Sunday, 21 August 2011

Things you didn't Know About Dogs

In the US, there are more dogs than in any other country in the world. They are incredibly popular pets, which have been living with humans for many centuries. Despite the many domestic dogs in the country and the many years they have lived in our homes, do we really know that much about our canine companions? Here are just some of the things you may not have known about your beloved dog.

1. Dogs have been used for many years in wars. During the Middle Ages, armies would use Mastiffs to battle mounted knights. The dogs would be dressed in light armour and a pot of sulphur would be strapped to their backs. More recently, in World War Two, the Russian army strapped explosive to dogs and sent them to destroy German tanks.

2. Our canine friends have fantastic senses of smell and hearing. A dog has something in the region of 220,000,000 smell sense cells whereas a human has just 5,000,000. In addition, a dog can hear 35,000 sound vibrations per second. Humans, on the other hand, can only manage 20,000 vibrations per second.

3. On average domestic dogs can run at approximately 19mph. The fastest breed of dog is the Greyhound, which can reach 45mph.

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