The Miniature Pinscher is a breed with sleek, clean lines, well muscled and compact in build, whilst small in stature. They have square proportions and a clean-cut, well-chiseled frame. The coat is short and hard, with a smoothness that lies tight to the body and covers the dog from head to toe. The coat is easy to care for and is straight, coming in the colors: red (the most common), black and tan, or chocolate. The dog belongs to the Toy group, yet despite being a small breed, it possesses sturdiness, with a well developed chest, powerful thighs and a unique, high-stepping gait. The eyes of the Miniature Pinscher are dark, sometimes even black, with an oval appearance. Tails are usually docked, however in some countries this process is now illegal (the United Kingdom is one of these), nevertheless the tails base is set high on the back. Ears are also usually cropped (where allowed) and take on a triangular, erect shaped. This helps to give the dog an alert and intelligent demeanor. The muzzle of the Miniature Pinscher meets in a scissor bite and has surprising force for such a small dog. The nose is black and finishes a muzzle in proportion to the rest of the body. Their front legs are straight (dewclaws are normally removed), whilst their topline is level, or sloping slightly toward the rear. They have small cat-like paws. The high-stepping gate is also referred to as a hackney-like action and the Miniature Pinscher holds its head high and drives with power from the rear.
The Miniature Pinscher is an energetic, proud and lively breed of dog. They have a hardiness and courage that defies their small stature and they retain much loyalty to their masters. Proper leadership is a must in owning a sound and happy Miniature Pinscher. It has been said that they do better with one or two owners although they are able to bec ome part of families providing every member of the family is able to display an outranking of the dog within the home. The first stage in ensuring a happy relationship with your Miniature Pinscher is early socialization as a puppy with other dogs, humans and children in particular. Small dog Syndrome is a common occurrence with this breed as with many other Toy Breeds. It is a result of humans allowing smaller dogs to take on the pack leader role, by not ensuring correct discipline and behavior. It is more common in smaller dogs because there is a lesser feeling of immediate danger or concern when dealing with a far smaller animal. Lets face it a German Shepherd barking loudly and looking aggressive is probably going to warrant a more concerned attitude than a Miniature Pinscher would. Being a pack leader is a stressful job for a Miniature Pinscher in the human world and can lead to many unwanted behavior problems such as nipping or biting, persistent barking, dog aggression and suspicion toward strangers. Having said this, the Miniature Pinscher if trained properly and given the correct leadership can be a highly intelligent and highly trainable breed of dog. The Miniature Pinscher is also naturally territorial so it should be given a clearly defined place to sleep. They are in fact very keen to learn and please once their pack role has been established. If properly managed the Miniature Pinscher can make a fabulous and wonderful companion dog.
Miniature pinschers are one of the toybreeds that you would really love to have. It's amazing how this tiny creature could have that amount of energy in them.