Sunday, 4 March 2012

Dog Training Ideas - Family - Pets

When it comes to dog training, you must be aware of several facts and be patient and always keep in mind that a dog is like a child. Training a dog might be a piece of cake or might be a real pain, it all depends on how you like to look at it. The basic line for any dog training is to let the dog know that you are the master and not to leave the animal rule.

Showing the dog who the boss is, is the most important lesson in dog training. This can be done in several ways; the bottom line is to make the dog understand that you have the lead and that it has to take after your commands. The easiest way is to take over the leash of the dog and pull it whenever the dog does something inappropriate. When you start the dog training you have to know that some dogs are easier to train, some dogs are simply stubborn and you will need more patience with these dogs. Some easily trainable dogs are the Setters, the Labrador Retrievers, The German Shepherd, the Yorkshire Terrier to name but a few. Dogs that will necessitate a more thorough training include the small dogs such as the Pekingese and all those of its size, the Basset and others. However, if you pay attention from early puppy hood to the upbringing of these problem dog breeds and offer them proper dog training, you will be able to enjoy the friendship of these dogs as well. If you w ant a dog that you can train easily, you can choose one that can be your obeying pet in no time. But if you love a particular breed of dog and you want to have one even if it is difficult to train, get it and pay special attention to the dog training. Also, an important fact about good dog training is to start it as early as possible. The optimum time to start the training is when the puppy is two weeks old. The time when you start the training might vary from one breed to the other. Remember that the sooner you start the training the better. Your dog will be able to form a few responses to your commands and will learn that you are the boss. The most important commands to learn will be the sit, stay and fetch and as soon as your dog has learned them you can say that you have a trained dog. Don't forget to give your dog a treat every now and then, so as the dog feels appreciated. Use all sorts of treats, you can find these at the specialized stores. But be careful not to exag gerate with the treats, as you don't want an obese dog. Verbal appraisal is also a good tool to let your dog know that you are proud of what it has done. The verbal appraisal can consist of any words you like, but make sure the tone of your voice is at a high pitch. Dogs associate the high pitch of the voice with positive actions. Last but not least, the dog training must be a pleasant activity both for you and the dog.

Demosthenes Damon is an article writer and dog lover. To learn more about his the reviews of dog training products please visit / or click Dog Training

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