black Labrador will likely intimidate an intruder more readily than a Yellow Lab. Additionally, black dogs are harder to see in the dark except their eyes, leaving the burglar to only imagine the actual size of the beast, and improving your overall home security.
Bulk. There are dogs that are gentle giants, and others that are tiny attack machines. The average home burglar may or may not be an expert in Canine species and characteristics, so to get the most bang for your dog's bark a good guard dog will be large in size. Upon seeing a huge animal ready to attack, even if it's only to cover the approaching burglar in sloppy dog kisses, the intruder is more likely to retreat than when the dog is too small to even be seen through the doors or windows from the street.
Bark. Everyone has at one time or another lived with, or lived near, a dog with a yippy bark. While yippy dogs may be extremely effective as a home alarm system for drawing attention as a burglar approaches the house, the only real danger to the burglar is that he might be annoyed to death by the high-pitched sound. For a top scare factor, go with a big dog with a deep voice. Even if the dog would be useless in a real attack situation, just the tone of the bark can go a long way towards sending burglars packing.
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