A puppy is a juvenile dog. The puppies are cute, lovely. Bringing a new puppy into one's home will change life forever because puppies create joyful environment all the time. There are various sizes of puppies and their weights are also different. The weight of the puppies depends on their sizes. Some puppies may weigh 1-3 lb (0.45-1.4 kg).a larger puppy can weigh up to 15-23 lb (6.8-10 kg).after birth; the all healthy puppies grow very quickly. When puppy grows older the puppy's coat color may change. a puppy is a future companion .PUPPIES can also do many important tasks .such as, puppy can find the thing which you are looking for. The characters of puppies' are also different. When one has found the right puppy, he will know he has a friend for life. So, one should find a perfect puppy.
There are many categories of puppies. Such as border collie, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Dalmatia, Doberman, French Bulldog, Fox Terrier, Golden Retriever , German Shepherd, Jack Russell , Great Dane and Lhasa Apso etc. The all puppies are cute and friendly. But among all, one can choose an Australian Cattle Dog. This puppy is so special and it can be ones most intimate friend as it is so clever and quick learner. These puppies are special for their awesome body color coat. The Australian cattle dog is intelligent, medium in size and loyal. So they can be a great family companion. These puppies can also perform as guard dog. Because they have sharp instincts and a determination to do the best job possible. If they are trained, they can protect owner and property without being aggressive. One should also take care of these PUPPIES carefully. The coat of the puppies needs a brush on weekly basis to keep the undercoat in better condition and reduce excess she dding. For keeping clean, the Aussie cattle dogs are required to clean per month. But one has to check the undercoat for ticks and the ears for infection regularly.
One should keep in mind that, an Australian Cattle Dog will get very depressed if left alone for long duration. So, one should be careful about that. This Australian cattle dog is a quick learner.
The key of the heart of this puppy is through attention and affection - they'll do anything for a pat! These dogs are also highly active. They can run 50km a day. This puppy can also play with ball very nicely. So, this lovely puppy cans absolutely create a joyful environment in one's family. You must show to your pet that you love and care for him like your own child.
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