Supplying your pet with a pet id tag will not prevent it from escaping but it will significantly increase the chances of you finding your pet again. So please do not delay getting your dog id tag or cat id tag ! If you have lost your loved companion, you must put up posters in your neighbourhood as soon as possible. The sooner you know your dog is missing the quicker you can act and the more you increase the chances that your find your pet.Make sure you always have a recent clear photo of your pet. You may want to take a few shots including close-ups of its face and a few full body poses. The posters you put up in your neighbourhood must have clear pictures of your pet. Add good size clear pictures. Avoid photocopies of photocopies of photocopies. At this day and age it is a synch to get good quality pictures. The posters must contain all important information: phone number, name of pet, and anything specific about the pet. Put up posters in places where there is a lot of traffic and close to where your dog has disappeared. If your animal has escaped from your home, make sure that your neighbours are aware of and ask if them if they have seen your pet. The children of your neighbours will be attracted to a nice dog or cat and may even pet it if they can. So children can be of great help in your research.You can also advertise in local newspapers. However, this may take time, especially if your dog is gone for the weekend and that the newspaper's offices are closed. When you publish ads, it is important to know if your pet is a male or a female. Describe the color of its fur and any particular sign that would draw attention to him. Be sure to include his name. It can also be useful to mention the size of your pet especially if it is a dog: very small (chihuahua), small (Poodle), medium (beagle), large (German Shepherd) or very large (German Mastiff). Photos can be misleading.There are also websites which specify in pet losses so make sure you browse your local web sites to find the most suitable site. The advantage of posting on the web is that you can post your ad almost immediately and web ads are likely to be cheaper (even free !) that the newspaper.In your efforts, remember to mention any health problems your pet has. If someone finds your dog thinking it was a stray animal, they may decide quickly to undertake special veterinary treatments which are not suitable or necessary for your pet. You can also specify the age of your pet.In your ads or posters, highlight how important it is for the whole family to find your pet safe and sound. If you have the budget, you can promise a small reward to the one who finds dog. Make sure to check if your pet is not in a pound or with the municipality and make sure to stick posters in shelters and SPA near you. If your pet wears a collar or a chip, be sure to specify that on your posters.
At the TheTagStudio dot com we are big proponents of prevention. So make sure you always know where your pet is and make sure you take all the necessary measures to prevent your pet from escaping.
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