A German shepherd obedience training that is started at an appropriate time and age is more likely to help German shepherd dogs to learn promptly. That is why before deciding on owning this type of dog breed, doing a little research regarding the strategies on how to grow an obedient German shepherd is necessary before deciding on owning one. Always remember that its success lies in the owner's hands.
German shepherds are loyal dogs and the right German shepherd obedience training will benefit you and him in the long run. Just take it like you are teaching a child what is a good and a bad behavior. Remember that during the entire course, you must have extra patience, consistency,and calmness.
Five Things You Should Know About German Shepherd Obedience Training:
Act as a leader.
It is best to establish leadership as soon as German shepherd obedience training is started so that it would be ea sier for your Shepherd puppy to follow your command. Dogs are pack animals by nature. That is why it is important that they look up to someone as their Top dog.
As an owner, make sure that your German shepherd puppy is under control. Otherwise, he will just do what comes naturally in him. Every time he does something that is against the rule, it should be corrected straightaway.
If you have not started house breaking yet, know that it is not too late. However, it is better to start early on. Young German shepherd puppies tend to absorb what is taught of them quicker than the older ones because their minds work at a faster pace.
Potty train your German shepherd puppy.
German shepherd obedience training should include teaching your German shepherd dog how to become potty. This will help you get comfortable with having an animal pet inside your home a nd at the same time makes your German shepherd become more disciplined when it comes to his elimination habit.
Find a grassy spot where your Shepherd puppy will do his business. Take him outside your house as soon as he is done eating or when he shows a "pre-potty" pattern. This will prevent him from eliminating on your carpet or worse, on top of your couch, which will just make your house smelly and messy.
Leash train German shepherds.
Proper German shepherd leash training is vital in the process of German shepherd obedience training. It teaches your Shepherd dog to follow directions and to set boundaries on his behavior. You wouldn't want him to drag you while you are walking in the park, right?
German shepherds that are not leash trained are more likely to develop German shepherd aggression problems such as German shepherd biting and German shepherd jumping. As a leader, be the one to walk ahead your Shepherd so that he would recognize that you are his master. If you walk behind him, he might think that he is superior, thus, making it difficult for you to train him.
Furthermore, it is best to start German shepherd leash training during puppyhood since it would be very hard to control a heavy weight canine. Remember that German shepherds grow rapidly and are large-bodied.
German shepherd obedience training school.
Taking your Shepherd to a good German shepherd obedience training institution will provide him socialization opportunities with other canine breeds and human beings. Socializing will help him become tame and get attuned to someone or something that he does not often see.
Aside from that, he will also learn new things that a professional dog trainer may offer. This is one way of showing your German shepherd puppy your encouragement and support that will make it easier for him to become your guard dog.
Teach your German shepherd useful tricks.
In German shepherd obedience training, instructing your Shepherd puppy new tricks at an early age is one of the most challenging yet exciting things that you can do. It allows an opportunity for him to become more obedient and become a good follower.
Basic tricks you can teach your German shepherd include how to sit, heel, and stay. Teach him lessons one by one and begin with one-word commands to avoid confusing him. Keep in mind to fill your pocket with loads of treats and shower him with praises for every successful task.
Each and every day of your German shepherd obedience training, your German shepherd learns something from you, and at the same time, you will learn something from him. Once the main goal is reached, it will definitely make you one proud owner.
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