Wednesday, 7 March 2012

THE NEW WOMEN OF POWER: Feminine Wisdom in 2007 - Spirituality - Metaphysical

The most important positive event of the 21st Century has been the arrival of the new Women of Power! Who are they and what do these women have to offer? Here are some of those women and their stories...

One of the positive results of the fascinating PSYCHIC DREAMS PROJECT (a project that asked the question: "Can dreams predict our future?") has been an increase in the Feminine as a dream-theme. Feminine Wisdom, the goddess and the female virtues of nurturing, healing, wisdom and guidance have all increased as dream-themes. Who are the real-life Women who represent these virtues? Where can they be found?

ELIZABETH Often Elizabeth is asked: "When did you first realize you were psychic?" She's never felt comfortable with this question as she finds it extremely limiting in nature.

She doesn't believe anyone can truly pinpoint the exact moment he or she receives their gifts. She explains that we're all born with psychic abilities in varying degrees. Some bury their gifts because they either fear them or are told that practicing them would be a serious violation of their religion.

She knows that she's not the first in her family to exhibit psychic talent, but the other family members have chosen, through their free will, to sublimate their gifts, perhaps partly out of fear that they will be rejected by others. She, instead, chose to embrace her abilities, and did all she could to expand upon them, through careful study and practice. Of course, she wasn't always given a choice. All too often her insights hit her like a freight train and even if she wanted to, she couldn't turn the visions off.

Eventually, she came to accept them and later embrace them. She saw her insights as a way to help others and this idea seemed to satisfy a deep desire. It is often said, "The greatest gift to others is the gift of giving itself!" These are words she has chosen to live by. Elizabeth uses her many tools to fulfill her calling to help others. Over the years, she's mastered the art of Tarot reading, spiritual channeling, and healing, just to name a few. Though they are useful tools, the ones she depends upon the most are the feelings that come from within. By tapping into her inner power, she has been able to help countless clients find their way. She has lent her considerable skills to two major psychic phone lines and has also conducted one-on-one readings for clients at home. She has an extensive education in her field which includes both a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.

Though she's garnered a considerable amount of knowledge over the years, she is never satisfied to rest on what she's learned and continues to study her trade by exploring various religious and cultural belief systems. She is an ordained Minister, recognized in all states, and is a practicing Wiccan. She's also an avid practitioner of dream interpretation and active imagination theories that were brought to light by Dr. Carl Jung.

In the end, the real credit for all that she's been able to accomplish goes out to her "higher power" as well as the teachings of Sylvia Brown who has brought spiritual awareness not only to herself but to millions at large. Through study, experience and an appreciation for the power that lies within, Elizabeth has a devoted list of clients who have advanced greatly along their paths, thanks to her innate talent and dedication to serve others.

She was born under the sign of Virgo, but on the cusp of Leo. She's been married for nearly seventeen years. Like most of us, she's found marriage to be both challenging and fulfilling and believes that true love grows from adversity. She can honestly say that the hard times have made her husband PJ her best friend. They share their home with two beautiful daughters who have a common ground in their career aspirations. The oldest, Rachel, plans to attend law school, while the youngest, Talia, has chosen a position in law enforcement. The family would not be complete without their three pets, who seem to invent new ways to keep the family on guard around the house. Cocoa is a seven year old ferret who steals anything not nailed down. Cleopatra is their one and a half year old prima donna Calico, and the third and newest clan member is Beck, a one year old male Doberman that they adopted from a local animal rescue organization.

With the daily commotion that must be caused by that menagerie, it's no wonder that Elizabeth's favorite hobby is enjoying what quiet time she can by either reading or painting. But, her greatest love, hands-down, is her family.

LAUREN POWERS "I've successfully assisted the FBI and several police departments in NY and CA track down missing children. Though my clients have included many well-known celebrities, I'm never too busy to help..." --Lauren Powers

She's a third generation psychic who realized at the age of nine that she was different. Fortunately, she had her beloved grandmother on-hand to explain exactly what it was she was experiencing. Though these psychic gifts may have seemed unusual to the outsider, they were actually quite normal for her family and were passed down to her from her grandmother and mother.

Her mom took her under her wing and taught her to read the Tarot. From there, other skills began to present themselves to her as she began mastering her craft. She studied the Kabala with a rabbi, she learned to empathically read what others were feeling deep in their heart of hearts, and nurtured her talent for predicting upcoming world events and natural earth occurrences. Her astounding accuracy has not gone unnoticed by the public, and in particular, she has attracted the notice of many entertainment personalities. It's her positive attitude combined with her talent that draws clients to her door. She prides herself on her ability to help clients redirect their lives in constructive ways that prove to be successful as well as satisfying. She holds a degree in Parapsychology from Berkeley University and studied Forensic Medicine pertaining to Occult Crimes and missing children.

She's run her own business since the age of sixteen out of an office she opened in New York. It's there she began her life's work, counseling many and varied clients that have ranged from everyday people to famous celebrities. When her mother passed, she assumed her clients as well, and there was no shortage of work. Lauren's talents were very much in demand, but she still wanted to do more. She offered her services to the LAPD and Beverly Hills Police Department, tirelessly working to help lost and abused children. She is a member of THE PSYCHIC WEB.

She's also lent her services to the West Hollywood Sheriff's Department, the New York Police Department and the FBI in their missing persons divisions. On the other end of the spectrum, she has helped many well known personalities find the answers they're looking for. The list of celebrities she's counseled includes: Natasha Kinsky, The Osbournes, The Back Street Boys, Laurence Fishburne, Jack and Tess Harper, Sylvester Stallone, Tommy Lee of Motley Crue, Nicky Taylor, Catherine Oxenberg, Clint Black and Lisa Hartman. She loves her work and really feels that she is contributing to a better world.

Lauren is a Scorpio and has been married for twenty-six years to another Scorpio. Together, they have a twenty-two year old daughter who is--and this should come as no surprise--a psychic who is very gifted with handwriting analysis. Family pets include: a German Shepherd, a thirteen year old black Pomeranian, a Blue Point Burmese cat, and a blue and gold Macaw named Pumpkin. She likes to collect art, metaphysical books and has an extensive collection of amazing crystals and artifacts. She is also a very inventive cook, which makes for a very happy household.

ANGELIQUE She was born and raised in Georgia and has been on a spiritual quest all of her life. She's a lyricist, who happens to possess the remarkable gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. With these natural abilities, she maintains constant contact with the spirit world and can pass on important messages to her clients. Often, she allows herself to become a channeling vessel for angels who wish to come through.

Not content to rely strictly on the talents she was born with, Angelique has sought to further her knowledge of the metpaphysical through extensive study on psychic development and healing techniques. She's a trained practitioner of QXCI (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface) which is a system that can correct imbalances, relieve stress and eliminate blockages so that the body may heal itself. She is also skilled in Reiki, another healing technique that utilizes universal life force energy.

Angelique uses all of her skills as a guide to open windows into the soul. Her goal is to help people from all walks of life find inner peace and direction. She is able to accomplish this task through readings and also through the spiritual articles and channelings she pens for "Revelations Newsletter" and "The Spiritual InnerNet."

Although she's been an active psychic her entire life, her professional career started a decade ago, in the 1990's, when she began reading for friends, family and associates. Since then, she's been universally counseling thousands via phone and over the internet through chat and e-mail. A proud member of THE PSYCHIC WEB., she conducts her readings from her home and has held various seminars over the internet, providing psychic readings as well as healings with her QXCI technology. She also owns her own spiritual parlor and has a long list of satisfied clients who can attest to her amazing skills. Endeavoring to spread her services to a larger and more diverse client base, she has also worked on various websites, providing accurate readings to all who seek her counsel. Some of her notable clients include Carmen Harra, author of EVERYDAY KARMA and Lauren Bode, accomplished author of ANIMAL TALK 101: LEARNING TO SPEAK TO ANIMALS.

She resides just outside of Atlanta and loves to spend time with her family as well as her two toy Chihuahua's, Dharma and Diamond, whom she refers to as her "psychic sensitive babies." Not typical of many Capricorns, she enjoys reading, spending time in nature, collecting gemstones, dolphins and angels, writing poems and song lyrics. She's also trained to work with dolphins, and returns often to the Florida Keys to spend time with her dolphin friends.

To learn more about these modern Wise Women, to meet them, go to THE PSYCHIC WEB.

For more articles on psychology, dream-study, sexuality and marriage therapy, see The GoArticles of Kathleen Falken

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