Scent hounds such as bloodhounds, beagles and foxhounds have historically aided hunters by following the scent trails left by their quarry. A diverse group skilled in a number of disciplines, most working breeds are robust, intelligent and headstrong, often unsuitable for apprentice owners. The crossing of bulldogs and terriers for the express purpose of creating fighting dogs has produced several dog breeds that can be dangerous in the wrong hands. The poodle is by far the most popular of the non-sporting breeds. To know more about these canine kinds, here are some areas to consider in selecting what mutt to adopt:
Herding dog breeds. Without the right training, some working dogs can be difficult to handle, even dangerous. Hound dog breeds. This group houses the sheepdogs and cattle dogs, including the amiable collie breeds and those regal kinds, the corgis. Some of the listed Working dog breeds are:Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Black Russian Terrier, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Doberman Pinscher, German Pinscher, Giant Schnauzer, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Komondor, Kuvasz, Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Portuguese Water Dog, Rottweiler, Saint Bernard Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Standard Schnauzer, Tibetan Mastiff. Consequently, these owners should also give them "work" that rewards their instincts. Very bright and rather determined breeds such as Rottweilers, Dobermans and Akitas have become extremely popular, even trendy. Unlike mixes, crossbreeds have clear roots - often evident by looking back just one genera tion. Their individual skills, original purposes and temperaments are almost as varied as their origins. Non-sporting dog breeds. It now serves only as a loving, albeit somewhat deskbound companion.
THE ANATOMY OF A CANINEMost dogs are able to detect scents and tastes that are beyond human perception, but some breeds have especially acute sensory skills. Species such as wolves that inhabit cold climates sport double coats, with a thick, insulating underlayer to retain heat and keep the cold at bay. The bloodhound can follow a four-day-old track using its highly developed sense of smell. Wire-Haired. As omnivores, canids need a variety of specialized teeth to eat the different types of foods in their varied diets. Called thermoregulation, this ability allows canids to thrive in all types of climates, from the subarctic to the Sahara. Pricked Ears. Ears are third-quarters tipped over facing forward. But among domestic dogs, selective breeding has produced a number of different ear types, each with its own names, courtesy of dog breeders, fanciers and kennel clubs. The arctic fox, on the other hand, has minuscule ears to minimize the effects of the frigid weather in its northern homeland. Scent.
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