Saturday, 14 April 2012

Causes of Canine Epilepsy - Self Help

Before know about causes of canine epilepsy, you should know about the disease of canine epilepsy. Epilepsy is originated in every original types and varied types of dogs. Among the different classes, Belgian Tervueren is listed for a hereditary reason which is either vastly assumed or proved. Other types, which are listed, such as the Dachshund, Beagle, Keeshond, Alsatian, and German Shepherd Dog. A soaring occurrence of attack is as well found in Cocker Spaniels, Boxers, Golden Retrievers, Collies, Saint Bernards, Labrador Retrievers, Irish Setters, Poodles, Miniature Schnauzers, Wire-Haired Terriers and Siberian Huskies. In the common dog inhabitants, the occurrence of epilepsy has been predictable from 5 to 5.7%.

In 1983, a growth statement on canine epilepsy study carried out by the American Belgian Tervuren Club in collaboration with John Oliver, Jr., DVM, which found that 21% (57) out of 268 Tervueren studied, had bared more than one attack. The instigators of that statement said that, "At this moment, we think that there is enough proof for the possible hereditary basis of attacks in Tervuren that is a matter of concern for the breeders". But, sadly, this study was suspended.

The main causes of canine epilepsy are neurological problems in the dog. Rather than that there are also other causes of canine epilepsy. The other causes include distemper, tumors and toxins. The full description of above causes of canine epilepsy is given below.


Distemper is a viral illness which can damage the brain of the dog. This state of dog generally has an effect on puppies in the age from three to eight months. Through get in touch with feces, urine, hands and saliva, distemper can be spread. It also can be spread all the way through the air. The symptoms in the dog caused by distemper generally come about two to three weeks following the dog has primarily been exposed to the virus.

Brain Tumors

Another causes of canine epilepsy in dog is brain tumors. Brain tumors are rarely accountable in causes of canine epilepsy. Tumors can reach to the brain from other appendages in the body or produce in brain tissues. If those tumors put stress on the brain with their expansion, then it will cause canine epilepsy in dog.


One of the most general causes of canine epilepsy in dog is the intake of toxins. There is a good chance of recovery in case of your dog may be possible after ingesting some toxins, particularly when it is noticed promptly. On the other hand, other toxins have a pitiable diagnosis. Familiar toxins that are causes of canine epilepsy in dog include insecticides, paint chips, rat poison and chocolate.

There are also other causes of canine epilepsy in dogs rather than above three. Canine epilepsy is most likely the most normally spotted arrest disorder, but other reasons of canine epilepsy in dogs need to be listed also. These are as follows. * liver disorders* encephalitis* poisons* encephalopathies (brain disorders)* hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)* electrolyte irregularities in the blood like low calcium intensities* hypothyroidism

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