Thursday, 1 March 2012

Advantages of having a dog in the house - Family - Pets

If you do not already have a dog, you should. For those who already have a pet you go already appreciate the benefits of having a dog in the house. For those of you who do not have a dog read on PET AND ANIMALS CARE to find out why you should.

There is nothing as exciting as that bringing home your new family member. If you have taken a stray or you purchased a puppy it does not matter, both will provide you with unconditional love if you have 1 or 100 years. Besides the unconditional love there are plenty of other advantages of having a dog in the house.

Health is probably the material that is the most widely spoken today. This is because studies have shown some remarkable data on pets and health, such as a reduced risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. the percent of 28% of people who are hospitalized for heart disease are still alive after year, while only 6% of those who did not have a dog survived a full year.

A dog will also help reduce the stress in your life and overcome feelings of isolation if you live alone. You had a horrible day, you're ready to cry, and you walk in the door greeted by Fido's tail with stirring. What happens to your effort? Why it seems just melt.

The studies also showed lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in those who have dogs. It also seems there is a reduction of blood pressure. This means if you already have a dog you are less likely to suffer from heart disease. If you have heart disease may be the best medicine for you is a new puppy. At least it's a great excuse to get a new friend.

The dogs are also wonderful companions. The first step is to decide what breed matches your personality. Remember that your new friend will be part of the family for as many as 16 years bringing you the love, friendship, and companionship. Do your research before you buy. It's a long commitment to life. Your dog is a living creature that needs your attention. The two of you establish a lasting friendship will be difficult to explain to anyone who has a dog of their own.

In choosing your long term companion choose the puppy that connects to you. We've all experienced it at some point in our lives when one of the pups seems you select and there is a link instantly. This is the puppy you want.

Your dog will also be a protector for you. Do not make the mistake of thinking you need a large dog to be a protector. Sure a big dog is much more intimidating to a stranger, but a small dog can make noise and alert you of a potential problem. Besides that small dogs are pinched for stranger is a great dog. So do not let the size be your total guide to choose a dog as a protector. Of course if you need real protection against physical threats then you should watch the German Shepherd, the Doberman and the Rottweiler to name just a few breeds known for their protective nature.

The advantages of having a dog in the home are obvious. Now the only question left that the dog you choose?

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