Monday, 27 February 2012

Dog Obedience Training - Home

MAKE THE PUPS KNOW WHO'S IN CHARGEThey are man's best friend, as they saycute and cuddly, intelligent and witty, lean and furry.

HUNTING THE RIGHT HOUNDThat's part of the fun. The crossing of bulldogs and terriers for the express purpose of creating fighting dogs has produced several dog breeds that can be dangerous in the wrong hands. These fiery little dynamos would dig up underground dens and burrows while barking furiously, forcing the inhabitants out where hunters awaited. But without the right training and socialization, and in irresponsible hands, these can be dangerous dogs. These canine workers can round up both children and adults alike into corners or even tight circles. Because they're all related, all of the 400 or so breeds are capable of interbreeding. In true mixed breeds, the dog's ancestry is next to impossible to predict, although many people can't help but try to guess. Unlike mixes, crossbreeds have clear roots - often evident by looking back just one generation. Unfortunately, the sheer popularity of some of the sporting breeds, most notably cocker spaniels but also Labrador an d golden retrievers, has led to a rise in health and behavioural problems. A diverse group skilled in a number of disciplines, most working breeds are robust, intelligent and headstrong, often unsuitable for apprentice owners. Terrier dog breeds. Some of the listed Working dog breeds are:Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Black Russian Terrier, Boxer, Bullmastiff, Doberman Pinscher, German Pinscher, Giant Schnauzer, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Komondor, Kuvasz, Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastiff, Newfoundland, Portuguese Water Dog, Rottweiler, Saint Bernard Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Standard Schnauzer, Tibetan Mastiff. Those seeking one out, however, are cautioned when choosing a dog bred for the racetrack. This group has a variety of both behavioural and physical-a history of hunting assistance often being the only regular bond among some of the hound breeds. Its name origins from the Latin terra, meaning "for earth", most terriers were originally bred to "go to ground" after burrowing vermin, larger rodents and even foxes.

THE ANATOMY OF A CANINERose Ears. Sixteen sharp premolars, including the carnassials, allow the dog to cut and slice flesh, while ten powerful, grinding molars mean the dog can chew the non-flesh parts of its diet-typically vegetables, other vegetation and grains. But variations in certain sub-species of the wolf are thought to be responsible for the wide variety of coat patterns and colours found in domestic dogs today. Four toe pads and claws are located below the toes on the underside of a dog's paw. Wolves have remarkably thick, two-layered coats to protect them from extreme weather. Even the size of a canid's ears plays a part in temperature control. Most hound dogs feature hanging or pendant ears, while many terriers have semi-erect button ears in which the tips fold over and hang in a V-shape, partially covering the opening. Such hot-weather species as the fennec fox, a tiny African desert dweller, sports oversized ears to maximize heat loss. The lolling tongue incr eases the surface area where evaporation can take place. How would our dog eat? Take their mechanical grinding machine into your consideration too- their teeth. Long Hair.

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