Originating from the Bavaria region, the German Shepherd was bred from local Shepherd dogs and originally contained a wire haired version as well. This dog was first registered in 1899 and has been a popular family pet and show dog ever since.
A large dog, weighing in at around 80 pounds, the German Shepherd is perhaps one of the most recognized of dog breeds. Typically having black and tan markings, the German shepherd has a large triangular head with wide upright years and almond shaped. His tale is bushy underneath and hangs halfway down his legs. while most people recognize the short coated variety, the German Shepherd actually comes in three types, the long-haired, the rough coated, and the long rough coated. Colors can be the typical black and tan, all-black, blue or white and liver. The white German Shepherd Is actually not a German shepherd breed but a separate breed called the American White Shepherd.
Of all the dog breeds, the German Shepard may be the hardest working. Due to his high intelligence and keen interest in learning he is often used for police work, to aid the blind, and search and rescue missions, and as guard dogs. As a family pet, he can be a loyal and loving friend. Most German shepherds get along well with children and other pets but you need to be sure that you pick your shepherd from a good breeder. this dog can be a bit protective of his family so you want to make sure he Is trained and socialized properly from the get-go.
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