Thursday, 18 August 2011

Six Pointers To Remember In Solving German Shepherd Puppy Chewing Problems

Although German shepherd puppies can be very fluffy, their German shepherd puppy chewing habit can be very infuriating and even destructive. You will find your valuable items like shoes and cushions being all chewed up and you end up buying new ones. However, before trying to stop this behavior, know that this comes normally and is expected in almost all canine breeds.

German shepherd puppy chewing can be either good or bad. It can occur due to boredom and teething which is a natural part of growth. Just like a human infant, German shepherd puppies use this action to explore things and to understand their surroundings. Out of curiosity, whatever things they find they tend to place inside their mouth, unaware of what can be dangerous, like electrical chords.

To prevent German shepherd puppy chewing from putting your best friend's life in danger, here are six pointers to remember.

Pointer one: Redirecting the German shepherd puppy chewing behavior rather th an putting an end to it can be very effective. If you once decide to bring a German shepherd puppy in your house, you may purchase along an interesting chew toy so that at the onset of this behavior, the possibility of getting worse can be omitted.

Other German shepherd puppy gadgets could also help replace the act so that when you catch your German shepherd chew over your slippers, for instance, he will get the idea of German shepherd chewing the other toy instead. In the long run, this German shepherd chewing habit will only be a thing of the past.

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