Sunday, 5 February 2012

Web Marketing Strategy 5: Use Backlinks For Your Main Off Page SEO Marketing - Business - Business Ideas

The main goal of a Web Marketing Strategy is generating traffic to your blog or website. Google is one the main platform used to generate traffic using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or PPC. SEO is based on a number of factors, such as your targeted keywords, content and back links. A back links is an anchored text leading back to your blog or website from another blog or website. It is very important that you are congruent with your keywords. If your article is about German shepherd dogs, then your web or splash pages should be about German shepherd dogs.

Back links are like power juice to your site the more links the better chance that your blog or website will rank on Google. Each back links represent that people like your content and/are sharing it. The only problem is that not all back links are created equal, Google evaluate the strength of the link based on where it originate. If that was the case then you could just make an unlimited amount of blogs or websites and make a multitude of in bound links.

A forum posts on would carry more weight than one from a forum that is a spammer paradise. Betternetworker has a great reputation for providing great content for its readers. The more stringent the forum "police" is on spammers the better chance that your back links in the form of your signature file would rank better in Google's eyes.

There are many different strategies to generate back links and are listed below in no particular order:

1. Buying Links* irrelevancy possible locations that your links will be placed on, ice cream next to oil for example

2. Directories* More relevant than buying links because links are placed in your targeted categories

3. Forum posts* good link juice but poor link quality in spammy forums

4. Blog commenting* good link juice same issue as Forums

5. Content Swaps* excellent link juice

6. Article and Content publishing* good link juice and loses link strength because of blog roll

7. RSS & Social Book Marking

8. Profile pages

9. Web 2.0 properties

The 9 listed methods listed above have different advantages and disadvantages associated with them. The best method is content swaps with another blogger for instance. You appear as a guest blogger on his or her blog and he or she does the same thing on your blog. The blog posts will have each author's anchor text in bound links in each of them respectively. This is truly the truest form of link juice that you can receive.

RSS, Social book marking, profile pages and Web 2.0 properties are probably the weakest right now. It remains to be seen how Google will change the rules regarding Social Media. Facebook, Twitter and others are growing in leap and bound. Google can not ignore this trend so empty profiles pages might start effecting your page rank while active participation in these communities will increase your page rank.

The ultimate prize is to generate traffic to your blog or website, but the next task at hand is to convert them to subscribers or business partners. The next aspect of your Web Marketing Strategy and S.E.O is your on page organization. The building of back links are more of the off page activities. The way you have your blog or website set up is the next phase in converting traffic. The next tip will focus on the on page activities. Google ranks pages and not website so having the right blend of relevancy is very important.

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