Saturday, 25 February 2012

Dangers Teacup Puppies Face - Shopping - Gifts

Everything seems to be getting smaller by the day. Not so long ago, people needed an entire room to set-up a computer. CPU's then were the size of closets. Today you might not even need a chair. And our fondness for diminutive objects has taken the dimensions of fetish. Whether it is our utter fascination with micro utilities or our engrossed stipulation for space, the smaller, the better. Even pets have to be petite. Gone are the days when mongrels, German shepherds, and bulldogs commanded market prices, status symbol and friendly doting. If at all, they make for good security measures. Teacup Chihuahuas are fast becoming the mainstays of America households. And its very name suggests that they are not bred to scare robbers away.

Lovable pets, size notwithstanding, are they different from any other dogs? Not necessarily. Teacup Chihuahuas bring with them diverse health related problems, as well. These Teacup Chihuahuas need extra care and special attention especially as teacup puppies and should always be checked out by a licensed veterinarian for thyroid and liver problems. Some problems that small dogs get relate to blood sugar levels, lack of moisture in the body and common respiratory problems.

Besides that, injury gets to teacup pets more seriously than other dogs. Imagine a teacup puppy silently sleeping on the sofa when a 200 lb woman accidentally sits on her. Though resilient, extra care is needed to keep from breaking small bones of these tiny creatures. Being small will most likely be a quality accessible to their small masters like small children who would not differentiate a teacup pet from a teacup that the child usually breaks every now and then. Since dogs often lick the ground, sometimes ingesting fertilizers, cleaning agents, and other harmful chemicals in their system. And this can be especially dangerous for teacup Chihuahuas. They also take the word "cool" to disquieting proportions. You might want to consider buying them sweaters; the weather also significantly affects Teacup Chihuahuas more than other breeds. So, if you do plan to accessorize them, think "sweater".

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