A Shiba Inu is a Japanese dog breed that looks like a miniature Akita. The name means 'Little Brush-Wood Dog' in Japanese. These dogs were originally used for hunting; specifically, to flush out birds and small animals from low brush in the woods.
We acquired our Shiba as a 'Grand-dog'. Our son was in college, and his apartment building was being sold. The new landlord forbade pets. I remember to this day the tearful phone call as he pleaded us to take the dog temporarily. 'Mom, it's only until I graduate from college!' That was in 1999, and he graduated in 2000. We still have the dog, named 'Ohinnea', but known to everyone as 'Honey'.
If you are looking for a canine companion who will follow your commands without question, and will try to please you, better look for another breed of dog. Shiba Inus require an owner with much patience, understanding, love and a stronger will. Behavior Problems?Click Here!
The Shiba Inu is not your average dog. It is not normally compliant and obedient, like, for example, a German Shepherd. They have bad habits, such as charging the door when it is open and running outside and tearing and shredding things to make a sleeping nest- anything from an old blanket to my husband's $200 sleeping bag! They don't like to be fenced in, and will tunnel under your fences and landscape your yard with craters in an attempt to run freely around the neighborhood. They are usually not good with other dogs, even other Shibas, wanting to be only children. The Shiba understands 'I, me, my, and mine'. To the Shiba, every member of the household in which it lives is a member of the dog's pack, and he/she is the Alpha Dog! Shibas are actually better around cats, as many Shibas think they ARE cats! These little dogs have great stamina and courage but rarely get taller than 15.5" at the shoulder and weigh in at under 30 lbs. 20 to 25 lbs. is average for a male. The females are generally smaller than males by 1" or 2".
Shibas can rightfully be described as sturdy, healthy little dogs, able to withstand the rigors of outdoor life as well as enjoying the comfort of indoor dwelling. However, they are prone to skin allergies, and can contract a horrible case of allergic dermatitis from the bite of one flea. So, flea control is essential to keeping this breed healthy. Our dog requires a diet of a lamb and rice based dog food, since certain commercial dog foods also trigger the dermatitis. Once started, the dermatitis is responsive to treatment with a course of doggie penicillin, doggie prednisone, and a sulfur-based dip, that Honey hates like the plague, and that makes her smell like rotten eggs. Older Shibas are also prone to hip dysplasia, making it difficult and painful for them to walk.
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