Sunday, 26 February 2012

le bouvier bernois - Web Design

Originally from Switzerland, the Bernese Mountain Dog's Tibetan Mastiff ancestor, the Roman soldiers took him to Europe in the legions to be assisted and protected. Subsequently, mating with many sheep dogs gave the Bernese Mountain Dogs that are translated into German by "fooled Sennenhund" which means "dog Alpine herdsman of Bern". This dog was indeed once used to transport milk from one farm to another.Last updated: August 2011Classification2/Section Group 3: Dogs Swiss Mountain and Cattle Bernard RaimondDate of publication of the original valid standard: 25.03.2003Character and behaviorThe Bernese Mountain Dog is very friendly, calm, docile and child-friendly. It is a very loving dog who needs the full attention of his master. He can be stubborn, but does not need special education compared to another race. It's a guard dog deterrent of its size but it will never be aggressive without reason. He does not need to do much exercise but still prefer the outdoor life.Health The Bernese Mountain Dog is a sturdy dog and his health does not pose any particular problem. However, large dogs can meet certain conditions such as hip dysplasia, the twisting of the stomach, lesions of the eyelids and ear infections.FoodThe Bernese Mountain Dog is a big eater, so be vigilant about the risk of overweight. Prefer croquettes, with 3 meals a day to one year and two meals a day as adults.GroomingThe Bernese Mountain Dog does not require special grooming needs but, from an early age, be brushed regularly with a wire brush (about 2 to 3 times per week). Concerning the baths, a year is enough.Standard- Size: 64 to 70 cm for males and from 58 to 66 cm for females.- Weight: 50 to 60 kg for males and from 40 to 45 kg for females.- Hair: it is semi-long, thick, slightly wavy and shiny.- Dress: it is light, black and tan with white on the head running (but not playoff spots that could be in the confirmation of the dog), chest and legs.- Eyes: almond shaped, dark brown eyes bright.- Ears: black, medium size, triangular with rounded tips, falling on the sides of the skull.- Tail: long, drooping, bushy and black.All Swiss Cattle Dogs were grouped under this name for convenience, but in reality they were used in multiple functions: from the herd in the care of the house and the sled. Today, especially in their country, they are also used as guide dogs and dogs as civil protection. For this reason they were classified as working dogs instead of being grouped with other Shepherds and Bouviers. He is calm, never unnecessarily aggressive, and very friendly. If it does not perform the function of guardian (to which it is worn), he is kind to everyone. He has a predatory instinct rather limited and it is likely that Swiss farmers have selected only dogs that attack or chickens or cats or rabbits.- Dress: it is light, black and tan with white on the head running (but not playoff spots that could be in the confirmation of the dog), chest and legs., mating with many sheep dogs gave the Bernese Mountain Dogs that are translated into German by "fooled Sennenhund" which means "dog Alpine herdsman of Bern". This dog was indeed once used to transport milk from one farm to another.

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