Monday, 16 April 2012

Youth Icebreakers: Action Bingo (Enhanced) - Art - Visual Art

Can you perform all the action on the list before someone else? It's wacky and silly fun for everyone. Have a digital camera ready for some really crazy snapshots!

DescriptionParticipants compete to be the first to perform all the actions on the list

ResourcesWorksheet and pen or pencil for each participant

PreparationPreprint the worksheet. Items can be arranged in a normal bingo grid or simply as a list for simplicity.

Some possible items are:

What to Do

Taking it to the Next LevelEmbarrassed?

One of our greatest fears is the fear of being embarrassed. We don't want to lose the respect of others or to be the subject of ridicule. But anything worthwhile in life carries with it some risk. You usually have to go out on a limb to get the fruit. Everything worthwhile in life lies outside of your comfort zone. Some of the greatest achievements in history took place because men and women were not afraid to risk embarrassment and ridicule to reach for their dreams! Its a good thing the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Louis Pasteur, Christopher Columbus and others werent afraid of ridicule. Otherwise we wouldnt have planes, light bulbs, vaccines, and many of the other technological marvels we enjoy today!

ApplicationDon't be afraid to reach for your dreams! Write down at least one of your dreams and put them up someplace where you will see them everyday!

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