Saturday, 3 March 2012

The smartest dog: the smartest dog breeds - Family

Here is a list of what the smartest dog s apparently are in my opinion I think its wrong and a disgrace that the siberian husky isn't in the top ten smartest dog s. I own one and it is incredibly smart and independent. so I will just list what the top 3 smartest dog s are then name what the other 7 are.

Here we go a list of the top ten smartest dog s. Number 3 is the german shepherd and I would say this is about right. The german shepherds is one of the smartest dog s because of its ability to learn, its loyalty, courageous, very strong protective instinct and most importantly the fact that it is willing to have a purpose otherwise it isn't happy. The german shepherd serves the police and other services as great working dogs.

In at number two of the smartest dog breeds is the poodle. The poodle is highly intelligent and one of the easiest breeds to train.They are very sensitive and pleasant. They rank high in all dog sports including herding and can be trained to hunt because of all this the poodle is ranked number two in the smartest dog breeds in the world.

The finale in at number one spot of the smartest dog breeds is the...Border collie. Like many of the smartest dog breeds the border collie wants to have a purpose otherwise it won't be happy. Border collies set the highest standards in dog sports and especially sheep herding. They require a lot of exercise otherwise they will just get destructive.

Those are just the top 3 smartest dog breeds here is the names of the other 7 dogs in the top ten smartest dog breeds. In no particular order.. golden retriever, doberman pinscher, shetland sheepdog, labrador retriever, papillon, rottweiler and the australian cattle dog.

I think thats all on the smartest dog. Again I am really surprised the siberian husky isn't up there. It is a very independent working dog breed that was required to safely guide its mushers across snow and ice without risking their lives. It knows not to pull across thin ice etc and can live on its own. I think it should be at number 4 of the smartest dog breeds but thats my opinion but then again the top 10 was someonelses.

smartest dog breeds copyright connor mcbroom08

if you are having trouble with your dog Debbie is a training expert I highly recommend at /. To about siberian huskies

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