Friday, 5 August 2011

German Shepherd Dog Training

Wondering about German Shepherd Dog Training? Then you've come to the right place! I've had German Shepherds for as long as I can remember and to be honest I can't imagine what ti would be like to not have one. I love everything about them € their loyalty, beauty, intelligence, huggability € i could go on forever € but thats for another time. Here, without further ado, lets talk about German Shepherd dog training.

Right, first things first, why is training necessary? Its necessary for myriad reasons, chiefly so that you can get the most from your relationship with your dog, so that your dog will know who the boss is, so that the dog is controlled and you can trust it on its own with your new sofa, so that it doesn't scare children with its barks and it doesn't keep you awake at night howling. Again I could go on but I think you get the idea € its critical that your dog is trained.

It really is ideal to train it when its a pup and the older it is the more ingrained its behaviour will be, which makes it more difficult to train. Thats not to day that you can't train it when its older € its just that it is considerably more difficult. So whats the best way to train? Well you can certainly take it to a trainer or you can teach it yourself, all you need to do is learn a small amount of knowledge, and trust me its not difficult. Taking it to a trainer is fine but it can be a bit expensive and you may not get the satisfaction you would get from training it yourself.

So how do you learn how to train your dog? There have been a number of books written on the subject, some good, some not so good € the one I highly recommend is one that was written specifically for German Shepherds € as you know they have quite a unique temperament and so shouldn't be trained in the same was as say a terrier.

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